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Worksheet: Basic Trust & Mistrust: Erik Erikson's Theory

1. What do infants learn during the trust vs. mistrust stage?

Infants learn whether or not they can safely explore their surroundings.
Infants learn whether they can trust that the world is permanent.
Infants learn whether or not they can trust that their caregivers will provide for their basic needs.
Infants learn about their self-awareness and identities.

2. Trust vs. mistrust is characterized by the question _____.

Can I safely explore my surroundings?

What is my role in life?
Have I established a successful career and/or family?
Can I trust that the world is a safe place?

3. Which characteristic can develop if an infant's basic needs are not consistently met?

All answers are correct.


4. How did Erikson view the 'positive' and 'negative' sides of each stage?

It is extremely important to only experience the positive side of each stage for healthy development.
There should be a balance between the positive and negative sides. Sometimes the negative outcome is adaptive.
'Spare the rod and spoil the child.' Too much of the positive side can make children spoiled and badly behaved.
Erikson held that the positive and negative outcomes of each stage are only important in the early years of life.

5. How did Erikson structure his theory of psychosocial development?

Erikson's theory consists of seven stages that focus on psychosocial problems resulting from abuse during childhood.
Erikson's theory consists of ve stages that center on con icts in social interaction and take place in the rst few years of
Erikson's theory consists of eight stages that focus on potential psychosexual con icts and span a person's entire life.
Erikson's theory consists of eight stages that center on potential con icts in social interaction and span a person's entire

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