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INDIAN REALTY FLASH SALE [tra plare) 7-1 sola M iam Pllc} Introduction CO ee eee ee ee See ard Er ee eee ee er eee eet ee er eee Se ee ee en ee ed home-buying experience forthe customers and offered the est deals in the market, For ths purpose, Amura had partnered with one ofthe largest advertising De oe eee eee eee ete ee et ee eee eee ed ee eee eee ene ee ere ere eee ee were aso decreasing For devolopers, the inventory overhang was increasing and cast of unsold inventory was getting unbearable. Developers were noting to ee ee eee ee eee oe era Se eee Se ee ne ee eee ee eee ee et ene ee eee re eee ent ee was that people should wait fortis event to get the best offers, even if they had already been ina buying cele or have already thought of buying a home, De ee ee Lae + To bringall best brands on a single platform with the best deals. See eee Send ead Need for IRFS Print Media Digital Me Resch fr TO 70 Lakh rected enone Perot eres eee es eee 4 por eee ten) eee eters eee ea) cs Penenes '5306 of real estate transactions are influenced by Internet today DE ee ae ee a acca Consumers contributing to 89% of real estate business by value, are online today Reach more than 4 Cr Indians Globally in just Rs. 10 lakh | ead MST tea Nee er) See noes wy. ened) cor What Developers’ want? rm" Penge aera = Cie eee en) Sees Cerra tes end erty Coen Cece oe Peers ear Target Group Sie ee eo eee FRE a amen ad Se ge ce ea ea ed oe eee ery 2. Gender: Male & Female 3, Marital Status: Married ee , BPO Management anc KPO Management, Government employees, Middle & Senior level management, ITTES, Traders Ree ee eee a a eee ae eae ee ers Dee DOr oe ee Ee ead Property Type Parameters: Affordable Audience Analysis Budget/Mide-income Premium ultea-Premium, Ticket Size (INR) eT) Ceara reed ener rere eno cea Poet Pees Seo Poets cs ery Cry Cree eto co Sees erent Eat Pry Sea Se ees Peery eee Cees ore Ce eee oer ein terion ead The Time is NOW Concept Cee ee ee ee ee cd ord Serer See ee eee ee ee ee or eng See ct ee rd Se ee ee tet ne ent et nn ‘The central theme of the campaign was: Sama ol Cee ee ee ee ee ee ey ‘ale, Ths cereal theme als coveyed the dea thatthe best developers from all ver Inla hve come on Board to offer value-for-money deals on ee eee ee tt er eee ney ee Se eee en ae een eee eee ‘The central theme of the campaign, thus, encompassed all the various aspects ofan “indian Realy lash Sale. was short and simple, which will helped us improve consumer engagement and boos val, ead ‘The IRFS campaign Deere nd CO ree ee) Oe cea) en en eS) Neu) pe ee eed Cee ene) ee eee ee eer Cee eee eet ened the activin the point 3 below, however the signup activity should take place before the activity mentonedin pont &. 3. The customer browsed through allthe properties. eee ee oe eer ts Bee eee eras eee eet te eae pe ee ee es eee eee een eed Work Flow Cae atc) ‘Te curation ofthis phase was 3 days. The following acts tok place during Ce eee te ee eo eee Sateen eee as ees See ees ee Be ete ee ees pe ee tend eee et Cur! See ee ee een ei) sale. tis phase started along withthe fash sale period however it ended 7 een ce er ene eee ee es Ree are eee La eee en eee ee Re eee en Dee ey ‘At the and of the IRFS campaign, Amura ill calculate the GMV sold during this period. ead Pre-Registration Period Flash Sale Period Coupon Redemption Period Crea Erie Signed up/Pre-registered with email id and phone number Browsed through all the properties Sete teen enn Developer/s to contact customers to explain project details and follow up to arrange STONE ee eile oe ecto) Dee ee ee ane eee Cee Le Customer downloads coupons and checks the inventory available for that coupon Customer redeems the coupon with the developer within the coupon validity period Oe age a Re ae er an ee Ree ne Peer ne seer ead re eee ee De eu eae Cre nee Cee eet ee ee ee ee ee) ees eae er ea ee eee eae See a une ee Cen eee Ce ee ory they would have been disqualified from the fash sale and ther offers Re ee ee eee are se period Flash Sale Offers ee eee ete) COE Pee rt eee Pee een ter Unique 1D eee ete eere) Perey eed corn peered co eee ee from RES website ees Ce ee Lena Cots SO ee ete eee ee ens ee eee ee ee eee eee ne Se eee eee Sn en nee eee Ree ee + ifthe customer wanted to aval the new ffer, he had todo another booking. ead IRFS Portal - "wwwuifs. oe ee eee Se ee Home eed are cee! a Se ee eee es Ce ee ee oes On eee et ee ee Seer ts ceo Sel omen eects een eer eee ee eee re ee) Se ee ee eee ee Sa gee eee ee Se olf eee Ce ne eee oe ee ee ee ee “The “Organizers” page tsplaed bie information about Amura and Google ead Behavioral Tracking Ce ee ct ee ne ee eee Coe te ee ee ee ‘demand for tha project was hgh and we could inform the respective developer o increase the numberof unt ofthat project allocate to fash sale. peor ee ee ee er ee ee ee Indicate that demand was high and hence supply shouldbe increased accordingly if possi, forthe developer. ‘The righ demanc-supply balance would ensure thatthe developers a customers would nat miss out on any opportunity to dose the del. ead Phase 1 Pre-registration Srna See eer eee ee) Se ren rena ee Cer Tualoel-en gol Phase 2 Flash Sale cro coerced eee ett Peete ee eee ee ee) Phase 3 Coupon Redemption “twee Sa cere Bereta peered ornare eee ec ead Bloomberg TV hosts a deta explanation of haw the customer Priced SOE Ne ery See ee eee eae ‘#OnAir Bloomberg TV: Vikram Kotnis, MD, Amura Marketing, ee een Ce es cr ed See ee ee eae Penne nad Media Coverage Pe eee ee) 2 leading digital marketing company, in association with Se ee ec ne eet ee ee ae eee nny ne ao ee ee) eee eee ee ea ead IV CroTE ete e- 1-3 FS Errno tana Pesto De Reece eae ere a ead About Amura ‘Amura Marketing Technologies is a performance driven digital marketing company and also India's biggest. We have more than 5 years of expertise in the Real Estate industry and have expertise in executing India's first ever exclusive dgital-only product launches, ‘Our flagship product, Sell.Do is India's first ever custom sales and marketing solution platform for Real Estate. We have a ‘one stop solution for al digital marketing services to efficiently manage and execute 360 degrees campaigns Pe ead

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