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¿Quién fue?

- Was a theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, cosmólogo and popularizer British scientist,

who was born on 8 January 1942, in the city of Oxford - England. Son of Isobel Hawking
and Frank Hawking, who before the birth of Stephen, moved to Oxford, looking for a safe
place for their child, from the constant bombardments that were being presented in
London by the Germans, due to the second war World.
- After studying secondary studies, Hawking joined University College of Oxford at the age
of 17 years, where he graduated in 1962 with the titles of mathematician and physicist,
always standing out for its intelligence and big interest in the sciences. His father wanted
him to study medicine at Oxford University College, although he preferred mathematics,
but because there was no such career, he decided to study physics.
- -During the university, he practiced often the sport of rowing, which was one of the things
he did when he was bored of studying physics which he considered "ridiculously easy."
- After college, he completed a PhD in theoretical physics and cosmology at Cambridge.
- -Hawking has been compared to Albert Einstein, as they have been 2 of the most brilliant
scientists in history.


- -In 1963 he was diagnosed with a type of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive
neurodegenerative disease that over time came to prevent him from moving and talking
and led him to use a sophisticated electronic method to be able to communicate with the
- In the course of an ice skating session, Stephen slipped and had difficulty joining. In fact in
his last year at Oxford, he noticed that he was more clumsy, so his father took him to the
doctor, where he was discovered the serious illness.
- -The disease became worse with the passage of time until it was practically paralyzed and
this forced him to communicate through a device that reproduced his voice, which did not
prevent him from continuing to investigate the secrets of the universe.
- -This disease progressively damages the motor neurons, the nerve cells that control the
muscles, until they lose control of the body while the head retains its intact faculties.
There is no treatment that slows down the deterioration of the body and the outcome is
- To everyone's surprise, I have exceeded the expected time of 2 years of life that doctors
had given him, but then he had to stay in a wheelchair, which in 1985 had to add an
intelligent computer system to communicate


- While he was studying his phD he married Jane Wayline (1965), with whom he had three
children: Robert, Lucy and Tim. After almost twenty-five years of life in common, in 1990
the couple separated and the scientist went to live with Elaine Mason, one of the nurses
who cared for him and with whom five years later he married; This second relationship
would be extended to 2007.


- Professor Stephen Hawking worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With
Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's general theory of relativity implied space and
time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes (1970). These
results indicated that it was necessary to unify general relativity with quantum theory.
One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not
be completely black, but rather should emit 'Hawking' radiation and eventually evaporate
and disappear (1974). Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or limit in
imaginary time. This would imply that the way the universe began was completely
determined by the laws of science. Stephen was working with colleagues on a possible
resolution to the black hole information paradox, where debate centres around the
conservation of information.

Datos curiosos:

- He never won the Nobel Prize, because his theories were hard to prove. 
- He did a party for time travelers.
- Believes in the possibility of alien life. 
- He participated in several films and TV programs.
- He flew in zero gravity.
- He was born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo Galilei.
- His death occurred the same day that the birth of Einstein.
- The last 14th of March was also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the day of Pi.
- Einstein and Hawking died at the same age of 76 years.
- There's a movie based on his life.

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