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Craft, word and deliver a 15-minute sermon which addresses one of the issues which had been

dealt with in this class. The student may choose to deliver in the language of his/her preference.
The sermon must contain the following

• Scripture Text
• Introduction and Summary Statement
• Main body
• Conclusion and Charge
• Prayer

I am allowing you to prepare this "sermon" in whatever form. If you think you will be
addressing youth, for example then you may want to NOT present a sermon, but an interactive
Bible Study style of teaching…

I would like you to try any method of communication, not just preaching, using any one chapter
of the Hustad book, which interests you. I know the original timing given was 15mins. but I am
willing to reduce this timing. Please do make my grading a more pleasant experience… you
must give me nuggets to give you points on. In this case, timing isn't everything… content and
analysis are.

Sermon Title: Stay with Scriptures

Text: 1 Timothy 1:3-7

1 Timothy 1:3-7 (ESV)
3 As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you
may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, 4 nor to devote
themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather
than the stewardship from God that is by faith. 5 The aim of our charge is love
that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Certain
persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, 7
desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are
saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.

Proposition: Let us worship the Lord in truth for He is a truthful God.

We live in a world where Christianity is divided in so many ways. Divisions
over worship expressions, doctrinal issues, liturgy, musical styles, etc. have
bombarded the Christian world. We are divided by denomination—Evangelicals,
Protestants, Pentecostals, Baptists, Presbyterians, Wesleyans, etc. Each of the
denominations has it's own distinctive including worship expressions and
theological biases. We as music pastors must be aware of these issues and stand
firm in theological truths revealed in God’s Word. In the early times of the Church,
believers are not exempted from these issues. Paul’s letter to Timothy bears the
theme that the gospel leads to a practical, visible change in believers' lives. The true
gospel, in contrast to false teaching, must and will always lead to godliness. Paul
advised his coworker Timothy about issues in the church in Ephesus. He focused
on the first chapter about false teachers who are the main cause of the letter.
Their teaching involved incorrect assumptions about the law and not
allowing marriage and certain foods. Paul's real concern is with the results of
false teaching. Paul focuses on the fact that true Christianity is shown in lifestyles
shaped by the gospel. Those whose lives are not shaped by the gospel have
turned away from the faith.

Summary Statement: Truth is important to God, and should be important to us

believers. Any worship forms and expressions attributing to the one true God
must be propelled and guided by the theological truths found in His written
revelation, the scriptures. It is to be characterized by words of faith – the words of

Main body
We can see two realities in Paul’s charge to Timothy which are

Two Realities in Paul’s Charge to Timothy

1. The Content of the Command

a. Teach No Other Doctrine
We see Paul urging Timothy to “charge some that they teach no other doctrine”; no other
doctrine, obviously, than that which he had taught them. In 1 Tim. 6:3-5 he closes his epistle by
saying: If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound[b] words of our
Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, 4 he is puffed up with conceit
and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about
words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions……imagining that godliness is a
means of gain"
Even during Paul times the teaching of the wrong doctrine prevailed, religious leaders have
substituted the word of God with other messages and that is what has bewildered and divided the
church and ripened it for the apostasy.

b. Charge Other Believers

One of the primary purposes of First Timothy is to charge Timothy to expose and rebuke
false teachers. Timothy is commanded by Paul to stand against false teachers, to guard the truths
of God entrusted to his care, and to fight the good fight of faith. He is to do this by studying to
show himself approved, by teaching faithful men, by not neglecting his spiritual gift, by being an
example of the believer, and by giving heed to sound doctrine.
So we as believers, we have been commanded by God to serve in His mission with
courageous conviction - militancy is a mandate from God, without which we will fail our
mission. The evidence of our militancy is steadfastness in proclaiming God's truth and exposing
those who deny and compromise it and separate from them.
c. Do Not Devote to Myths and Endless Genealogies
Myths are traditions not found in the scriptures, which add to or contradict biblical teaching. Not
all traditions are bad, but those which conflict with God's word certainly are it is ok to discuss
the myths, but far worse is to be devoted to them.

The idea of genealogies connects with Pharisaical tradition. Jewish religious leaders
prided themselves on having a family heritage connected to Abraham or some other important
Jewish forefather. Genealogies are important in Scripture but are not part of making a person
more holy in the eyes of God. In Christ, Jews and Gentiles who believed became one family
based on the work of Jesus rather than works of the law. This was why Paul could write he was,
"a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth" (1 Timothy 2:7)

2. The Purpose of the Command

a. Love from a pure heart
b. Love from a good conscience
c. Love from sincere faith
Paul wants the believers to be "filled with the love that comes from a pure heart, a
clear/good conscience, and a sincere faith". So if our fellowship or church is filled with this kind
of gentle instruction, then Praise God for the Blessings. If it is not then we should start thinking
about what to do about it. We should not waste our time arguing With irreverent, silly myths,
rather train ourself for godliness (1 timothy 7)

Like Paul encourages and teaches Timothy, we also have to encourage everyone to obey them.
Thou some may disagree with our teaching but this is the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus
Christ. It promotes a godly life and anyone who does not adhere to this teaching is arrogant and
lacks understanding.


In conclusion, let us preach the right doctrine, adhere to it. Let us have the courage to
charge the stand against the false teaching to guard the truth. It is good to discuss the myths but
let us not devote and based our faith on the myth.

Paul encourages and teaches timothy to let us also love one another with the loves that
come from a pure heart a good conscience and with sincere faith.

Charge: Will we be bold enough to stand against the false teaching to guard the truth?

Prayer: Let us pray

Father God, we thank you for the time we were able to look through your word and
teachings. Though we live in a land of theological confusion, we have to seek the truth and
adhere to the right teachings of your word. Help us to seek the truth and give us the
courage to stand against the heresy. Cleanse our hearth lord so that we may be able to
continue loving each other with pure heart, with a good conscience, and with sincere faith
till your kingdom come. AMEN.

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