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My name is Nabila Zalfa. Usually people call me Nabila/Bila/Zalfa.

I was born in Gresik city on

December 1st, 2000. As a first daughter of 4 children and also I am the only daughter in my family
because I have 3 brothers. My father’s name is Haryudi Saktianang and my mother’s name is Zuhriyatul
Mauludiyah. Me and my family lived in Gresik city until I was 4 years old and then we moved to Sidoarjo
city. It was just me, my first brother and my parents because the other siblings aren’t born yet.

My education started when I was in Gresik city. I was in kindergarten named “TK Bakti Pertiwi”
but only 1 year because the next year I moved to Sidoarjo city in and continued my kindergarten in “TK
Aisyiah III Rewwin” and when I graduated from that school I continued my education in Al Falah Tropodo
2 elementary school (2006-2012), 39 junior high school of Surabaya (2012-2015), Muhammadiyah 2
Senior high school of Surabaya (2015-2018) and now I am studying in Electronics Engineering
Polythechnic institute of Surabaya.

My hobbies are eating, reading, youtube-ing, watching movie, sleeping and many more. But my
favorite one is eating. Why? Because when I eat food especially the food that I wanted from several days
before, I feel very satisfied and happy. I don’t have any specific criteria for my favorite food because
actually i eat whatever food that I want to eat. Another hobbies just following through my mood when
do I want to do it.

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