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Spring 2020

Dear 1st Semester Nursing Student,

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on getting into nursing school!!! You should

feel SO proud of this amazing achievement! As I am writing to you now, it is almost
hard to believe that just two years ago I was in your shoes, buzzing with excitement
(and let’s admit it - a little nervousness). Nursing school is entirely different than
any of the classes you’ve taken in college so far, which might be intimidating, but
I’m here to offer you some words of wisdom as you prepare for this next big step in
your life!

1) Make the most of every clinical experience. Nursing school is the only
time you will get to practice your skills in different specialties, so put
yourself out there and advocate for your learning. The nurses are excited
to teach you!
2) Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for help. The goal of nursing school is
to learn, so it is okay that you don’t know everything. Your instructors are
there to challenge you, but above all they want you to succeed. Use them
for support.
3) Make time for YOU. I’m not going to sugar coat it; nursing school can be
really stressful at times and requires some sacrifices. However, I still
made sure to make time in my schedule to have fun with friends and
family. School is important, but you are only in college once, so try to
have fun every once in a while!
4) And finally – during lunch breaks I recommend taking a quick power nap
on the couches in The Catalyst Cafe 

It may not seem like it now, but these two years are going to fly by, and you’ll be
amazed by how much you’ve learned and grown. If you ever have questions or need
some advice, don’t hesitate to reach out! My email is

All the best to you,

Alli Hayes (4th Semester Nursing Student)

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