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Art of War

The Art of war is all about strategy, struggles, confrontation and trying to think
ahead of your opponent.We as all face same kinds of dilemmas in our hearts and
minds when it comes to compete with real life challenges. It is also help us to
know what to do and to perform all the strategies we planned before putting up a
business. I learned a lot of techniques on how to wage and win a war, planning is
important on how to defeat their enemies. Like my experiences as student before I
take my exams I always plan how to pass the exam and get a high grades so I
study and do some advance reading.
The self- awareness is important according to Sun Tzu “Know your enemy and
know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will never be defeated.” To be able to
be a winner in the challenges of life it is important to know your strengths and
weakness. If you are know yourself very well you should not worry about
anything. Sun Tzu has made it very clear that half battle is won when you have a
better understanding of yourself. However, if you neither know about yourself nor
about your enemy, it means you are at a very high risk every time you enter a
This is similar to having a business. That it is better to capture your market
without having to destroy it or destroy yourself. The goal of any business should
be to survive and prosper but to do this a company must aim to capture and secure
a hold on their market. This means that the business must drive from the market or
diminish their enemy’s role in it.The ideal character of an inspirational leader Sun
Tzu characterizes as someone who is wise, consistent, honest, humane and
courageous while also being strict.

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