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Name That Person

Pass out small pieces of paper or notecards to each student and tell them to write down two facts

about themselves on the card without writing their name on them. Collect the cards in a basket and

mix them up before redistributing them to the students. Students take turn reading out the facts from

the note card and the other students guess which person wrote the card.

Variation: Instead of writing them down on notecards, have them discuss their facts with a partner.

After groups have had some time to discuss, come back together as a whole class. The partners will

take turns sharing facts and the rest of the class has to guess which partner the fact is about! Give a

point to the partners who guess the facts correctly and a point to the partners who are able to fool the


Move if You… -

Have students sit in a large circle with one person in the middle. The middle person calls out for a

certain group of people to move — for example, “Move if you have brown hair” or “Move if you have

been to another country.” If the students fit the criteria, they must run to a new seat in the circle. The

one student left standing is in the middle for the next round.

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