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Case Assignment 1

1. The principle of six sigma, lean, PDCA and FMEA refers to elimination of waste in
manufacturing industry but in Cleveland clinic the purpose of implementing these
features were improve support functions which will lead to patient and doctor
satisfaction. Here in Cleveland clinic the goal was to present the exact number of tools
at exact time to improve service time of doctors and eventually leading to reduce
patient waiting time and increasing patient satisfaction.

2. Cleveland clinic created a current state value stream mapping to identify areas for
process improvement. They conducted Kaizen to each sub process of the events which
created room for more precise continuous sustainable improvements. They identified
the problem statement & mapped the current value to understand the process in terms
of value added and non-value added activities which helped them understand on what
kind of data is needed to be collected to start working on root cause analysis and
experiment with different solutions to reach the target state metrics and creating a
future state value stream map for sustainability. They created visual mapping system at
the decontamination area and the cart assembly area which eventually resulted
reducing the errors in misplacements of instruments by twenty six percent.

3. The principles of six sigma, lean, PDCA can be applied to various service organizations
like Healthcare, Banking system, education system, food delivery systems.
Different food chains use lean and six sigma in their service operations. With building
data sources what kind of food their customers generally want in a day they keep those
kinds of food prepared even if there is no order.
In banking system there would be different kind of ques of different need of customers.
As the customer enters the bank a receptionist would ask the customer what he needs.
Based on his requirements the receptionists would assign him to certain queue. As the
person managing that queue will be doing same sort of work his work efficiency will also
be increased and customer will get his service fast.

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