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1. Bogota: like the Phoenix rebirth from the ashes of the conflicts
2. Bogota: the United capital of Colombia.
3. Bogota: this special sensation to be part of the change.

Main Idea:

At the end of the last year Colombia has been affected by different economic and social
problems. All these situations have resulted in Paro Nacional 21 N.
Existing different forces and parties which guide Colombian people sometimes these
people interfere in a bad way the protest Marches in Which real people demonstrate the
union of the country, but these infiltrated people create chaos and give a terrible image
of our army forces of our government and even more of our Colombian people.
Finally the most important is that. People representing all Colombians protesting in
Bogota have unique energy. Demonstrate that in Bogota the Colombian people is good
represented because the bogotanos support the problematics of all the regions in the
different parts of Colombian and no matter the consequences, Next day people continue
working giving all the energy to transform Colombia in a better place because Bogota
as capital of Colombia we'll always have a new morning to continue dreaming.


● the start of the national strike and civic protests known as Paro Nacional
● moments for reflection and reconciliation
● the epicenter of the polarization and social discord is BOGOTA
● the vast majority of Bogotanos try to end the year with some sense of “normal.”
● political ambition by leftist leaders and organizations to pressure and even
destabilize the democratically elected government of President Iván Duque
● translated on the street has resulted in more than 350 civilians injured and one
student dead due to the marches.
● security forces attacked in the line of duty during days and nights of confrontation
with masked vandals.
● The objectives of the violent episodes of Paro Nacional opaque the true value of
social protest to achieve a national dialogue that includes all parties.
● The strike committee has opposed expanding the dialogue on reforms to
education, pensions and taxation with the greater business community.


● #21N is not the culmination of the student protests in favor of more state funding,
but a continuation of demands presented to the previous administration of
President Juan Manuel Santos. The timing of the Paro Nacional.
● Similar situation in Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador wasn’t a coincidence.
● The economic consequences of the Paro Nacional have been felt across the
socio-economic spectrum, impacting sales for industrialists and small businesses
● the personal safety of millions of commuters who were forced to walk long
distances at night – without any public transport – to reach their workplaces and
● The dedicated men and women of Bogotá are the true heroes of a strike
● impacting the livelihoods of the most vulnerable in society.
● Colombia is a nation of staunch aspirational values, where hard work is rewarded
with certain comforts and community recognition.
● Bogotá to defend personal possessions and property from alleged vandals to
understand the instinctive mindset of Colombians to protect all that they have
worked for.


● Trade unions to march in unison against the government is a common practice

that tends to end with pacts forged on key issues: from increasing the minimum
wage and greater protection of workers’ rights.
● Paro Nacional had no intention of ending November 21 in Plaza de Bolívar.
● positive aspects to this strike, beginning with the consolidation among many
Colombians of an already strong national pride.
● Bogotá is a resilient city that recovers quickly from events aimed at damaging its
hard-earned reputation and entrepreneurial spirit.
● our focus should now be on celebrating our cultural diversity and assimilation.

Colombia is a very important country in the South America region but at the end of the
last year Colombian people have been suffering from different internal conflicts resulting
in important time to make a reflection and also a reconciliation. And Bogota as a capital
of the Colombia is the epicentric of all this different protest and the different members
and parts of the strikes travel from all around the country to represent their people, It is
important to recognize that the government Feel the pressure of all of this situation
trying to destabilize the democracy, But this internal situation result in many people
walking down the street marching and protesting in a legal form for a good economical
situation and a better quality of life. In Colombia a problem is also observed during the
protest and the Marches that as people were injured also the army forces were too, by
these infilterd bad elements, who take the opportunity to create chaos, Focusing on
depreciating the real intentions of the protest. But the principal objective is always to
achieve a national dialogue among the parties and to guarantee the peace and
confidence of the colombian people.
On the other hand is important to mention that the entire region of South America is
suffering similar situations and this is not a coincidence these problematics are
referring to Global Issues and it Means that these situation it is not only related with our
actual president but the previous ones and the impact has been being felt by the
industry the small business and in general the economic of our country, here the real
heroes are the people who work every day and every night to maintain their families and
the economy in their homes, Colombia is a beautiful country with excellent values here
we hard work we pretend to defend our community and also the recognition we have in
the region.
All the members affected by this situation send their representatives and travel long
distances in order to reach Bogota the capital on the principle epicentric of protests and

As the capital of the country Bogota will always have support for all the Colombian
people and fortunately Bogota rebirth of the ashes after the different conflicts, during
our history.

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