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The following are the criteria that the customers may use to decide upon the offer they

want to opt for

1. What is the total monthly charge that I have to pay?

2. How much data is provided in both the offers?
3. How much upfront charge do I need to pay?
4. Do I get unlimited calls?
5. Do I get unlimited messages?
6. Will I get to keep the phone forever?
7. Who will cover the charge if my phone is damaged?
8. Do I have to opt for insurance for my phone?
9. How much do I have to pay if I want to upgrade my phone?

We need to looks at both the offers and their plan comparison to arrive at the conclusion. We should
look at the following data points to arrive at any conclution.

1. By looking at the plans and offers the total monthly charge for the 24 months existing plan is
higher than the leasing rate.
2. Upfront cost for both the plans. It is higher for existing 24-month plan.
3. By looking at the data and calls that both the plans provide.
4. Insurance requirement in both the plans.
5. Whose phone would it be at the end of 2 years.
6. The upgrade charge in both the plans.

The data captured through online survey can be used as follows to arrive at the target segment: -

1. 63% youngster are keen on leasing if they can upgrade their phone which is available in leasing.
Hence people below 30 specially college going students are out target customer.
2. 28% above age 30 were also interested hence out target customer.
3. People who are not interested to pay upfront charge are our target customer.
4. People who want to upgrade their phone regularly are our target customer.
5. If have those people our target who are still attached to existing 24-month plan of other
telecom companies as many people as 45% would change company if they can save 10-20%.
6. People who don’t want to spend money on upfront payment are out target.

The following changes can be done to make the offer more attractive: -

1. We can have a tie up with a insurance company who can provide special and discounted price
for insurance.
2. We can get a tie up with OTT companies offer free few months subscription if they go for leasing
3. We can have a tie up with the manufacturers of the phones to show how can they get this
phone easily by leasing.
4. We can make advertisement which shows how leasing phone and using updated technology
make one smarter.

Product Name: - Smartphone Smart You (Making a choice was never this easy)

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