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Xiomi is the world 4th largest smartphone producer who named themselves as
China’s Apple product. It introduced a smartphone in India in July 2014 via
Flipkart, the unexpected demand made them book a separate logistic flight with
full of Xiomi mobile to sell in India. They have satisfied their customer with high
built quality. After getting a million of customers now they diversifying as Smart
home device ecosystem consist of Air purifier, Water purifier, and Cloth pear
fresh air mask which can be monitored and controlled by Mi home application.
Mi Air purifier 2:
It opts with the tagline of Smart way to breath. It designed as simple and elegant
purifier offers 310 m3 per hour clean air delivery rate and take just 10 minutes to
circulate purified air in a 21 m2 room. The 360-degree triple layer design filter
can remove particle larger than 0.3 micrometers with a high-density filter from
Japanese manufacturer Toray. The activated carbon filter removes formaldehyde
and bad odor from the air. The home app will notify the customer when the filter
needs to be replaced. The filter replacing also a eased by open and insert
method so all can replace it by purchasing a new filter for 2500 Rupee. The Mi air
purifier cost 10000 INR.

Mi water purifier:
The simple and compact designed purifier of a base area smaller than A4 sheet
have 4 filtration layer with ultrafine Reverse Osmosis technology. The concept is
like taking water from the tap because there is no storage tank to keep water
free from bacteria and contamination. This water purifier has creatively
engineered to have high flux flow of 1 liter per minute with water production of
50%. The water quality of home and TDS value can check from the mobile app. It
is available only at china currently at 1299 Yuan.
Cloth pear fresh air mask:

The Xiomi has launched its anti-pollution air mask in china for 89 Yuan (900 INR)
with an overall weight of 50 gram. The filter made of delicate materials which are
able to achieve PM 2.5 filtration efficiency up to 99%. It has Ultra-thin fan with
three level speed option and ON/OFF the fan using the button on the module.
The fan is powered by lithium ion battery which takes 4 to 8 hours for full charge.

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