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BIBLICA 1982 Instructions for Contributors This new style sheet has been revised following as far as possible, in view of the multilingual character of this journal, the common style sheet adopted by JBL, CBQ, Hermeneia and HTR for the sake of uniformity within the field of scholarly publications on the Bible and to simplify questions of format for many, at least, of our contributors. I. General Norms 2 Il. Quotations . . 3 IIL. Footnotes .... 3 IV. Non-latin Alphabets 4 V. Transliterations . 4-5 VI. Abbreviations .. 5-19 Biblical Books 5-7 Dead Sea Scrolls . 7 Targums, Mishna . 8-9 Nag Hammadi Tractates ................. . bese Periodicals, Reference Works, Serials ........ coe e eee 11-19 Instructions for Contributors 1. General norms 1. Biblica accepts contributions in Latin, English, French, German, Ital- ian and Spanish. 2. All articles, critical notes, and book reviews submitted for publication in this journal are expected to conform to the requirements of these instruc- tions. If they depart from them in major ways, the MSS may be returned to the authors for retyping before they are considered for publication. It is assumed that submitted MSS are in final form with no changes expected lat- er. Authors of articles receive galley-proofs which they are expected to read carefully. check against the MS, and correct. Galley-proofs are not sent to reviewers of books. 3. Normally the first typed copy (ribbon copy) of a MS should be sub- mitted to the editor. In no case should articles that appear elsewhere in the same or different language be submitted to this journal. 4. If your contribution is intended to be published as an article (com- mentatio) please submit a summary of it, together with your contribution, of about 100 words or less giving its main point and principal arguments. You may submit the summary in English, if the article is in a Romance tongue, or in French if it is Germanic. If you wish you may submit the summary in the language of the article, and Biblica will take care of the translation. 5. The MS must be typewritten, on one side of the sheet only, on white paper of good quality and of standard business-letter size in the author's country. Paper with a surface glazed for easy erasure is not to be used. Typewriters with italic characters only or with small caps only are a hazard and should not be used. Words to be italicized should be underlined, not typed in italics (e. g. with the IBM italic element). See below n. 10. 6. All lines are to be doubled spaced, even those of footnotes and indented quotations. Margins of at least 2,5 cms. are to be left on all edges of the page. 7. In articles or notes discussing biblical verses or verses from other ancient texts the author should provide the reader with the text of the verse and with a translation at the beginning of the discussion. In general, ancient texts cited or reconstructed should be accompanied by a translation. 8. Scripture citations should use this form: Gen 2,4-8; Isa 41,3.7.9; 1 Cor 4,11-5,3 (for the abbreviations of the biblical books see below n. 23). 9. Special material (e. g., lists, tables, charts, diagrams, should be typed (or drawn) on sheets separate from the main text. However, the location of such material in the main text should be indicated clearly (¢.g., “insert here chart I”). 10. Words to be printed in italics are to be underlined once (c.g., titles of books and periodicals, transliterations, foreign words). Words to be printed in small caps should be underlined two times. See below n. 14. Instructions for Contributors 3 I. Quotations 11, Quotations of four or more typewritten lines in any language will be printed as a separate indented paragraph, without opening and closing quota- tions marks. — Closing quotation marks must go before the raised arabic numeral that calls attention to the note, See below, n. 13. 12, Respect for accuracy in verbatim quotations demands that the spell- ing, capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviations of the original publication be reproduced exactly, even if they differ from the style of this journal. Should the quotation contain an error, this may be indicated by [sic] or [2], at the author’s discretion. Ill. Footnotes 13. All footnotes are to be placed on separate pages at the end of the MS, typed with double-spacing and numbered consecutively. They are not to be included either in the body of the article or at the bottom of pages. A raised arabic numeral (with parentheses) should follow the appropriate word in the text and precede the punctuation, if any, to call attention to the note. No period is to be used after the number (with parentheses) at the beginning of the footnote itself. 14. References to books and articles (usually in the footnotes) should be given as follow: a) Books: T. R. HENN, The Bible as Literature (London - New York 1970) 9-15. F. M. Apel, Histoire de la Palestine depuis la conquéte d’Alexandre jus- qu’a invasion arabe (EBib; Paris 1952) II, 105-129. H. W. Worr, Dodekapropheton I: Hosea (BKAT 14/1; Neukirchen- Viuyn 71965) x1v-xvil W. Marcuet, Abba, Pére! La prigre du Christ et des chrétiens (AnBib 19; Rome 1963) 50, n. 189. b) Articles: E. Woot, “Das Wachstum des alten Stadtgebietes von Jerusalem”, Bib 48 (1967) 337, 339. E. JENNI, ““anan, Wolke”, THAT II, 351-353. F. F. Bruce, “The Theology and Interpretation of the Old Testament”, Tradition and Interpretation, Essays by Members of the Society for Old Tes- tament Studies (ed. G. W. ANDERSON) (Oxford 1979) 385-416. H. Ges, “Natus ex virgine”, Probleme biblischer Theologie (FS. G. von Rad; [Hrsg. H. W. WoLFF] Miinchen 1971) 75. 15. Once the full information for a book or article has been given, a shortened title (but not an acronym!) is to be used. For example, WoLrr, Hosea, 138. General references to works previously cited, e.g., op. cit, art. cit., a.a.0., etc., must be avoided. Also avoid f. or ff. (and equivalents) for “following” pages or verses; the proper page numbers or verse numbers are to be cited. 4 Instructions for Contributors IV. Non-latin alphabets 16. Blocks of Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic and other can be set in their proper characters. The unpointed consonantal text of Hebrew or Ara- maic is to be used. If the argument calls for the vocalized form of the words, please transliterate. For transliteration systems see n. 19. 17. Isolated Greek words can also be set in their proper characters. Iso- lated Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic words have to be transliterated. Such trans- literated words are always to be underlined in the manuscript. Translitera- tion always has to include the vocalization. 18. Whenever possible, non-transliterated Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic and other non-latin alphabets should be typewritten; if a foreign type- writer is not available, the author should write the words clearly and carefully in ink, and in forms of the letters that correspond to the font of Hebrew (etc.) type used in this journal. V. Transliterations 19, The following systems are recommended for Hebrew and Greek, but other accepted systems in differents countries may be used, if consistent: Transliteration of Hebrew Consonants 7 2 z2-T m=O. q =? b= 3 h=n n=a r= 4 g = f= Dd s =D és = 0 aq =17 yu? =D b= WD h-=a k=9 p=23 t=n wed 1 => s -% Note: The presence or absence of dage8 lene in the begadkepat letters is not shown. Consonants with dage§ forte are written double. Vowels (shown as preceded by b) With Without With matres lectionis matres lectionis vocal swa ba =73 ba = 3 ba = 3 ba = 3 b6 = 13 b= 3 bo = 3 bs - 2 ba - 93 bu = 3 bu = 3 bé = 3 be - 3 be = 2 be = 3 2 b= 73 bi = 3 b= 4 3 Instructions for Contributors 5 bah = 3, ba’ = 82 (even where & is merely a mater lectionis). béh = 713, and beh = 113 (although A is merely a mater lectionis here). patah furtivwm: rah = 197 (may simply be omitted). Transliteration of Greek @ 1 1 OR v= y (but not in diphthongs) 20. Transliteration of coptic. The system described above for Greek is to be used for those Coptic letters that are the same as Greek. For the seven extra characters at the end of the alphabet, the following should be used: 8 for Say, f for fay, h for hay, h for hori, & for canda, k’ for k'ima and ti for ti (the digraph). The supralin- ear stroke should be omitted. VI. Abbreviations Contributors to Biblica are requested to use the following abbrevia- tions: 21. General abbreviations: c. (circa); s.a. (sine anno); s.l. (sine loco); vid. (videas). The commonest short abbreviations are exceptions and should be written in roman (not italics): cf., e.g.; etc., ib.; ibid.; id.; ie; N.B.; q.v.; sc.; s.v.; v.; V. The commonest short abbreviations in the author's language are to be written in roman too: for example: u.s.w.; m.E.; Kap.; chap.; cap.; p.; S.; col.; etc, 22. The abbreviations OT (AT); NT; LXX (Sept.); MT; QL; Vg; VL; G (or the equivalent in the author's language) are always to be used with no punctuation, and in roman characters. 23. Abbreviations of the Names of Biblical Books (in roman charac- ters): Latine Anglice Gallice Germanice Hispanice _Italice Gn Gen Gn Gen Gen Gen Ex Exod Ex Ex Ex Es Lv Lev Ly Lev Lev Lev Nm Num Nb Num Num Num Dt Deut Dt Din Dt Deut Ios Josh Jos Jos Jos Gios Ide Judg Jg Ri Jue Giud Latine Rt 1-2 Sm 3-4 Rg 1-2 Par Esd Neh Tob Idt Est Job Ps(s) Qoh ct Sap Sir Is ler Lm Bar Ez Dn Os Toel Am Abd Ton Mich Nah Hab Soph Zach 1-2 Mac Mt Mc lo Act Rom 1-2 Cor Gal Eph Philp Col 1-2 Thess 1-2 Tim Anglice Ru 1-2 Sam 1-2 Kgs 1-2 Chr Ezra Neh Tob Jat Esth Job Ps(s) Prov Qoh Cant Wis Sir Isa Jer Lam Bar Ezek Dan Hos Joel Amos Obad Jonah Mic Nah Hab Zeph Hag Zech Mal 1-2 Mace Matt Mark Luke John Acts Rom 1-2 Cor Gal Eph Phil Col 1-2 Thess 1-2 Tim Instructions for Contributors Gallice Rt -2 8 -2R 1-2 Ch Esd Ne Tb Jat Est Jb Ps(s) Pr Qo ct Sg Si Is Jr Lm Ba Ez Dn Os J Am Ab Jon Mi Na Ha So Ag Za MI 1-2M Mt Me Germanice Rut 1-2 Sam 1-2 Kon 1-2 Chr Esr Neh Tob Jat Est Tjob Ps(s) Spr Koh Hid Weish Sir Jes Jer Kigl Bar Ez Dan Hos Joel Am Obd Jon Mich Nah Hab Zef Hag Sach Mal 1-2 Makk Mt Mk Lk Joh Apg Rém 1-2 Kor Gal Eph Phil Kol 1-2 Thess 1-2 Tim Hispanice Rut 1-2 Sam 1-2 Re 1-2 Cr Esd Neh Tob Jat Est Job Sal Prov Qoh Cant Sab Sir Is Jer Lam Bar Ez Dan Os I Am Abd Jon Miq Nah Hab Sof Zac Mal 1-2 Mac Mt Mc Jn Act Rom 1-2 Cor Gal Ef Fip Col 1-2 Tes 1-2 Tim Italice Rut 1-2 Sam 1-2 Re 1-2 Cron Esd Neem Tob Giuditta Ester Giob Sal(mi) Prov Qoh Cant Sap Sir Is Ger Lam Bar Ez Dan Os Gioele Am Abd Giona Mi Nah Ab Sof Age Zace Mal 1-2 Mace Matt Mc Le Giov Atti Rom 1-2 Cor Gal Ef Fil Col 1-2 Tess 1-2 Tim Instructions for Contributors 7 Latine Anglice Gallice Germanice Hispanice Ttalice Tit Titus Tt Tit Tit Tito Philm Phim Phm Phim Fim Filem Heb Heb He Hebr Heb Ebr lac Jas Je Jak Sant Giac 1-2 Pe 1-2 Pet = 1-2 P. 1-2 Petr 1-2 Pe 1-2 Piet 1-3 Io 1-3 John 1-3 Jn 1-3 Joh 1-3 Jn 1-3 Giov Ids Jude Jude Jud Jds Giuda ‘Apoc Rev Ap Off Apoc ‘Apoc 24, Abbreviations of Names of Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Texts cD Cairo (Genizah text of 1QS Serek hayyahad (Rule of the) Damascus (Docu- the Community. Manual ment) of Discipline) Hev Nahal Hever texts 1QSa Appendix A (Rule of the Mas Masada texts Congregation) to 1QS Mird Khirbet Mird texts 1QSb Appendix B (Blessings) Mur Wadi Murabba’‘at texts to 19S P Pesher (commentary) 3QI5 Copper Scroll from Q Qumran Qumran Cave 3 1Q 2Q Numbered caves of 4QFlor Florilegium (or Eschato- 3Q ete. Qumran, yielding writ- logical Midrashim) from ten material; followed Qumran Cave 4 by abbreviation of bibli- 4QMess ar Aramaic “Messianic” cal or apocryphal book text from Qumran Cave Qu Qumran literature 4 1QapGen Genesis Apocryphon 4QPrNab Prayer of Nabonidus from Qumran Cave | from Qumran Cave 4 1QH Hédayot (Thanksgiving 4QTestim Testimonia text from Hymns) from Qumran Qumran Cave 4 Cave 1 4QTLevi Testament of Levi from 1QIsa First or second copy of Qumran Cave 4 Isaiah from Qumran 4QPhyl —Phylacteries from Qum- Cave 1 ran Cave 4 1QpHab Pesher on Habakkuk 11QMelch Melchizedek text from from Qumran Cave | Qumran Cave 11 1QM Milhamah (War Scroll) 11QtgJob = Targum of Job from Qumran Cave 11 For further sigla (always roman), and for an explanation of the system of abbreviation, see J. A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for study (SBLSBS 8; Missoula: Scholars Press, 1975) 3-53. Note in particular: 4Q 177 12-13 ii 3,5-8: Text 177 from Qumran Cave 4 (joined) fragments 12-13, column ii, lines 3 and 5-8. N.B. Lower-case roman numerals are used here for columns to distinguish them from fragment numbers and line numbers. 8 Instructions for Contributors 25. Abbreviations of Targumic Material For the Qumran targums, the system for QL is to be used (thus: 4QigLev, 4QigJob, 11QtgJob, followed by column and line numbers). If it is necessary to specify the biblical passage, the following form should be used: 11Qiglob 38,3-4 (= Hebr. 42,10). For other materials, 73). is to be used, if the title is spelled out; thus: In Tg. Ongelos we find...; or In Tgs. Neofiti and Ongelos the... But abbreviated titles, as given below, are to be used when followed by chapter and verse numbers of a biblical book: Tg. Ong. Gen 1,3-4; Tg. Neof. Exod 12,1-2.5-6. Teg. Ong. — Targum Ongelos Tg. Ps-J. Targum Pseudo-Jona- Tg. Neb. Targum of the Prophets than Tg. Ket. Targum of the Writings Tg. Yer. 1 Targum Yerusalmi I* Frg. Tg. Fragmentary Targum Tg. Yer. H Targum Yerusalmi 1T* Sam. Tg. Samaritan Targum Yem. Tg. Yemenite Targum Tg. Isa ‘Targum of Isaiah Tg. Esth I. First or Second Targum Pal. Tgs. Palestinian Targums UI. of Esther Tg. Neof. Targum Neofiti 1 * optional title 26. Abbreviations of Orders and Tractates in Mishnaic and Related Lit- erature. To distinguish the same-named tractates in the Mishna, Tosepta, Baby- lonian Talmud, and Jerusalem Talmud, use (italicized) m., t., b., or y. before the title of the tractate. Thus m.Pe'a 8,2; b.Sbb. 31a; y. Mak. 2,31d; t.Pe'a 1,4 (Zuck. 18 [= page number of Zuckermandel’s edition of the Tosepta]; Lieb. 41-42 [= page number of Liberman’s edition of the Tosepta)). *Abot Abot Hul Hullin "Arak Arakin Kelim elim Abod. Zar. Aboda Zara Ker. Keritot B. Bat. Baba Batra Ketub, —Ketubot Bek. Bekorot Kil. Kil’ ayim Ber. Berakot Ma'as. — Ma’ aserot Besa Besa (= Yom Tob) Mak. — Makkot Bik. Bikkurim Maks. Maksirin (= Masgin) B. Mex. Baba Mesi'a Meg. Megilla B. Qam. Baba Qamma Me'il. — Me*ila Dem. —-Demai Menah. — Menahot “Erub. —“Erubin Mid. Middot ‘Ed. Eduyyot Miqw. Miqwa’ ot Git Gittin pies pe ae a Hag. iga fo"ed Qat. Mo’ atan ail a Ma’ as. S. Ma’ aser Seni Hor. Horayot Nasim — Nasim Instructions for Contributors Nazir Nazir Ned. Nedarim Neg. Nega'im Nez. Nezigin Nid. Niddah Ohol. Oholot "Or. “Orla Para Para Pe'a Pe'a Pesabh. Pesahim Qinnim Qinnim Qidd. Qiddusin Qod. Qodasin Ros. Has. Ros HasSana Sanh. Sanhedrin Sabb. Sabbat Seb. Sebi" it 9 Sebu. Sebu’ ot Segal. Segalim Sola Sota Sukk. Sukka Ta'an. ‘Ta’ anit Tamid — Tamid Tem. Temura Ter. Terumot Tohar. Toharot T. Yom — Tebul Yom “Ug. “Uggin Yad. Yadayim Yebam. Yebamot Yoma Yoma (= Kippurim) Zabim Zabim Zebah. Zebahim Zer. Zera’ im 27. Abbreviations of Some Other Rabbinic Works “Abot R. Nat. “Ag. Ber. Bab. Bar. Der. Er. Rab. Der. Er. Zut. Gem. Kalla Mek. Midr. Pal. Pesiq. R. *Abot deRabbi Na- than *Aggadat Beresit Babylonian Baraita Derek Eres Rabba Derek Eres Zuta Gemara Kalla Mekilta Midra; cited with usual abbreviation for biblical book; but Midr. Qoh. = Midras Qohelet Palestinian Pesigta Rabbati Pesig. Rab Kah. Pesigta deRab Ka- Pirge R. El. Rab. Sem. Sipra Sipre Sop. S. ‘Olam Rab. Talm. Yal. 28. Abbreviations of Nag Hammadi Tractates Tract, English Title Eng. Abbrev. Ml The Prayer of the Apostle Pr. Paul Paul (+ colophon) 12 The Apocryphon of James — Ap.Jas. 13 The Gospel of Truth Gos.Truth hana Pirge Rabbi Eliez- er Rabbah (following abbreviation for biblical book: Gen. Rab. [with periods] = Genesis Rabbah) Semahot Sipra Sipre Soperim Seder ‘Olam Rab- bah Talmud Yalqut French German Abbrev. Abbrev. PrPaul = OrPI ApocrJac Aplac EvVer EV 10 Tract 14 15 Il 1,2 11,3 14 Is 1,6 ii uy m2 ms 14 MLS Iva Iv.2 va v2 V3 v4 VS Vid VL2 V3 v4 VLS VLO V17 VL8 VII VIL,2 VIL,3 v4 VILS VuL,J vul,2 Instructions for Contributors English Title Eng. Abbrev. The Treatise on Resurrec- Treat.Res tion The Tripartite Tractate Tri.Trac. The Apocryphon of John Ap.John The Gospel of Thomas Gos.Thom The Gospel of Philip Gos.Phil The Hypostasis of the Ar- Hyp.Arch chons On the Origin of the World Orig, World The Exegesis on the Soul Exeg.Soul The Book of Thomas the Thom.Cont. Contender (+ colophon) The Apocryphon of John Ap.John The Gospel of the Egyp- Gos.Ee. trans Eugnostos the Blessed Eugnostos The Sophia of Jesus Christ Soph.Jes.Chr The Dialogue ot the Savior Dial.Sav The Apocrvphon of John Ap.John The Gospel of the Egyp- Gos.Eg. ans Eugnostos the Blessed Eugnostos The Apocalypse of Paul Apoc.Paul The First Apocalypse of 1.Apoc.Jas James The Second 4pocalypse of 2.Apoc.Jas James The Apocalypse of Adam Apoc.Adam The Acts of Peter and the Acts Pet.12 Apost. Twelve Apostles The Thunder, Perfect Mind Thund. Authoritatwe Teaching Auth.Teach. The Concept of Our Great Great.Pow. Power Plato, Republic 588 B-589 B The Discourse on the Eighth Disc.8-9 and Ninth The Prayer of Thanksgiving Pr. Thanks (+ scribal note) Asclepius 21-29 Asclepius The Paraphrase of Shem — ParaphShem The Second Treatise of the TreatSeth Great Seth Apocalypse of Peter Apoc.Pet. The Teachings of Silvanus Teach.Silv. (+ colophon) The Three Steles of Seth (+ Steles Seth colophon) Zostrianos Zost. The Letter of Peter to Ep.Pet.Phil. Philip French Abbrev. Rheg ‘TracTri Apocr}n EvTh EvPhil HypArch OrMond ExAm ThAthl ApocrIn EvEgypt Eug sic DialSauv ApocrJn EvEgypt Eug ApocPaul 1ApocJac 2ApocJac ApocAd AcPil2Ap Bronté AuthLog, GrPuis PlatoRep OgdEnn PriAcGr Ascl ParaSem GrSeth ApocPi Silv 3StSeth Zost PiPhil German Abbrev. Rheg TractTrip Al EvThom EvPhil HA OrMundi ExAn LibThom rN] AgEv Eugn sic Dial AJ AgEv Eugn ApcPt TApeJac 2Apclac ApcAd ActPtl2Ap Bronte AuthLog Noema ExePlat OgdEnn PrecHerm Ask ParSem 2LogSeth ApePt Silv StelSeth Zostr EpPt Instructions for Contributors i Tract. English Title Eng. Abbrev. French German Abbrev. Abbrev. XI Melchizedek Melch. Melch Mele 1X2 The Thought of Norea Norea Nor Norea 1X3 The Testimony of Truth Testim.Truth TemVer —TestVer XI Marsanes Marsanes Mar Marsanes XII The Interpretation of Interpr.Know. InterpGn__ Inter Knowledge x12 A Valentinian Exposition VaLExp. ExpVal —ExpVal X1,2a On the Anointing X1,2b On Baptism A On Bap. A BapA apt XI,2e On Baptism B On BapB BapB Bap 1B XI,2d On the Eucharist A On Euch.A. EuchA — EuchA XI,2e On the Eucharist B On Euch.B EuchB — EuchB X13 Allogenes Allogenes Allog _Allogenés XI4 Hypsiphrone Hypsiph. Hyps Hyps XIL/ The Sentences of Sextus _Sent.Sextus SSext —SentSext xIL,2 The Gospel of Truth Gos.Truth EvVer EV XIL,3 Fragments Frm Xm, Trimorphic Protennoia ProTri —_Protennoia XII,2 On the Origin of the World Orig. World OrMond = OrMundi BG 8502, The Gospel of Mary Gos.Mary EvMar — EvMar BG 8502,2 The Apocryphon of John Ap.John Apocrin AJ BG 85023 The Sophia of Jesus Christ Soph.Jes.Chr. sic SIC BG 85024 The Act of Peter Act.Pet ActPi —ActPt NB. Authors who write in Italian or Spanish are requested to use, as much as possible, the French abbreviations, 29. Abbreviations of Commonly Used Periodicals, Reference Works and Serials. (For abbreviations not to be found in this list, the abbreviations of S. ScHWERTNER, International glossary of abbreviation for theology and related subjects (= IATAG), Berlin - New York 1974, W. de Gruyter, should be used. The present list tries to adopt as much as possible the abbreviations of CBQ, Hermen, HTR, JRL and IATAG. - Titles of periodical and books are itali- cized (hence underlined in the MS), but titles of serials are set in roman characters, as are acronyms of author’s names when they are used as sigla). AASOR = Annual of the American ACW Ancient Christian Writers Schools of Oriental Re- ADAJ Annual of the Department search of Antiquities of Jordan AB Anchor Bible AER American Ecclesiastical Abrn ‘Abr-Nahrain Review AcOr Acta orientalia 12 Instructions for Contributors AfO Archiv fiir Orientfor- APOT RB. H. Charles (ed.), Apo- schung crypha and Pseudepigra- AGJU —Arbeiten zur Geschichte pha of the Old Testa- des antiken Judentums ‘ment und des Urchristentums ARG Archiv fiir Reformations- AHR American Historical Re- geschichte view ARM Archives royales de Mari AHw W. von Soden, Akka- ArOr Archiv orientdlni disches Handworterbuch ARW Archiv fiir Religionswis- AION Annali dell‘istituto orien- senschaft tale di Napoli ASNU Acta seminarii neotesta- AJA American Journal of mentici upsaliensis Archaeology ASSR Archives des sciences so- AJAS — American Journal of ciales des religions Arabic Studies ASTI Annual of the Swedish AJBA Australian Journal of Bi- Theological Institute blical Archaeology ATAbh Alttestamentliche Ab- AJSL American Journal of handlungen Semitic Languages and ATANT Abhandlungen zur Theo- Literature logie des Alten und AJT American Journal of Neuen _—_ Testaments Theology (AThANT) ALBO Analecta lovaniensia bi- ATD Das Alte Testament blica et orientalia Deutsch ALGHJ Arbeiten zur Literatur ATR Anglican Theological Re- und Geschichte des helle- view nistischen Judentums AusBR Australian Biblical Re- ALUOS — Annual of Leeds Universi- view ty Oriental Society AUSS Andrews University Semi- AnBib —Analecta biblica nary Studies AnBoll — Analecta Bollandiana BA Biblical Archaeologist ANEP J. B. Pritchard (ed.), An- BAC Biblioteca de autores cris- cient Near East in Pic- tianos tures BAR Biblical Archaeologist ANESTP J. B. Pritchard (ed.), An- Reader cient Near East Supple- BASOR Bulletin of the American mentary Texts and Pic- Schools of Oriental Re- tures search ANET J. B. Pritchard (ed.), An- BASP Bulletin of the American cient Near Eastern Texts Society of Papyrologists Ang Angelicum BBB Bonner biblische Beitrige AnOr —_Analecta orientalia BCSR Bulletin of the Council on ANQ Andover Newton Quarter- the Study of Religion ly BeO Bibbia e oriente Anton Antonianum BETL _Bibliotheca_ephemeridum AOAT Alter Orient und Altes theologicarum lovanien- Testament sium AOS American Oriental Series BEvT Beitrage zur evangeli- AP J. Marouzeau (ed.), L’an- schen Theologie née philologique Instructions for Contributors 13 BFCT Beitrige zur Férderung BZRGG _ Beihefte zur ZRGG christlicher Theologie CAD The Assyrian Dictionary BGBE Beitrige zur Geschichte of the Oriental Institute of der biblischen Exegese the University of Chicago. BHK R. Kittel. Biblia hebrai- CAH Cambridge Ancient His- ca tory BHS Biblia hebraica stutt- CAT Commentaire de I’Ancien gartensia Testament BHT Beitraige zur historischen CB Cultura biblica Theologie CBQ Catholic Biblical Bib Biblica Quarterly BibB Biblische Beitrige CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarter- BibLeb Bibel und Leben ly Monograph Series BibOr Biblica et orientalia CCath Corpus Catholicorum BibS(F) _Biblische Studien (Frei- Chr Corpus Christianorum burg. 1895-) (BSt) CH Church History BibS(N) _Biblische Studien (Neu- CHR Catholic Historical Re- kirchen, 1951-) (BibSt) view BIES Bulletin of the Israel Ex- Clg Corpus inscriptionum ploration Society (= Ye- graecarum diot) cu Corpus inscriptionum iu- BIFAO Bulletin de l'institut fran- daicarum ¢ais d’archéologie orien- cL Corpus inscriptionum lati- tale narum BJRL Bulletin of the John Ry- cls Corpus inscriptionum lands University Library semiticarum of Manchester CIT Canadian Journal of The- BK Bibel und Kirche ology BKAT Biblischer Kommentar: CNT Commentaire du Nou- Altes Testament veau Testament BL Book List ConB Coniectanea biblica BLE Bulletin de littérature ec- ConNT — Coniectanea neotestamen- clésiastique tica BLit Bibel und Liturgie ce Church Quarterly BO Bibliotheca orientalis COR Church Quarterly Review BR Biblical Research csco. Corpus scriptorum chris- BSac Bibliotheca Sacra tianorum orientalium BSO(A)S Bulletin of the School of CSEL Corpus scriptorum eccle- Oriental (and African) siasticorum latinoram Studies CTA A. Herdner, Corpus des BT The Bible Translator tablettes en cunéiformes BIB Biblical Theology Bulletin alphabétiques BTS Bible et terre sainte CTM Concordia Theological BVC Bible et vie chrétienne Monthly BWANT Beitrage zur Wissenschaft CurTM Currents in Theology and vom Alten und Neuen Mission Testament DACL Dictionnaire d'archéologie BZ Biblische Zeitschrift chrétienne et de liturgie BZAW Beihefte zur ZAW DBSup Dictionnaire de la Bible, BZNW Beihefte zur ZVNW Supplément 14 Instructions for Contributors DISO C.-F. Jean and J. Hoftij- GKB Gesenius ~ Kautzsch - zer, Dictionnaire des in- Bergstrasser, Hebrdische scriptions sémitiques de Grammatik Vouest GKC Gesenius’ Hebrew Gram- DOTT D. W. Thomas (ed.), mar, ed. E, Kautzsch, tr. Documents from Old Tes- A. E. Cowley tament Times GNT Grundrisse zum Neuen DS Denzinger-Schénmetzer, Testament Enchiridion symbolorum GOTR Greek Orthodox Theologi- DTC Dictionnaire de théologie cal Review catholique GRBS — Greek, Roman, and By- DIT Dansk teologisk tidsskrift zantine Studies DunRev Dunwoodie Review Greg Gregorianum EBib Etudes bibliques HALAT WW. Baumgartner et al... EDB L. F. Hartman (ed.), En- Hebrdisches und ara- cyclopedic Dictionary of mdisches Lexikon zum the Bible Alten Testament EHAT Exegetisches Handbuch HAT Handbuch zum Alten zum Alten Testament Testament EKKNT _ Evangelisch-Katholischer HDR Harvard Dissertations in Kommentar zum Neuen Religion Testament HeyJ Heythrop Journal EKL Evangelisches Kirchenlexi- Hibs Hibbert Journal kon HKAT Handkommentar zum Al- EncJud Encyclopaedia judaica ten Testament (1971) HKNT Handkommentar zum EnchBib — Enchiridion biblicum Neuen Testament ErJb Eranos Jahrbuch HNT Handbuch zum Neuen EstBib Estudios biblicos Testament ETL Ephemerides theologicae HNTC Harper's NT Commentar- lovanienses* ies ETR Etudes théologiques et re- HR History of Religions ligieuses HSM Harvard Semitic Mono- EvK Evangelische Kommen- graphs tare HTKNT Herders theologischer EvQ Evangelical Quarterly Kommentar zum Neuen EvT Evangelische Theologie Testament ExpTim — Expository Times HTR Harvard Theological Re- FBBS Facet Books, Biblical Se- view ries HTS Harvard Theological FC Fathers of the Church Studies FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion HUCA Hebrew Union College und Literatur des Alten Annual und Neuen Testaments IB Interpreter’s Bible FzB Forschung zur Bibel Icc International Critical GCS Griechische christliche Commentary Schriftsteller IDB G. A. Buttrick (ed.). Jn- GAG W. von Soden, Grundriss terpreter’s Dictionary of der akkadischen Gram- the Bible matik Instructions for Contributors 15 IDBSup Supplementary volume to JRelS Journal of Religious Stud- IDB ies IEJ Israel Exploration Jour- JRH Journal of Religious His- nal tory Int Interpretation IRS Journal of Roman Stud- ITQ Irish Theological Quarter- ies ly JRT Journal of Religious JA Journal asiatique Thought JAC Jahrbuch fiir Antike und ISI Journal for the Study of Christentum Judaism in the Persian, JANESCU Journal of the Ancient Hellenistic and Roman Near Eastern Society of Period Columbia University ISS Journal of Semitic Stud- JAOS Journal of the American ies Oriental Society JSSR Journal for the Scientific JAS Journal of Asian Studies Study of Religion JBL Journal of Biblical Litera- JTC Journal for Theology and ture the Church JBR Journal of Bible and Reli- JTS Journal of Theological gion Studies JCS Journal of Cuneiform Judaica Judaica: Beitrége zum Studies Verstdndnis. . . JDS Judean Desert Studies KAI H. Donner and W. JEA Journal of Egyptian Ar- Réllig, Kanaandische und chaelogy aramdische Inschrifien JEH Journal of Ecclesiastical KAT E. Sellin (ed.), Kommen- History tar zum A. T. JEOL Jaarbericht... ex oriente KB L. Koehler and W. lux Baumgartner. Lexicon in JES Journal of Ecumenical Veteris Testamenti libros Studies KD Kerygma und Dogma JHS Journal of Hellenic Stud- KIT Kleine Texte ies LCC Library of Christian Clas- JIS Journal of Jewish Studies sics JMES Journal of Middle Eastern LCL Loeb Classical Library Studies LD Lectio divina JNES Journal of Near Eastern Leg LeSonénu Studies Lo Lutheran Quarterly JPOS Journal of the Palestine LR Lutherische Rundschau Oriental Society LTK Lexikon fiir Theologie JPSV Jewish Publication Society und Kirche (LThK) Version LW Lutheran World JOR Jewish Quarterly Review McCQ = McCormick Quarterly JQRMS Jewish Quarterly Review MDOG Mitteilungen der deut- Monograph Series schen Orient-Gesellschaft JR Journal of Religion MeyerK H. A. W. Meyer, Kri- JRAS Journal of the Royal tisch-exegetischer Kom- Asiatic Society mentar iiber das Neue JRE Journal of Religious Testament Ethics 16 Instructions for Contributors MGWJ = Monatsschrift fiir Ge- OBO Orbis Biblicus et Orien- schichte und Wissenschaft talis des Judentums OIP Oriental Institute Publica- MNTC Moffatt NT Commentary tions MScRel — Mélanges de science reli- OLP Orientalia lovaniensia pe- gieuse riodica MTZ Miinchener theologische OLZ Orientalische Literaturzei- Zeitschrift tung MUSJ — Mélanges de l’université Or Orientalia (Rome) Saint-Joseph OrAnt ——Oriens antiquus MVAG Mitteilungen der vordera- OrChr Oriens christianus siatisch-agyptischen Ge- OrSyr Lorient syrien sellschaft ors Oudtestamentische Stud- NA*6 Nestle-Aland, Novum ién Testamentum Graece, PAAJR Proceedings of the Ameri- 26th. ed. can Academy of Jewish NAB New American Bible Research NCE M. R. P. McGuire et al. PEFQS_ Palestine Exploration (eds.), New Catholic En- Fund, Quarterly State- cyclopedia ment NEB New English Bible PEQ Palestine Exploration NedTTs Nederlands theologisch Quarterly tijdschrift PG J. Migne, Patrologia grae- Neot Neotestamentica ca NFT New Frontiers in Theolo- PJ Paléstina-Jahrbuch gy PL J. Migne, Patrologia lati- NHS Nag Hammadi Studies na NICNT New International Com- PO Patrologia orientalis mentary on the New Tes- PRU Le Palais royal d’Ugarit tament PSTJ Perkins (School of Theo- NKZ Neue Kirchliche Zeit- logy) Journal schrift PVTG Pseudepigrapha Veteris NT Novum Testamentum Testamenti Graece NTS Novum Testamentum, QDAP Quarterly of the Depart- Supplements ment of Antiquities in NRT La nouvelle revue théolo- Palestine gique (NRTh) RA Revue d'assyriologie et NTA New Testament Abstracts darchéologie orientale NTAbh = Neutestamentliche Ab- RAC Reallexikon fiir Antike handlungen und Christentum NTD Das Neue Testament RArch Revue archéologique Deutsch RB Revue biblique NTF Neutestamentliche For- RBén Revue bénédictine schungen RCB Revista de cultura biblica NTS New Testament Studies RE Realencyklopadie fiir pro- NTTS New Testament Tools testantische Theologie und and Studies Kirche Numen Numen: International Re- RechBib Recherches bibliques view for the History of REg Revue d’égyptologie Religions REJ Revue des études juives Instructions for Contributors 7 RelArts Religion and the Arts SBB Stuttgarter biblische Bei- RelS Religious Studies traige RelSoc Religion and Society SBFLA Studi biblici franciscani RelSRev Religious Studies Review liber annuus RES Répertoire d’épigraphie SBLASP Society of Biblical Litera- sémitique ture Abstracts and Semi- RevExp Review and Expositor nar Papers RevistB Revista biblica SBLDS SBL Dissertation Series RevQ Revue de Qumran SBLMasS SBL Masoretic Studies RevScRel Revue des sciences reli- SBLMS —SBL Monograph Series gieuses SBLSBS SBL Sources for Biblical RevSém — Revue sémitique study RevThom Revue thomiste SBLSCS BL Septuagint and Cog- RGG Religion in Geschichte nate Studies und Gegenwart SBLTT SBL Texts and Transla- RHE Revue d'histoire ecclésias- tions tique SBM Stuttgarter biblische Mo- RHPR Revue d'histoire et de phi- nographien losophie religieuses SBS Stuttgarter Bibelstudien RHR Revue de l'histoire des re- SBT Studies in Biblical Theo- ligions logy RivB Rivista biblica sc Sources chrétiennes RNT Regensburger Neues Tes- SCR Studies in Comparative tament Religion RQ Rémische Quartalschrift ScEs Science et esprit fiir christliche Altertums- ‘Ser Scripture kunde und Kirchenge- ScrB Scripture Bulletin schichte sD Studies and Documents RR Review of Religion SE Studia Evangelica I, I, RSO Rivista degli studi orien- Il (© TU 73 [1959], 87 tali [1964], 88 [1964], etc.) RSPT Revue des sciences philo- SEA Svensk exegetisk drsbok ‘sophiques et théologiques Sef Sefarad RSR Recherches de science re- Sem Semitica ligieuse SHT Studies in Historical The- RSV Revised Standard Version ology RTL Revue théologique de SJLA Studies in Judaism in Louvain Late Antiquity RTP Revue de théologie et de SUT Scottish Journal of Theo- philosophie logy RUO Revue de l'université d’Ot- SMSR Studi e materiali di storia tawa delle religioni SANT Studien zum Alten und SNT Studien zum Neuen Tes- Neuen Testament tament SAQ Sammlung ausgewéahlter SNTSMS Society for New Testa- kirchen- und dogmenge- ment Studies Monograph schichtlicher Quellen- Series schriften so Symbolae osloenses SB Sources bibliques SOTSMS Society for Old Testa- ment Study Monograph Series 18 Instructions for Contributors SPap Studia papyrologica TPQ Theologisch-Praktische SPAW Sitzungsberichte der Quartalschrift preussischen Akademie TQ Theologische Quartal- der Wissenschafien schrift SPB Studia postbiblica TRev Theologische Revue SR Studies in Religion/ TRu Theologische Rundschau Sciences religieuses TS Theological Studies SSS Semitic Study Series TSK Theologische Studien und ST Studia theologica (StTh) Kritiken STA Svensk teologisk drsskrift 1T Teologisk Tidsskrift STDJ Studies on the Texts of TToday Theology Today the Desert of Judah TTKi Tidsskrift for Teologi og STK Svensk teologisk kvartal- Kirke skrift TTZ Trierer theologische Str-B [H. Strack and] P. Biller- Zeitschrift beck. Kommentar zum TU Texte und Untersuchun- Neuen Testament gen StudNeot Studia neotestamentica TWAT _ G. J. Botterweck and H. StudNeotS [Id.] Subsidia Ringgren (eds.), Theolo- StudOr _ Studia orientalia gisches Wérterbuch zum SUNT Studien zur Umwelt des Alten Testament Neuen Testaments TWNT G. Kittel and G. Frie- SVTP Studia in Veteris Testa- drich (eds.), Theologisches menti pseudepigrapha Wérterbuch zum Neuen SymBU —Symbolae biblicae_upsal- Testament ienses (SyBU) TZ Theologische Zeitschrift TAPA Transactions of the Amer- UBSGNT United Bible Societies ican Philological Associa- Greek New Testament tion UF Ugarit Forschungen TBii Theologische Biicherei UNT Untersuchungen zum TBT The Bible Today Neuen Testament TDNT _ G. Kittel and G. Frie- us Una Sancta drich (eds.), Theological USQR Union Seminary Quarter- Dictionary of the New ly Review Testament UT C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic TextsS, Texts and Studies Textbook TF Theologische Forschung ve Vigiliae christianae TG Theologie und Glaube VCaro Verbum caro THAT _ E. Jenni and C. Wester- VD Verbum Domini mann (eds.), Theolo- VE Verktindigung und For- gisches Handworterbuch schung zum Alten Testament vs Verbum salutis THKNT Theologischer Handkom- VSpir Vie spirituelle mentar zum Neuen Tes- ur Vetus Testamentum tament VTS Vetus Testamentum Sup- TLZ Theologische Literatur- plements zeitung WDB Westminster Dictionary of TP Theologie und Philoso- the Bible phie WHAB WMANT wo WTS WUNT WZKM WZKSO ZAW ZDMG Instructions for Contributors Westminster Historical Atlas of the Bible Wissenschaftliche Mono- graphien zum Alten und Neuen Testament Die Welt des Orients Westminster Theological Journal Wissenschafiliche Unter- suchungen zum Neuen Testament Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde Siid- und Osta- siens Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo- gie Zeitschrifi fiir die alttesta- mentliche Wissenschaft Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesell- schaft ZDPV ZEE ZHT ZKG ZKT ZMR ZNW ZRGG ZST ZTK ZWT 19 Zeitschrift des deutschen Paléstina-Vereins Zeitschrift fiir evange- lische Ethik Zeitschrift fiir historische Theologie Zeitschrift fiir Kirchenge- schichte Zeitschrift fiir katholische Theologie Zeitschrift fiir Missions- kunde und Religionswis- senschafi Zeitschrift fiir die neutes- tamentliche Wissenschaft Zeitschrift fiir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte Zeitschrift fiir systema- tische Theologie Zeitschrift fiir Theologie und Kirche Zeitschrift fiir wissen- schaftliche Theologie

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