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Thruxton Circuit, Hampshire, UK

This is a nearly finished version of Thruxton that I've been building on and off over the last couple
of years, it quite often gets left for several months before I find the time and inclination to spend a
few hours working on it, it has got to the stage where I decided to release it as it's just sitting on
my hard drive doing nothing. A slightly different version of it was released at a few sites some
months back for beta testing but I got so little feedback I thought I'd just let everyone else have a

This track has 3d crowds which can be disabled by lowering track detail, it also has an invisible high
density track mesh which is more of an experiment than anything else so I'll be interested to see
how it works for people.

Hope you like and enjoy the track and I'll try to check in and see what issues people have found (I
fully expect this to struggle on low end PC's)

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