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Digital Learning Day Project

Extending the learning environment

Step 1: Identify your standard(s). Select a standard that would support a 3-4 day
learning experience. You may even involve standards from other content areas once you
begin to design your project. Students will be allowed to work at their own pace.

ELAGSEKRL3 With prompting and support,

identify characters, settings, and major events in a
Image is linked to GaDOE

Step 2: Collect and/or create materials to support the learning

activity. This serves as a time for you to identify a variety of materials to support the UDL
principles - reaching the marginal learners within your class. Find a variety of resources to
support your learners: video, audio, interactive sites, games, articles and websites for
researching information, assessment tools, etc. this video will be used to introduce

the concept. This resource is used as a practice

tool for students to use.
Setting-and-Major-Events-3435542 This graphic organizer will be used as a formative

I will use nearpod to deliver the lesson content for online learning. The slides will
display links and instructions on what is expected for the corresponding day. I will create a quiz on Nearpod to monitor the student's
learning and understanding. This will be another formative assessment I will use with
the students.

I would create videos of myself to share instructions alongside the written ones. This
would help auditory learners understand better.
Step 3: Assessments? What resources and/or tools will you use within your project
to provide feedback to students? What formative assessments do you plan to use for this
project? What summative assessment do you plan to have in place? If your summative is a
final project, you will discuss that in the next step. (Socrative, Kahoot!, GimKit, Flippity,
Flipgrid, online games, GooseChase, etc.)

The formative assessment I plan to use for the students is a graphic organizer.
Setting-and-Major-Events-3435542) This will allow students to organize their thoughts
and make connections. Once the students have completed their graphic organizer,
they will upload a copy to me. I will review each student’s work and provide them with
feedback via zoom. If they are unable to chat through zoom, I will email them a video
of myself sharing feedback and any additional information that may benefit them in
this task.

Step 4: Final assessment (your ultimate goal for this activity).

Discuss what students will be doing to demonstrate mastery of the standard(s) being
addressed in your project. This is a great time to “bump up” the Bloom’s level!

I can identify the setting of a story.

I can identify characters in a story.
I can identify the major events that take place in a story.
I know all stories have characters, settings, and major events.

The summative assessment that the student will complete is a story map.
They can create a physical or digital one to display their knowledge of the

Step 5: BUILD your project. For this activity, you will design a Digital Learning Day
project for your students. This activity should provide enough work to address a 3-4 day
school closing. Be sure to verify with your School District’s policies to help you design an
appropriate project (topic and time required) for the project.

Select a presentation tool to help you format the layout of your project. If you select “Other”,
please obtain permission from your instructor prior to starting your project. Each topic is linked
to an informational website.
Nearpod Wakelet HyperDocs Choice Boards

Coronavirus support
Updates/New tools

(Obtain instructor permission prior to beginning your project.)

Step 6: Submit your project for evaluation.

1. Provide your professor with a “Shared Link” to this document.

2. Set up your Online Learning page within your Weebly. Be creative, but make
sure the following items are on your page:
● Two paragraph overview discussing the value of Digital Learning Days
within the learning environment, your views and expectations for Digital
Learning Day projects, or any other thoughts you would like to share
about your project. Hopefully, some of the informational activities you
completed above will help you provide this overview. What steps will you
take to promote FERPA, CIPA, and COPPA regulations? Do you feel
this is a method you might use for your “Sick Day Substitute Folder”
activities? Working through this activity to create a Digital Learning
project, have you acquired a different view toward the value of online
● Image of the product you selected to help present the Digital Learning
Day project to your students and a short overview of that tool.
● Embed, link, or use a screenshot to provide access to the Digital
Learning Day project you completed.

Step 7: Reflective Practice

After completing this project, provide a short reflective overview of your learning
experience while learning about and designing a Digital Learning Day project. Share
your views of the tool, its value within the educational environment, and possibly your
classroom. (Remember to provide a shared link of this document to your professor.)

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