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Handout for spot diagnosis: Infectious disease

Wachira Wongtanasarasin, M.D.

Case: 44-year-old G1P0 GA 32 wk pregnant woman presented with acute high-graded fever for 1 week,
she went to Kanchanaburi 2 weeks ago.
PE: mild abdominal distension with tenderness at RUQ, rebound negative
Otherwise were unremarkable
Question 1: From the PBS, what is the causative organism and which stage is it?
Question 2: What is the drug of choice in this case?
Question 3: What is the drug of choice in this patient?

Case: 20-year-old man presented with productive cough with minimal rusty sputum for 2 weeks. He also
complained pain while breathing and night sweat
Question 4: From the stool exam, what is the drug of choice in this case?
Question 5: Bonus question

Case: 18-year-old man just returned from his trip to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. He was bitten by an insect
shown in picture and he caught it back to you.
Question 6: What is it?
Question 7: What does it cause?

Case: 25-year-old man presented to the ED with acute visual loss for 1 day. His past medical history is
normal except for MSM (men having sex with men).
Question 8: What is the most likely diagnosis?

Case: 40-year-old woman presented with acute fever for 5 days and diffuse abdominal pain with history
of constipation. PE: hepatospleomegaly and skin lesion as shown in picture.
Question 9: What is the most likely pathogen?
Question 10: Bonus question

Case: 30-year-old man with known case HIV infection with poor compliance to ARV presented with
diarrhea for 3 weeks. Stool exam was shown in the picture.
Question 11: What is the most likely pathogen?

Case: 65-year-old man known case COPD and RA presented with acute fever and dyspnea 5 days.
Question 12: From the CXR, what is the LEAST likely finding in this case?

Case: 40-year-old man just returned from Koh Samui presented with skin lesion in the picture.
Question 13: What is the most likely pathogen?
Question 14: What is the drug of choice in this case?
Question 15: From the skin lesion, what is the most likely pathogen?

Question 16: Bonus question

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