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Ladies and gentleman!

Toady you’ll not find me a person but rather a voice, a voice of all those 217
million people out there who have been suffering from this menace of corruption
since 1947, A voice of a father whose daughter was abducted and raped while our
so called police did nothing because they were so busy filling up their bellies, A
voice of all those mothers whose sons got burnt in Baldia town factory because our
leaders were starving and couldn’t help pathetic extortion, A voice of those
incredibly adorable children who fell into the ditch and died while our honorable
municipal was counting the unused funds of development that never took place.
And let me tell you my dearest audience! It’s not just them but corruption affects
us all. It threatens sustainable economic development, ethical values and justice; it
destabilizes our society and endangers the rule of law. It undermines the
institutions and values of our democracy. But because public policies and public
resources are largely beneficial to poor people, it is they who suffer the harmful
effects of corruption most grievously. It is they who are completely dependent on
the government for housing, healthcare, education, security and welfare, and it is
they who are the most vulnerable to corruption and the worst part is Year after year
after year, it’s the same. It only grew stronger.
People are dying Mr. President and along with that Pakistan is dying too.
Mr. President, and my dear audience in this situation of dark ages, tough
stagnation, and deprived economy Youth is our last resort because they’re the
ones, we’re the ones who’ll be holding the country in approaching years yet the
belief that we’re ready for it is quite shaking.
The Youth are the building blocks in the economic and social development of a
nation Nonetheless, situation is not that optimistic in Pakistan, a country where
more than fifty percent population is comprised of youth is still trailing far behind
as compared to other super nations of the world. Major reason behind this dilemma
is that our youth has lost its national pride and do not even think about the
prosperity of this country because a huge percentage of young people do not even
want to live in this country. Mr. President I’m so sorry to be blunt and pessimist
here but it’s the truth, the reality that no one wants to admit. We are living in a
mere delusion of fake optimism with quite a shattered belief.
Maybe the role of youth in Pakistan’s future isn’t the right question, the right
question would be “do we have a future”. What I want everyone here to do is ask
themselves why the youth is so hopelessly pessimistic? Why is the crime rate
rising? Why are student suicides increasing? Why is the drug abuse prevalent in
youngsters? What role do the previous generations have in bringing us to this
point? And after hearing all of this, can you even blame the youth for not trying?
Especially since the youth has been miserably failed at the hands of the previous
generations because they’ve deprived the youth of the necessities like clean air and
water! In the wake of the depleting ozone layer, piling plastic waste, the burning
amazon and the economic downturn all we have been offered are empty promises
to the point that the only plausible way forward seems for the youth to take control
of their own future and take the roads. And for that we need to educate them and
provide them opportunities.
All in all the role of youth is to end the miserable silence, question the status quo
and ask for their rights because if not now than when and if not the youth then
who? After all, it’s NOW or NEVER.
Thank you.

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