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Jln.  Bantul Km 05 Kweni Rt.06 Panggungharjo,  Sewon, and Yogyakarta.

Maybe the term "CAMPUS" sounds familiar to the public, and of course millennial

students nowadays. But how about "Kampuz Streets"? Unique names that inspire everyone's
curiosity to pry into information, and so do we, students. Questions began to boggle our
minds "what place kah this? Whether this is a campus teruntuk the street or a place like campus
in general?" The first thing we do is looking for the information on the Internet, and we were
astonished at what we got turned out that this Street Kampuz was a gathering place for learning
and sharing knowledge. M ccording founder Kampuz streets share the knowledge it was fun and
it was beginning thought them to make Kampuz the streets are. We also find that this Kampuz is
in Yogyakarta, the place where we study, which is located on Jln. Bantul Km 05 Kweni Rt.06
Panggungharjo, Sewon, and Yogyakarta.

One sunny day, we together visited the location where the street shelter. There we met
the principal named Mr. Eko Prasetyo. We speak much things about kampuz this street. While
drinking a cup of tea that is served, we try to extract information from him.

He, the father of Eko Prasetyo, is a person who is persistent in maintaining this street's

capabilities. How come? For almost 9 years, street traffic has remained exists in the
community. Starting from friends The Topaners or bike topaners we k on in 2010, He was with
friends Kampuz streets meet the author novelist Ali Topan street children that he, Mr. Teguh
Esa, you could say we are friends of Ali Topan. There, he and his friends, talking about a lot of
fundamental things, regarding the activities kampuz streets. The idea began to emerge "if
we concerned with education in Indonesia, why not founded the free school?" Departing
from educational concerns, this street stand stands. "Kampuz ala teman-teman jalanan" said one
of his friends. And time is flowing as it should, arguably Kampuz Street exists because of
the concern of fellow gerily street clouds alone.

He said "Kampuz Street started from the motorbike community, some of their motorbike
activities always tuck educational activities". So when the Topanerz Bike week was gathered,
Kampuz Jalanan there held book ticketing and the results were quite a lot. They also carry out
activities like that three times already, the first was the Topaners bike week, the second was a
Honda Classic event, and had worked with Jogja Honda Classic to make an event in Klaten. In
the event they made a difference, so there they tried to make a motorcycle children's event but
the activities were different from usual, there was an appreciation of traditional music so we
played traditional music and Javanese drama, there were also illustrations of their lumberjacks so
they knew about the lads' heroes.

Back then, they thought that should be able to share knowledge with others. Starting from
sharing knowledge and then we tried to get out, starting with make a stronger mission, why do
not we go out to schools to share knowledge. They have monitored schools in remote areas far
from the facilities and infrastructure. Finally they made the activities to the remote villages as a
form of social movement and was called "Educational Creative Alms". That is the story of the
Kampuz Street.

Regarding the Kampuz Jalanan logo, in 2010, Kampuz Street still used Ali
Typhoon. Only the words "Ali Typhoon" and there is a picture of Ali Typhoon's face, then in
2012, they declared officially to make their own logo and have their own-discourse, with
the slogan "Yogo Angonggo Yogi" which means "boy enom zinc nuance" and there is a picture
of blencong, in the world of wayang blencong this is always placed on the head of a puppeteer
that is useful as a torch, as well as in the picture on the Street Kampuz logo. Picture of the book
there is a source of knowledge that we can and we share in Javanese or wayang.

On this basis, Kampuz Street hopes to be useful for education in Indonesia. This is

evident from many of its activities were held , ranging from homework, play, recite, read a book,
the Koran, was given Kampuz Street. Regarding the material, they put more emphasis on public
science by making it look freer, because it makes them more comfortable. With that
comfort, children are more accepting of what they give. Actually teaching is simple, comfortable
home, willing to learn anything, that we can be comfortable, relaxed, everything will be more
easily accepted. In SKE they also do. For example, one of the Kampuz Jalanan (provisional
rubik) props was made during the 3rd or 4th SKE, so initially they explained to the children,
the way to explain them was also not complicated. But they only carry this rubik praga
tool. They were told to play with the Rubik, after that they took them to the next activity which
was drawing with the theme of Pancasila.

Schools without funds have become impossible in this modern era, but they prove that
without funds, they can still teach. Which Eko Prasetyo and friends kampuz street think of
only one, how the school can run whatever their condition. "Orang Kaya Khilaf is a term for
people who give funds," they said. Its mean that anyone can help this activity. Moreover, to add
to the funds, they also usually hold workshop like making a movie in the middle of the city
schools. Terk adang they also make ticketing books at the events and as a result they channeled
to help kampuz streets and schools are located in the corners of Indonesia.
- What is the current condition of the street?

Sips by sips of tea, accompanied by an increasingly in-depth discussion about the

changes that occur in the body kampuz the street.

The day and time have changed now, now the streets are not what they used to be. Let's
look at a portrait of how today's streets are where they have not been too unfazed by the
endless obsession of the world. They began to think to change the ability of the streets to further
enhance the knowledge of the afterlife and our purpose in living on earth, to seek His
heaven. Let’s go over and piece through from this point-by-point below.

- Like a man a Build an owned kampuz street?

Kampuz street has a unique building such as a stage made of wood with a variety of
simple materials namely in the form of wood with the front letter KJ which stands for 'street
kampuz ”, with various designs that are simple but comfortable, after we enter we will be greeted
with stalls selling various ice snacks, or snacks, after we go up on the stage the walls are
decorated with various kinds of quotes, and wall hangings in the form of gifts, which are used by
the owner of the street kampuz himself, and from the outside of the building we can see across
the street Kampuz building also lined various foods, such as cat rice, soup, lotek, etc.
- What are the facilities on the street Kampuz?

Facilities owned by Kampuz Street are in the form of a library, which contains academic
books in schools, to religious books, but here it is more like a mini library because the book is
only posted on a wall shelf, and the book comes from good people who donate their books to the
street Kampuz.

Other facilities available are snacks , or a term for a place to buy food, sometimes when
we learn to really need the name power or intake to support the spirit of learning or studying, all
have been facilitated with ease, close and very affordable prices.

- Material taught on the streets?

Based on the title written, that the street lights have the motto "go back to the guide book.
So what is meant by the guide here, what is meant by the guide here is the Qur'an and Hadith, so
the material taught by the street lights is in the form of da'wah, the story of the Prophet
Muhammad shollahualaihi wasalam, or the story of friends, learned to read and memorize the
Qur'an, fiqh and other lessons based on the Qur'an and the Hadith.

- Who are the students on the street?

The street lights have the intention that everyone is walking so anyone has the right to
enter and study in the street lights. From the elderly, the children from the conglomerate
profession to the peasant profession can learn here.

- How is the learning system on the street?

In the streets of the streets have a learning system for parents of any kind, young people
from any circle, and children from any circle, everything is arranged with good time
management. When I ask him the wife of the campus campus owner and teacher for children ,
just call his name Aroh, He said that "Here there is a TPA mb, every day from Monday to Friday
when Ba'da Asr is by learning Iqro 'or Alquran by listening carefully, the event continued with
the memorization of the Koran of each child all of that is passed happily even children can
become teachers for their younger siblings, in learning iqro, because everyone has the right to
deliver their knowledge even though it is only one verse. " Uroh said, he also said that every
Monday a routine study was held to discuss the story The Prophet Muhammad
Shollahu'alaihiwasallam and Setiao Thursday dealt with the discussion of monotheism for the
elderly and young people.

- Who is the teacher on the street?

Kampuz Street has a motto that anyone has the right to give knowledge, whatever the
science. Even TPA children have been trained to teach their younger siblings based on their
abilities, for example there is a child who has good ability in counting, then he has the right to
teach his younger siblings, and if there are children who have the ability to read the Qur'an then
he has the right to teach his siblings to be able to read the Qur'an. but whether only children who
become teachers in the street, certainly not "Here we provide teachers / ustadz who have
competent in their education to teach routine studies in the streets of the city, for example Ust
Setiawan Tugiyono BA, alumni of Jakarta lipia, and to teach TPA we also here provide Ustadzah
who is experienced, downed, and who is important to like small children "Said Aroh, one of the
TPA lecturers

- What are the events of the Kampuz Street?

Kampuz Street often has several events, one of which is, the KJ Bazaar sells goods for
only 1000-5000 prices starting from the robe, shoes, even books, so how can these be sold so
cheaply? These items are used goods that are still used, from a volunteer, then from the KJ party
the money is used and will be played back for preaching activities in the KJ. Other activities we
can see are the pits and calling, which is an event for young people , and TPA children on
holidays to play bikes, the activity is to increase intimacy between the community and the
prosecutors of knowledge namely students of TPA,

Other activities are zantri bal-balan, the volcano of the Koran, and for the volcano the

Koran has its own uniqueness that is touring, the Koran, and camping. How young people have a
hobby of traveling, but do not forget the name of the Koran

- How can it be free for students but not close the building?

This is what many people may question, how   can it continue to run, and where does the
income from funding for teaching activities on the street. "If we think with a difficult mind, mba,
but thank God, through God's help, all of that is easy, sometimes what we need, there must
always be someone who gives mb, without us asking, for example, when on the stage the street is
really in need the name is a fan, but because at that time the funds were not yet available we
were forced to delay it, but for an interval of 1 day, there was someone who provided a fan that
was suitable for use, to be used on the street, and for money to continue flowing, many
volunteers were giving away donations for free. , and we believe that if we do something in the
way of Allah, surely Allah will make it easy. "Said Aroh, the wife of the owner of the street.
Source: fb Kampuz Street

Here it can be concluded that the Kampuz street is a forum for the community or people
of various ages and professions to improve themselves to get better with a knowledge but to
strengthen religious values by returning to the guidebook namely the Qur'an and Hadith , and
facilitating them that college was not to be for prospective students, but untu k prospective
occupants surga.dan here prove that there kampuz that they have a vision and mission to share
knowledge d ari anyone, for anyone , as said at the beginning of this street kampuz gathering
place for learning and sharing knowledge.

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