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Name: Cleppe Sbarbati Lola

1-Simple Present. (Este ejercicio es para repasar Present Simple. Recuerden que la
tercera persona singluar lleva S en el verbo!)
Marquen o subrayen la opción correcta.
My dog eat/ eats meat and vegetables.
You start/ starts classes at 7 every day.
Ramiro go/ goes to bed at 8 o’clock.
Ana have/has lunch at 12.
Maria watches/ watch tv in her room.
We go/goes to school in the morning.
She play/plays football with me.
My sister studies/ study English.
She likes/ like Geography.
Pedro and Carlos live/lives in Saavedra.
Marta live/lives in Pigüé.
My cousin do/does his homework.
I have/has lunch at 12.30.
The football players have/has lunch at 2PM.
Carla watches/ watch Netflix.
The dolphin eat/eats fish.

2-Don’t/Doesn’t: (Marquen o subrayen la opción correcta)

We don’t/doesn’t like Maths.

I doesn´t/ don´t play tennis.
We don´t/ doesn´t eat sweets
3-Do/ Don´t / Does/ Doesn´t (Responder las preguntas)
Do you have dinner at 8PM?
Yes, i do.
Does your pet drink orange juice?
No, it doesnt.
Do you make cakes?
Yes, i do.
Does Agüero play in Argentina?
No, it doesnt
Do you like golf?

No, I do not like

Do you watch Netflix?
Yes, i do.
Do you like youtubers?
Yes, I like them
4-Have got. Answer. (Recuerden que Have got o Has got quiere decir “tener”. Responder las
1-Have you got a dog?
If I have
2- Have you got blonde hair?
I got it
3- Has Messi got red hair?
Does not have it
4- Has your mother got a sister?
Yes it does
5-Have got/has got. (Positive + or Negative -)
5- He has got a nice hat. –
6- My dog have got brown eyes. +
7- Analia has got blue shoes. –
8- Pepe and Martin have got a house in the mountains +
9- I have got a white bike sweater. +
10- I has got a bike-

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