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Learning objectives:

1. Explain part of human body in English

2. Express the location of the pain in the part of body

Task 1. Please read the dialog below!

Nurse : Good Morning Mrs. Maria. I need

to fill a medical report about your health status
Patient : Sure
Midwife : Your complete name?
Patient : Devi Maria
Midwife : What is your complete address?
Patient : Ir. Sukarno st. ,number 38 .Surabaya
Midwife : What make you come to hospital?
Patient : I have a backache.
Midwife : Where is the pain, could you point
at the pain ?
Patient : It’s around here (pointing at the lower back)
Midwife : Did you take any medicine for your pain?
Patient : No, I didn’t
Midwife : Do you know the cause of pain?
Patient : I don’t know
Midwife : What’s the pain like?
Patient : It’s sharp
Midwife : How often do you feel the pain?
Patient ; it’s occasional.
Midwife : Well, thank you Mrs. Maria for your information. I will report this to the doctor.

There are some questions that often used by nurse in their daily activity, They are :
a. Questions to know the patient’s condition and the patient’s response, such as :

Questions Responses
1. I have + ( a part of the body + ache )
1. What’s your problem? ( a toothache )
(a headache)
2. How are you feeling today? ( a backache)
2. I have ( a sore + parts of the body )
3. What makes you call me? ( a sore arm)
( a sore knee)
4. What’s your chief complaint? 3. I have/ get + kind of physical problems
( the measles)
5. What’s troubling you? ( the flu )
( a fever )
6. What’s the matter with you? ( a bad cough )
4. I experience + kinds of symptoms
7. What’s wrong with you? and physical problems
( low back pain )
8. What seems to be bothering you? ( difficult breathing )
5. I suffer from + kinds of certain illness
9. Doctor “what are the symptoms?/ what is she ( cancer )
complaining about” ? ( constipation )

Task 2. Try to find out the meaning of the words below:

 Toothache: …………………………………..
 Backache: …………………………………..
 Headache: …………………………………
 Soar arm: …………………………………
 Soar knee: ………………………………..

b. Expression relating to the pain experienced by the patient

a. Current pain medication ( pengobatan yang diambil saat ini )

Question: Did you take ( any medicine / anything ) for your pain How many do you
take ?
c. Questions which is relating with the patients’ pain
b. Where is the pain? ( lokasi nyeri )

Instruction; show me where the pain is? Point at the pain you feel

c. Describe cause of pain, if known ( penyebab nyeri jika diketahui )

Question; Do you know the cause of your pain? Why do you feel that?

d. How does the pain feel to the patient? ( seperti apa nyeri yang dialami oleh pasien ?
Question: what is the pain like ? Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching?

e. Frequency of pain ( berapa sering nyeri itu muncul )

Question: How often do you feel the pain?

Task 3: Please create a dialog between Nurse and a patient

Patient: Call a nurse, state your complaint

Nurse: Ask what the problem is

Nurse: Repeat patient’s expression for


Nurse: Ask patient to tell the

location of the paint

Patient: tell nurse where the pain is

Grammar Insert: Noun

Noun atau kata benda adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan nama orang, tempat, hal, kualitas,
juga gagasan. Nouns adalah bagian yang sangat penting dalam Grammar. Tanpa nouns mungkin tidak ada
materi pembahasan yang menarik dalam sebuah novel, Koran, majalah dan media lainnya.

A. Bentuk Regular dan Irregular dari Plural Nouns

Reguler plural noun : a. Song – songs

b. Box – boxes
- kata benda jamak beraturan dengan
c. Baby – babies
menambahkan -s/-es.
- Penambahan –es untuk kata benda yang
di akhiri dengan –sh, -ch, -s, -z, and –x
- Untuk kata benda jamak yang diakhiri
dengan huruf y, dirubah menjadi –ies
misalnya lady – ladies ( y – ies)
Irregular plural nouns d. Man – men
Untuk kata benda tak beraturan akan mengalami Woman – women
perubahan pada bentuk jamak. So, tidak perlu Child – children
ditambahkan s or es Ox-oxen
Foot – feet
Goose – geese
Mouse – mice
Louse – lice
- Ada beberapa noun yang di akhiri huruf e. Echo –echoes
–o ditambahkan es untuk membentuk Hero- heroes
jamak(perhatikan contoh e), Potato – potatoes
- Ada beberapa nouns yang diakhiri huruf Tomato – tomatoes
f. Auto – autos
–o ditambahkan s untuk membentuk
Ghetto – ghettos
jamak (perhatikan contoh f )
Kangaroo – kangaroos
- Ada beberapa nouns yang diakhiri huruf
-o bisa ditambahkan –es atau –s untuk
Memo –memos

membentuk jamak (perhatikan contoh g) Photo – photos
Piano –pianos
Radio – radios
Solo – solos
Soprano – sopranos
Studio – studios
Tattoo – tattoos
Video – videos
Zoo – zoos
g. Memento – mementoes/mementos
Mosquito – mosquitoes/mosquitos
Tornado – tornadoes/tornados
Volcano – volcanoes/volcanos
Zero – zeroes/zeros

- Ada beberapa kata benda yang di akhiri h. calf – calves

huruf –f atau –fe dirubah menjadi –ves half – halves
untuk membentuk kata benda jamak knife – knives
(perhatikan contoh h) leaf –leaves
- Ada beberapa kata benda yang diakhiri life – lives
huruf –f ditambahkan –s untuk loaf – leaves
membentuk kata benda jamak self –selves
(perhatikan contoh i) shelf – shelves
thief – thieves
wolf – wolves
scarf – scarves/scarfs
i. belief – beliefs
chief – chiefs
cliff – cliffs
roof – roofs
Ada beberapa kata benda yang memiliki j. one deer –two deer
bentuk tunggal dan jamak yang one fish – two fish**
sama( perhatikan contoh j) one means – two means
Contoh : one offspring-two offspring
One deer is … one series – two series

Two deer are … one sheep – two sheep
one shrimp – two shrimp***
one species – two species
Ada beberapa kata benda bahasa inggris k. criterion – criteria
yang diambil dari bahasa asing lain phenomenon – phenomena
memiliki bentuk jamak (perhatikan l. cactus – cacti/cactuses
contoh k – p) fungus-fungi
syllabus – syllabi/syllabuses
m. formula – formulae/formulas
vertebra - vertebrae
n. appendix – appendices/appendixes
index – indices/indexes
o. analysis – analyses
basis- bases
crisis – crises
hypothesis – hypotheses
oasis – oases
parenthesis – parentheses
thesis - theses
p. bacterium –bacteria
curriculum – curricula
datum – data
medium – media
memorandum - memoranda

** Fishes is also possible, but rarely used

*** Especially in British English, but also occasionally in American English, the plural of shrimp
can be shrimp.

Task 2 : Direction: write the correct form of the nouns parentheses.

1. I met some interesting men at the meeting last night. (man)
2. I need some …….. to light the fire. ( match)

3. The baby got two new ………. (tooth)
4. The farmer loaded his cart with …… of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was
pulled by two …… (box)
5. Alex saw some ….. running across the floor. ( mouse)
6. The north side if the islands has no …….. . There are only steep ………. No one can climb
these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).
7. Thunder and lighting are …………. Of nature (phenomenon)
8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two …… . (attorney)

B. Bentuk-bentuk Noun
1. Concrete Noun Yaitu kata benda yang terwujud, dapat dilihat atau disentuh.
Contoh: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book, pencil, etc. 2.
2. Abstract Noun Abstract Noun yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau disentuh. Contoh:
agreement, kindness, statement, etc.

C. Macam-Macam nouns

1. Proper nouns ( kata benda nama diri )

Contoh: Adam, Surabaya, Medan, New York

2. Common Nouns ( kata benda umum )

Contoh: Stone, Iron, diamond, sand

3.Collective Nouns (kata benda kumpulan)

Contoh: Group, Club, Class

D. Tipe – Tipe Noun

1. Count Noun ( kata benda yang dapat dihitung)

a. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung memiliki bentuk tunggal atau jamak

b. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung bisa ditambahkan article a/an untuk bentuk tunggal

c. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung bisa ditambahkan akhiran -s/-es untuk bentuk jamak.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa kategori kata benda yang dapat dihitung yang dapat membantu anda
dalam belajar :

Kategori kata benda yang dapat Tunggal Jamak

Names of persons, their relationship, and One / a boy Two boys
their occupations One friend Two friends
One student Two students
Names of animals, plants, insects One dog Two dogs
One flower Two flower
One bee Two bees
Names of things with a definite, individual One car Two cars
shape One house Two houses
One room Two rooms
Units of measurement One inch Two inches
One pound Two pounds
One degree Two degrees
Units of classification in society One family Two families
One country Two countries
One language Two languages
Containers of non-count solids, liquids, One bottle Two bottles
pastes, gases One jar Two jars
One tube Two tubes
A limited number of abstract concepts One idea Two ideas
One invention Two inventions
One plan Two plans
Contoh :

Incorrect: Several of the people in this class speak three of four language

Correct : Several of the people in this class speak three of four languages

Incorrect: The temperature has risen ten degree in two hours

Correct : The temperature has risen ten degrees in two hours

Incorrect: The teacher has ordered two book, but they aren’t in at the bookstore

Correct : The teacher has ordered two books, but they aren’t in at the bookstore

Task 3.

Part A: Choose the correct answer

A desert receives less than twenty-five …………… of rainfall every year.

A. Centimeters
B. A centimeter
C. Centimeters
D. Of centimeters

Part B: Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

In 1950 it was naively predicted that eight or ten computer would be sufficient to handle all of

scientific and business needs in the United States

2. Non-Count Nouns (kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung)

a. Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung hanya memiliki bentuk tunggal

b. kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung tidak bisa ditambahkan article a/an

c. kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung tidak ada bentuk jamak, so tidak bisa ditambahkan akhiran –s/-es.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa kategori kata benda yang tdk dapat dihitung yang bisa anda pelajari:

a. Whole of groups made up of similar items: baggage, clothing, equipment, food, fruit, furniture,
garbage, hardware, jewelry, junk, luggage, machinery, mail, makeup, money/cash/change,
postage, scenery, traffic, etc.
b. Fluids: water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, etc.
c. Solids : ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool, etc
d. Gases : steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, smog, pollution, etc
e. Particles: rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair*, pepper, salt, sand, sugar, wheat, etc.
f. Abstractions:
 Beauty, confidence, courage, education, enjoyment, fun, happiness, health, help, honesty,
hospitality, importance, intelligence, justice, knowledge, laughter, luck, music, patience,
peace, pride, progress, recreation, significance, sleep, truth, violence, wealth, etc.
 Advice, information, news, evidence, proof, etc.

 Time, space, energy, etc
 Homework, work, etc
 Grammar, slang, vocabulary, etc.
g. Language : Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Etc
h. Fields of Study : Chemistry, engineering, history, literature, mathematics, psychology, etc.
i. Recreation : baseball, soccer, tennis, chess, bridge, poker, etc.
j. Activities : driving, studying, swimming, traveling, walking, etc. (and other gerunds)
k. Natural Phenomena : weather, dew, fog, hail, heat, humidity, lightning, rain, sleet, snow, thunder,
wind, darkness, light, sunshine, electricity, fire, gravity, etc.
l. Substances with many small parts: rice, sand, sugar, etc.
m. Most –ing forms : learning, shopping, working


1. Many nouns can be used as either non-count or count nouns, but the meaning is different.
Contoh : Noncount : Ann has brown hair ( hair : untuk keseluhan rambut)
Count noun : Tom has a hair on his jacket. ( a hair :untuk sehelai rambut)
Noncount : I opened the curtains to let in some light (light: cahaya)
Count N: Don’t forget to turn of the light before you go to bed. (light : lampu)

Contoh :

1. Sunshine is warm and cheerful

2. Happiness means different things to different people.
3. Bread is expensive in the grocery store on the corner
4. We bought some furniture
5. I put some sugar in my coffee.

Task 3. Directions: complete the sentences with the given nouns, adding final –s/-es if necessary. Use
each noun only once.

Advice Homework music stuff

√Change information progress thunder

Garbage junk √river traffic

Hardware luggage/baggage screwdriver

1. I have some coins in my pocket. In other words, I have some change in my pocket.
2. The Mississippi, the Amazon, and the Nile are well-known rivers.
3. I like to listen to operas, symphonies, and folk songs. I enjoy ……….
4. The street is full of cars, trucks, and buses. It is full of ……
5. I put some banana peals, empty juice cartons, and broken bottles in the waste can. The can is full
of ………
6. They have a rusty car without an engine, broken chairs, and an old refrigerator in their front yard.
Their yard is full of …..
7. Paul has books, pens, papers, notebooks, a clock, scissors, a tape recorder, and some other things
on his desk. He has a lot of …. on his desk.
8. The children got scared when they heard ………… during the storm
9. Tools that are used for turning screws are called …….
10. I went to the store to get some nails, hammers, and screws. In other words, I bought some …..
11. Tonight I have to read 20 pages in my history book, do 30 algebra problems, and write a
composition. In other words, I have a lot of ….. to do tonight.
12. Ann took three suitcases, a shoulder bag, and a cosmetics case. In other words, she took a lo of
…………. On her trip.
13. Toronto is 365 ft./109 m. above sea level. The average annual precipitation in Toronto is 32
in./81 cm. the population of the metropolitan area is over 3,000,000. I found (this, these) ……. In
the encyclopedia.
14. I didn’t feel good. Ann said “You should see a doctor.” Nick said, “You should go home and go
to bed.” Martha said, “ You should drink fruit juice and rest. “I got ………… from people
15. My English is slowly getting better. My vocabulary is increasing. It’s getting easier for me to
write, and I make fewer mistakes. I can often understand people even when they talk fast. I’m
satisfied with the ……….. .. I’ve made in learning English.


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