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1. What is your name?

2. What is your full name?
3. What did you want to be as a child?
4. What are your goals?
5. What is the goal you find most important for your future?
6. Is / are there any other goal(s) you find important?
7. Were there any people that were influential in shaping your career path as you grew up?
8. Who were they?
9. How did they influence you?
10. Did your teacher(s) encourage you?
11. Outline the role of your education.
12. Outline the early jobs in your career development.
13. What do you plan to study at Ubhara?
14. What have you learned in Ubhara that connect with your goal?
15. Are you willing to give up outside activities which may interfere with your education?
16. How do you embrace activities which will enhance it?
17. Do you join organizations connected to your major?
18. What career are you pursing at this point and why?

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