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A. Correcting Errors in Capitalization

For each sentence below, correct the errors in capitalization. Either change capital letters to
lowercase letters or change lowercase letters to capital letters. Write your corrections on the line
after each sentence. Separate your answers with a semicolon.
EX. 1. The name of our School football team is the patriots.
school; Patriots
1. The Doctor wrote an article that appeared in contact magazine.
2. Next year i can take biology 1, which is taught by mrs. López.
3. This year the bancroft science fair will be held at holder auditorium.
4. We asked Carl’s Sister to bring in her model of a hawaiian canoe.
5. The film A Night To Remember was about the sinking of the titanic.
6. Did aunt Kate go to the same College in the midwest that your father went to?
7. Is the planet venus named after the roman goddess?
8. I think the African-American institute is on lexington avenue.
9. How many flags did the red, white, and blue company send us for our labor day parade?
10. Did nikki giovanni write the poem “Knoxville, tennessee”?

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Module 13 1

B. Proofreading a Paragraph for Correct Capitalization
In the following paragraph, all capital letters have been omitted. On your own paper, rewrite the
paragraph, and add the necessary capital letters.
[1] last week the students at granville t. woods middle school celebrated international
day. [2] one student, imani dobbey, sang nigerian folk songs. [3] another student sang songs
from the appalachian mountains. [4] my cousin ruben brought in a poster showing the taj mahal,
and mr. totsi showed us how to make sand paintings. [5] a reporter from the daily word visited
our school and then wrote a story called “students celebrate the world.”

C. Writing a Travel Log

The year is 1843, and you and a friend are traveling the Oregon Trail. Traveling in a covered
wagon that has left Omaha, Nebraska, you are trying to reach Portland, Oregon.
1. Use an atlas or other reference source to make notes about your trip. You might include
details about the following topics: rivers, cities, and mountains that you see; people that
you encounter; the dates that you travel; and the holidays that you celebrate.
2. On your own paper, use your notes to write ten sentences for a travel log of your journey.
Be sure to capitalize correctly. [Note: You may want to work with a partner.]

EX. April 1—Devon and I crossed the Platte River somewhere near Fremont.
We headed west.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Module 13 2

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