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Post-Eligibility Meeting Reflection & Thoughts

Sammie Napierala

- Because teachers met yesterday as well, this meeting was much more formal and
prepared. Every student discussed already had portfolio materials and test scores already
prepared; there wasn’t much debate about whether or not a student would be
- A common wondering teachers had when it came to referring children who were not
automatically qualified was if that student was “likely” to receive qualifying scores in the
other multiple criteria areas. The CoGAT was discussed as being “very difficult” for
kindergarten students, so teacher opinions about whether or not a student was “logical”
enough to get in the 90th%ile or higher for the CoGAT could affect their chance of being
referred at all.
- Another factor is that if a child is tested for the gifted program and do not qualify, they
have to wait two years to be tested again (second grade for these students). If a child has
a qualifying score but is not referred, they may be tested the following year. Sometimes, a
teacher would use maturity level and “the chance to gain more skills” related to CoGAT
and TCTT testing in order to choose the latter option.
- This shows that very significant possibilities exist for teacher bias to play a role in
referring a student, even if they have a qualifying test score
- Many of the teachers were not very familiar with gifted testing procedures or with the
specific requirements of multiple criteria. They had to constantly refer to the Eligibility
Chart (or me) with questions.
- I felt like a valuable resource during this meeting. The teachers consulted me about
multiple criteria and I was able to explain the Eligibility Chart to them. They also had lots
of questions about the TABs form, which some of them had filled out and some hadn’t.
While the TABs aren't actually part of the official evidence for referral, we talked about
how it was a tool for helping to decide if a child should continue in the process. I tried to
emphasize how gifted characteristics look different in every child, and sometimes they
can show in unconventional ways.
- After meeting together as a team, the teachers seem to feel much more confident about
who they are recommending and why. I think that my presence was valued and

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