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The Origins of Electronic Music

Author(s): Karlheinz Stockhausen

Source: The Musical Times, Vol. 112, No. 1541 (Jul., 1971), pp. 649-650
Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd.
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The Origins of Electronic Music
Karlheinz Stockhausen

This article was written by Stockhausen on 13 named-to which we should add Nono, Maderna,
September 1970 in response to a letter from Douglas Berio (from c 1956)and HenriPousseur(from 1953)
M. Davis of 'Newsweek' asking about the origins of -regarded Cage's work as combinatoriallyinter-
electronic music. It was not printed in that journal; esting but musicallybanal or merely dilettante.
and Stockhausen wishes his statement on the subject Theseearliestsound-compositionsusingsine tones
to be brought before the musical public. resulted from intensive correspondence between
Goeyvaerts,who was living in Antwerp,and myself
Electronicmusic began in Cologne in 1952-3. The in Paris (it was only a question of individual
first composition to use synthetic sounds derived sounds, not yet of 'music'in any sense). We wanted
from sine tones was my ElectronicStudyI Scarcely absolutely pure, controllable sounds without the
anybody in Americais now aware of this; they act subjectiveemotional influenceof 'interpreters'.We
as though it had droppedout of the Americansky were intimatelyacquaintedwith the 'tape music' of
at some time or other. Your questionstouch upon a Ussachevskyand Luening,at ColumbiaUniversity,
most deplorablehabit which is regrettablybringing and with the first sound experiments at Bonn
'the Americans'into increasingdisreputein the rest Universityin 1951of Dr Meyer-Eppler,the phoneti-
of the world: intellectualpropertyis being stolen, cist and expert in communications.He had made
its source concealed and ultimately forgotten in contact with Dr HerbertEimert (who was then in
order to suppress any historicalsense, whereupon charge of the late evening New Music programme
they claim the ideas as their own national product. of the Cologne Radio and had written a book
More civilizedpeople with greaterawarenesswould on 12-tone music back in 1923) and his friend
call this plagiarism. Robert Beyer (reader of new music at WDR
Electronicmusic in the USA is a prime instance Cologne). Stimulated by musique concrete and
of this. If one readsdictionaries,articlesin specialist critically opposed to instrumental 'tape music',
journals (let alone the popular press), books about these three men made some acoustic experiments
music and even new music they say nothing about with sounds producedelectricallyby the melochord
the origins or prototypes of electronic music as a (invented by Bode) and the trautonium(Professor
whole, or they simply lie. Any psychologistcould Trautwein,whose acquaintanceI also made at that
explain the Americanneed to do this sort of thing time), and they knew Jorg Mager'selectronic in-
so as to achieveat least a modicumof self-assertion, struments. In 1952 Dr Eimert persuaded Hanns
even in artisticmatters. Hartmann,then head of WDR, to make a normal
The facts are as follows: when I was 23, I spent music studio availablefor two hours, twice weekly,
March 1952 to March 1953 with PierreSchaefferat togetherwith a technician(firstBierhals,then Heinz
the ORTF in Paris, getting familiar with and Schiltz), so that Eimert and Beyer could conduct
experimentallycodifyingeverythingwhich was then acoustic experiments. This studio was equipped
knownas musiqueconcrete.In 1952I madehundreds only with tape-recorders,and both men got the
of analyses of instrumentallyproduced sounds, sounds from the phonetic institute of Bonn Uni-
Europeanand exotic, in the musiqueconcretestudio, versitythrough Meyer-Eppler.I was corresponding
and made tape recordingsof exotic sounds in the regularlywith EimertfromParis,reportingminutely
Musie de l'hommein Paris.Therewas a large sine- on my work there. Once when he was travelling
wave generatorin a basement studio of the PTT, throughParisI playedhim the ConcreteStudy I had
which I used to produce the first synthetic sound- composed there, also Boulez's two Etudes,and we
spectraby superimposingsine tones. The work was were both up to date with the available musique
infinitelyarduous; as there was no tape-recorderin concreteby Schaefferand PierreHenri.
the studio, I had to copy each sine tone on to disc In May 1953 came the famous Cologne Inter-
and then re-copyit fromone discto another.Thisfirst national Festivalof ContemporaryMusic, at which
'composition'by electronicmeanswas witnessedby therewas a conferencewhich includeda 'concert'of
the French scientist Abraham Moles, who thought musiqueconcrete,tape music, the first compositions
me quitemad at the time. The fact of the matter is (sound montages) of 'ElectronicMusic' by Eimert
that I had formed a friendshipwith the Belgian and Beyer, and my work Kontra-Punktewas heard
composerKarelGoeyvaertsfromthe timeof the 1951 for the first time. I was engaged as the first regular
Darmstadtsummerschool. Goeyvaertshad been a assistant at the newly-founded 'electronic music
pupil of Messiaen at the same time as Boulez, studio' of WDR, Beyer withdrew, and Eimert
Barraqu6,Fano, Philippot, Loriod and Grimaud, became director of the studio. The sound sources
and thenhadthemost advancedknowledgeof musical in this studio consisted of a melochord (with a
composition.We even knew Cage's most advanced chromatic keyboard-a kind of electronic organ)
work to date, Music oj Changes, not to mention all and a trautonium;the sound-processingcomprised
his previousworksusing preparedpianos. Cage had two ring modulators,an excellent octave filter and
been to Paris, Boulez to New York, and they were two so-called'W49'radiofilters(builtby the WDR),
engagedin a lively interchangeof ideas, but it must two full-trackstudio tape recordersand one four-
be said that all the advanced composers I have tracktape recorder.Eimertwas still using the melo-
chord for several pieces, but I rejected the sound ment etc), my earliestattemptsat notation,and gave
sources which had been available previously and a completeanalysisand descriptionof my sine tone
composed my ElectronicStudy I (1953) using sine composition Study I (with diagrams of the time
tones and my ElectronicStudyII using reverberated series, dynamicseries, frequencyseries etc). It was
sine tones. sold out as soon as it appeared,and was translated
Meyer-Eppler had used the term 'electronic into English soon afterwards:the informationwas
music' on severaloccasions,but when we wantedto circulatedfrom Toronto Universitythroughoutthe
use it officiallyhe was against using it because it USA and to all English-speakingcountries.
was imprecise(as we all knew); we often discussed In 1955 Herbert Eimert and I edited the first
possible terms at length, I insisted time and again volume of Die Reihe (Universal), entitled Elek-
on this term, simply because of its strong impact tronischeMusik,and my articleson electronicmusic
on me personally,and it won through.I should also were again assembledin Texte I and II (DuMont-
mention that great credit in the evolution of elec- Schauberg,Cologne). The first Deutsche Grammo-
tronic music is due to Herr Enkel, a technical phon recordings of my three electronic composi-
directorof WDR in Cologne. Althoughhe was over tions, together with pieces by Koenig, Eimert and
40 at the time, he was a doctoral student under Kienek, were the only 'sources'from 1956 to 1967,
Meyer-Epplerin Bonn at the time, and he succeeded when the great explosion of electronicmusicstarted
in making available the money for setting up the in America.
world's first electronic studio out of WDR's tech- I should finally add that I went on a six-week
nical budget. (The sum was enormousat the time-- lecture tour in 1958, giving 33 lecturesat American
I heard a figureof 120,000DMmentioned.) universities (three different titles), and that I
While I was workingon my two StudiesI had one took electronicmusic as my subject,presentedmy
technician,Heinz Schtitz,who had alreadyhandled Studies I and II and the Gesang der Jiinglinge, a bit
the sounds of Eimertand Beyerin 1952. He was an of Kontra-Punkte, a bit of Gruppenfiir drei Orchester,
unusuallyresourcefulmanipulatorof sound, and is a bit of Zeitmasze,a piece by Eimert,one by Berio,
now in charge of an experimental WDR sound one by Boulez, one by Pousseurand-last but not
archive for television and radio. He would be the least-Cage's Concertfor piano and 10 instruments,
man to ask about the origins of Eimert's and and deliberatelymentionedJohn Cage six or seven
Beyer's first experiments and about the earliest times in my lecture, as well as the names of Earle
compositionsof electronicmusic.During this period Brown, Feldman and Christian Wolff. Cage was
I was studying the literatureof acoustics and pho- scarcely known in Americaat the time, and where
netics, and became a 'student'once more by going he was known he was derided.I was sharplychal-
to Bonn Universitytwo or threetimes a week (1954- lenged everywhere, and was often heckled by
6) to attend Meyer-Eppler'slectures and seminars membersof the audienceduringor after the lecture
in phonetics and communicationsresearch (statis- as being anti-semiticor communist,simply because
tics, chance operations, informationtheory(!) etc). I created this music and spoke on behalf of the
He was the best teacherI haveever encountered;he composers I have mentioned.Since then, America
died suddenlyof cancer,still very young, at roughly has grownmorealert,more self-awareand, as I said
the same time as our technicaldirectorFritz Enkel, at the outset, has now gone to the embarrassing
in the late 1950s. oppositeextreme:of leavingout the Europeans(now
On my recommendation,my friendsKarel Goey- we know everything . . .!), feverishly creating, de-
vaerts and Henri Pousseur were then invited to manding, appropriating an 'American music',
realize pieces of electronic music in the Cologne 'Americanculture',disguisingor simplydenyingthe
studio. They both wrote precisely-notatedscores historicalfacts at a particularpoint in history. The
using sine tones, aftermy example,and it was I who point where, for instance, I as a German have
carriedout the technicalrealizationsof theirpieces. nothing to hide or suppress or conceal, because I
Then others who were interestedcame to the studio recognizemyself to be a researcherin sound and a
of theirown accord:MaxBill'spupil PaulGredinger composer of the whole world, whether I were in
from Switzerlandassisted me in my work, and I Japan, America or India. America is becoming
helped him in turn with the realizationof a compo- provincial.
sition for sine tones. I next recommendedGottfried The subjectof electronicmusic in the USA is so
Michael Koenig in 1954; he collaboratedwith me, fraught with distortionthat I believe even a single
then realizedsome of his own pieces,helpedme with book or article reportingwith scholarlyobjectivity
the Gesang der Jiinglinge and Kontakte, and realized would simply go under. American students are
numerous works by other composers. In 1954 I always complaining about the official politics of
recommendedBengt Hambraeus(Stockholm)who their culture, but they no longer notice that they
worked with us in the studio for a few months, themselvesare thinkingimprecisely,and are totally
next Ernst Krenek was invited, and our technician egocentric, isolationist and uninformed.Only with
Heinz Schiitz realized his composition. (Heinz greater historicalperspectivewill it be possible to
Schiitz should really be asked sometime how unravel the beginningsof the electronicera in the
'SpiritusIntelligentiae'came into being...!) field of music (which is ahead of all the visual arts
Another decisivestep at the end of 1953 was the in this respect)and the intellectualroots of this new
publication of a special edition of the technical epoch.
house journal of the North-West German Radio. *
This issue, devoted to electronicmusic, covered all
An Index of New Musical Notation, in which the devices used
the electroniccompositionsrealizedduring1953,the in contemporary music will be catalogued, is to be established
constitution of the Cologne studio (all the equip- at the New York Public Library.

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