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Riley Danielson

Mrs. Cox

English 101

07 January 2020

Confirm or Refute
I believe that every man has the power to benefit their society. Whether they are in a

group or they are in a individual group, Every person has an impact on the society at large. This

statement is very true and he can go for every man. Personally, I am able to do a lot for the

society. Doing for the society does not have to be great acts, it can be as simple as just picking

up trash that you finally laying on the floor wherever you go. Benefiting the society is not hard

to do, but because people are lazy, not everybody benefits the society. Most people do not pick

up trash that they see laying down on the floor, they usually just walk by it and act as if it is not

there. Also, some people can donate if they are willing to, even the smallest donations will help

not much, but a little bit. Each person has the power to benefit the society, but we just don’t

want to because we are selfish creatures. Social responsibility is very important and it does play

a big role within our society. Social responsibility can help us maintain a stronger environment

and ecosystem. Organizations can do much more than individuals, but the individuals will still

help. For example, organizations have the ability to raise money by hosting events that

individuals can come and participate in. This way, the organizations and the individuals are

working together in some sort of manner to benefit the society as a whole. Technically, at this

point the organizations and individuals become one and there is no difference due to the fact

that they are working together to achieve the same goal. There are many organizations today
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that benefit us such as the Obama care that was under President Obama. More organizations

help keep the ocean is clean, help keep the ground clean, and help keep the air clean. Even car

companies are trying to help out with the problems in their ecosystem. Electric cars are being

made in order to reduce air air pollution that comes from cars using gasoline. There are even

hybrid cars being made which use gasoline, but not all the time. There are also carpool lanes on

busy roads which helps the people pack into one car instead of using multiple cars that calls air

pollution. Just by having four people in a car, you will eliminate three other cars I will be causing

air pollution as the same time as that one car. The individuals can help out by following these

rules and making sure that they do as much as possible to maintain a clean and safe

environment not only for themselves, but for the future generations. Some people don’t

necessarily follow these rules, but they can. This shows that individuals can work with

organizations in order to benefit the society in which we all live in. They choose not to because

they either don’t want to wear they are lazy. Not very many people would be willing to do

What others say just because other people are telling them to do something. Some people are

stuck up, some people are stubborn and some people are just plain out lazy.

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