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Japan remained mostly isolated from the foreign world during Edo period.

Christianity started to spread slowly into the country mainly because of Spanish
and Portuguese allies.The Tokugawa shogunate(Bakafu) perceived Catholic
Christianity to be a destabilizing factor of the social system of Japan.So,they
rebelled agianst the Europeans and kick them out of the country.And,Dutch and
Chinese were limited to Dejima port in Nagasaki for trading.This isolation went on
for over 220 years until 1853 when Matthew Perry forced the opening of Japan to
America for trade.During the (Sakoku) or closed country status relatatoins and
trade between Japan and other countries were severlylimited and nearly all of
foreign nationals were barred from entering Japan and most japnese were barred
from leaving japan.Japan was not completely isolated under the sakoku policy. It
was a system in which strict regulations were applied to commerce and foreign
relations by the shogunate and by certain feudal lords. There was extensive trade
with China and Dutch through the port of Nagasaki, in the far west of Japan The
policy stated that the only European influence permitted was the Dutch factory at
Dejima in Nagasaki.From the Dutch, Japanese learned western scientific, technical
and medical innovations through Rangaku ("Dutch Studies").Apart from these direct
commercial contacts in sorrounding provinces, trading countries sent regular
missions to the shogun in Edo and Osaka Castle.

2.Eventhough Tokugawa era came to an end in 1868 ,It had laid the basic framework
for the scope of modernizatoin in future.During Edo period,Society was as
standstill,a social system was formed, Everybody knew their job and position,Roads
were connected to peripheral prefectures,local economy boosted,agriculute
productoin grew,credit system was introduced,

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