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a4none0 About Me Sevey About Me Survey This is a survey to help me get to know you as a learner. * Required 1: What is your preferred name? * Your answer 2: What gender do you identify as? * Your answer 3: What is your pronoun? * Your answer 4; What town are you from? * Your answer ‘inps:locs google. con/ forse IFAIPQL SeH hp KvHKF Lucy GyBSAERIVanGIWigtkehesBoheQviewior, us sveonza _Atoxt Ma Sey 5: What is your favorite activity or subject in school? Your answer 6: What subjects are difficult for you? Why? Your answer 7: Check the following topics that interest you (Can pick more than one) Dance Drama Writing Social Studies Math Science Art Outdoor Recreation (Camping, Hiking, etc) 8: What are your favorite games, videogames, or sports Your answer ‘inps:locs google. con/ forse IFAIPQL SeH hp KvHKF Lucy GyBSAERIVanGIWigtkehesBoheQviewior, a4none0 Abou Me Seavey 9: In school, | prefer to work (Can pick more than one) Alone In pairs Ina small group With the whole class 10: When creating a project, | prefer (Can pick more than one) Creating and presenting a slideshow Building/assembling something Performing a skit or play Writing an essay or story Creating a piece of art Creating a video or audio recording Taking atest Other: 11: What careers are you interested in? Your answer 12: What else would you like me to know about you as a learner? Your answer ‘inps:locs google. con/ forse IFAIPQL SeH hp KvHKF Lucy GyBSAERIVanGIWigtkehesBoheQviewior, a4 About Me Seavey Never submit passwords through Google Forms. ‘This form was created inside of University of Maine Systern. Report Abuse ‘inps:locs google. con/ forse IFAIPQL SeH hp KvHKF Lucy GyBSAERIVanGIWigtkehesBoheQviewior, 46

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