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Today I will be talking about Remote Learning's advantages, disadvantages, and my

Some of the advantages are that students will be more in control of their schedule.
They will be able to go at their own pace, easily collaborate with others, and can
participate in new activities such as yoga and workouts.

They do not have to worry about transportation as everything can be accessed from
thereby saving time and money.

If students have family responsibilities like visiting a relative's home, they

can still use their mobile device to do classwork. In addition, if they are
disabled or have problems with mobility, they don't have to worry since nobody
will be forcing them to learn faster then they are ready to go.

Another advantage is that instead of reading outdated textbooks with

misinformation, they can
access up to date information on the internet. This can also lead to less costs
than a physical
class since physical textbooks are expensive to get.

However, there are also many disadvantages to Remote Learning as well.

Students who have slow internet or no internet access won't learn as effieciently,
those who haven't been introduced to remote learning before may feel confused and
Also, students would require a device to start remote learning, which can be
expensive if
they do not have one already.
Students will miss their friends too since they can't talk to them or play with
them. While
they can still talk to each other online, they may do this during class, which
would make
them distracted. They could also talk to each other during an online test and
cheat, making the
tests hard to give. This talking also does not develop social skills or oracy.

My daily schedule for remote learning goes like this. I wake up at 7 AM, eat
breakfast, then
brush my teeth. When I am done getting ready, I take attendance with Google Meet at
and then get prepared for the school day. I then go to Social Studies for an hour
at 8:30, then ELA
for an hour at 9:30, then an elective period for one hour at 10:30. This period can
be for art, biotechnology,
technology, or music. Next is lunch, where I eat from 11:30 to 12:30. If I get back
early, I take this time
for a break before math, which is 12:30 to 1:30. The final period in my schedule is
Science for an hour.

After the school day is over, I work on the homework I did not finish and the work
I get from physical

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