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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991. 36:561�6

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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from


D. A. Andow
Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

KEY WORDS: polycuiture, plant diversity, intercropping, cultural controls, integrated pest


Studies of agroecosystems during the past 30 years have lead several agri­
cultural scientists to question the commitment of modem industrial agriculture
to high intensity monocultural production . Additionally, current research
directions in integrated pest management emphasize biological interactions
among insect pests, natural enemies, and other crop pests, such as weeds.
These inquiries have led to a recent rebirth in interest and research activities
on cultural and biological controls in entomology .
Vegetational diversity plays a central role in this research renaissance. If
one considers it broadly, vegetational diversity involves mixing different
kinds of plants in a plant community, but, to paraphrase Vilfredo Pareto
( 1 1 2), vegetational diversity appears like a bat; within it one can find both
birds and mice . More specifically, vegetational diversity varies in three ways:
the kinds, the spatial array, and the temporal overlap of the plants in the
mixture. In most cases, the mixed plants are different plant species. These
plants might be two crops, which is called intercropping; a crop and a weed,
which is called weedy culture; or a crop and a beneficial noncrop, which is
known by many names including nursery crops, living-mulches, cover­
cropping, etc . In some cases, however, different plant genotypes are mixed
(4 1 ), including polyvarietal mixtures of agronomically dissimilar genotypes

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and multilines of agronomically similar genotypes. The spatial arrangement

of the plants can vary widely from small scale, intimate mixtures to larger­
scale mixtures. The former can include mixed plantings with no specific row
arrangement, mixed rows with the plants mixed within rows, and row mix­
tures with the plant species in alternating rows. The larger scale mixtures can
include strip mixtures with the plants mixed in alternating strips of rows
including strip cropping and grassy waterways, and mixtures of fields of
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plants (35) including trap crops, hedgerows, irrigation ditches, conservation

reserve program lands, and woodlots. The temporal overlap between plants
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

can range from none, as in crop rotations, to intermediate as in relay cropping

(3) to complete as in intercropping. The overlap can be asymmetrical; for
example in a dry bean-banana intercropping system, dry beans are associated
with bananas throughout their lives, but bananas are associated with dry bean
for only a short period of their lives.
This tremendous variety supplies rich food for thought and experimenta­
tion, but at the same time it has generated a large collection of partially
digested observations scattered throughout the literature. In this review, I
concentrate on spatially intimate mixtures of different plant species with
maximal temporal overlap. I refer to these mixtures as polycultures and the
corresponding bare-ground sole-crop fields as monocultures. These polycul­
tures are the most ecologically complex of all of the systems of vegetational
diversity because inter- and intraspecific plant competition occurs simultane­
ously with herbivory and the plants are interspersed at spatial scales similar to
the shorter movement scales of the arthropod herbivores and natural enemies.
Polycultures have received considerably more research attention than other
forms of vegetational diversity (but see II, 14), and understanding the
ecology of arthropod response to polycultures should lead to an understanding
of the response of arthropods to other forms of vegetational diversity.


The number of potential ecological interactions between the plants, arthropod

herbivores, and arthropod natural enemies, and the possible evolutionary
responses of each population to any of the others, creates a veritable Gordian
knot of complexity. For example, a relatively simple ecosystem of 2 plant
6 herbivore species, and 6 natural enemy species has 91 potential
two-way and 364 potential three-way ecological interactions and at least an
equal number of possible evolutionary responses. Clearly, experimental anal­
ysis of each potential interaction would be unrealistic. Furthermore, if one
considers the number of possible plant combinations and the concomitant
shuffling of the herbivore and natural enemy fauna, the problem con-

volutes upon itself and rapidly increases in complexity . Yet the central
problem remains: how do arthropods respond to polycultures compared to
monocultures? Undoing this knot will transform our understanding of insect
ecology and pest control .
Perhaps as a response to the complexity of the problem, two alternate
approaches have evolved. The first seeks to unravel the problem by minutely
examining each thread of the knot. This empirical approach is usually utilita­
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rian, focusing on economically significant polycultures and associated herbi­

vores, as reviewed by Altieri et al ( 12) and others (47, 108, 1 63). Frequently,
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

no effort is expended toward developing a general understanding of the

response of arthropods to polyculture ( 108). Indeed, while never explicitly
stated, one detects an implied commitment to the idea that nature is inherently
idiosyncratic and that there is no general understanding to discover . Species
may evolve to have individualistic responses to their environment (84) be­
cause each species is subject to a unique set of selective forces . If this is true,
then robust generalizations about arthropod response to polycultures may not
exist . Certainly, in most of this work, a utilitarian ideology prevails, and the
utility of general understanding is questioned when specific information is
required for any particular situation ( 158).
The second approach seeks to cut the knot of complexity with simple but
elegant theory (5 1, 52, 129). This theoretical approach clearly seeks general
understanding of the response of arthropods to polyculture, and indeed,
assumes that such general understanding exists, that regularities await discov­
ery, and that nature is not inherently idiosyncratic. These generalizations
might emerge from evolutionary processes if regular patterns in selective
forces have acted on arthropods in relation to polycultures, or if phylogeny
has created an evolutionary inertia that constrains evolution to certain paths .
The question I address in this review asks if generalities underlie arthropod
response to poly culture or if these responses are idiosyncratic, depending on
the particular combination of plants and arthropods. These generalities might
relate to the actual responses of the arthropods or to the mechanisms acting to
create those responses .


The diversity-stability hypothesis states that the greater is the biological

diversity of a community of organisms, the greater is the stability of that
community (52, 7 1 , 96, 99, 1 1 1, 1 1 6) . It generated a broad interest in
arthropod response to vegetational diversity, which was one of the most
important sources of evidence supporting the hypothesis (63). As reviewed by
Elton (52) and Pimentel ( 1 16), arthropod pest outbreaks were more likely to
occur in monocultures than in polycultures . Subsequent historical (63),

theoretical (95, 102), and empirical (63, 106, 158) investigations suggested
that the diversity-stability hypothesis probably originated in the 18th-century
political economics of Spencer ( 143), a belief that the wondrous variety of
nature must have some purpose in an orderly world, and ageless folk wisdom
about not putting all the eggs in one basket (63). These studies also indicated
that the hypothesis had no logical force (95, 102) and that it was not
unambiguously supported by the empirical data (63, 106, 158). Interest in
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arthropod response to polycultures, however, remained ( 106, 158).

These critiques served to shift the focus of research to goals related to pest
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

control . Control of arthropod pests is not usually a question of stabilizing pest

populations, it is usually a question of suppressing pest popUlations . If a large
popUlation density of pest arthropods can be tolerated, then one goal of pest
control could be to reduce the magnitude of population fluctuations of the
pest. Often, however, large pest popUlations are intolerable, so the goal of
pest control is to lower pest population density ( 106, 145, 158). Indeed,
Perrin ( 1 15) suggested that because polycultural cropping systems are so
prevalent in many areas of the world, it behooves us to understand the ecology
of arthropod response to polyculture in order to improve pest management in
these systems .
The modem theory on the effects of po1yculture on arthropods can be traced
primarily to the writings of Elton (5 1, 52) and Root ( 129). Elton (52)
originally suggested that arthropod herbivore populations would be more
likely to surge to outbreaks in monocultures than polycultures . Pimentel ( 1 1 6)
reasoned that if this hypothesis were true, then the time-averaged population
density of arthropod herbivores would be higher in monocultures than poly­
cultures . Furthermore, if the magnitude of population fluctuations were sim­
ilar in both monocultures and polycultures, then population outbreaks would
be more likely in monocultures than in polycultures. Tahvanainen & Root
( 147) called this phenomenon associational resistance; plants associated with
taxonomically diverse plant species would suffer less herbivore attack than
plants not so associated.
Another major prediction is that herbivore response to polycultures will be
determined by natural enemies, resource concentration, or both . According to
Root's enemies hypothesis (129), generalist and specialist natural enemies are
expected to be more abundant in polycultures and therefore suppress herbi­
vore popUlation densities more in polycultures than in monocultures . General­
ist predators and parasitoids should be more abundant in polycultures than
monocultures because (a) they switch and feed on the greater variety of
herbivores that become available in polycultures at different times during the
growing season (5 1), (b) they maintain reproducing populations in polycul­
tures while in monocultures only males of some parasitoids are produced (87),
(c) they can utilize hosts in polycultures that they would normally not

encounter and use in monocultures (32, 87), (d) they can exploit the greater
variety of herbivores available in different microhabitats in the polyculture
( 129), and prey or hosts are (e) more abundant (23, 134) or if) more available
in polycultures. The amount of time available for predaceous carabid beetles
to forage for prey was greater in polycultures than monocultures probably
because polycultures had a moister, shadier soil surface microclimate, which
enabled some of the beetles to forage during the day as well as at night (38).
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Detailed study on the movement of two carabid species, however, implied

that monocultures can be more favorable habitats than polycultures at some
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

plant densities ( 1 14).

Specialist predator and parasitoid populations are expected to be more
abundant and effective in polycultures than monocultures because (g) prey or
host refuges in polycultures enable the prey or host populations to persist,
which stablizes predator-prey and parasitoid-host interactions, while in mono­
cultures predators and parasitoids drive their prey or host populations to
extinction and become extinct themselves shortly thereafter ( 129). Prey or
host populations will recolonize these monocultures and rapidly increase.
Sheehan ( 1 34) suggested that specialist parasitoids might be less abundant in
polycultures than monocultures because (h) chemical cues used in host find­
ing will be disrupted and the parasitoids will be less able to find hosts to
parasitize and feed upon in polycultures and (i) the indistinct boundary at the
edges of polycultures will be hard to recognize and they will be more likely to
leave polycultural habitats than monocultures. In addition, Andow & Pro­
krym (22) showed that structural complexity, or the connectedness of the
surface on which a parasitoid searches, can strongly influence parasitoid
host-finding rates; an implication is (j) that structurally complex polycultures
would have less parasitism than structurally simple monocultures.
Finally, both generalist and specialist natural enemies should be more
abundant in polycultures than monocultures because (k) more pollen and
nectar resources are available(39) at (l) more times during the season in
polycultures than monocultures ( 129, 153).
I do not attempt a comprehensive review of the enemies hypothesis here,
but both Sheehan (134) and Russell ( 13 1) have reviewed parts of this hypoth­
esis. At this juncture, suffice it to say that only one published study has
evaluated the relative influence of hypotheses a-Ion a natural enemy popula­
tion. Populations of the coccinellid Coleomegilla maculata were examined in
maize monocultures and maize-bean-squash polycultures (23) . For this gener­
alist predator, only hypotheses a, phenology of alternate prey; e, abundance
of total prey; k, abundance of pollen and nectar; and t, phenology of pollen
and nectar, were compared, although b, c, and g were not applicable.
Predator densities were greater in monocultures where prey and pollen abun­
dance was greater, not in polycultures where the seasonal distribution of

potential foods was more even. C. maculata had a higher foraging success
rate where prey abundance (prey/plant surface area) was greater, and as a
consequence, stayed in monocultures longer than polycultures. Further in­
vestigation of hypotheses a-I are needed before generalizations about natural
enemies will be possible.
According to the resource concentration hypothesis, many herbivores,
especially those with a narrow host range, are more likely to find and remain
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on host plants that are concentrated, i.e. that occur in large, dense, or pure
stands ( 129). Other stand characteristics, such as the perimeter-to-area ratio of
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

the stand, and stand quality can affect herbivore foraging behavior ( 129) and
could be included in the resource concentration hypothesis, but here I focus
on the effects of stand purity. Because some authors (10, 131) attempt to
distinguish between resource concentration, associational resistance, and
plant apparency (55), a note of clarification is in order. Associational resis­
tance refers to the reduced herbivore attack that a plant experiences in
association with genetically or taxonomically diverse plants and occurs be­
cause either the enemies hypothesis, the resource concentration hypothesis, or
both hypotheses are occurring. Plant apparency refers to the ease of host
finding by herbivores in relation to plant life-history characteristics (55).
Thus, plants experience associational resistance, and arthropods can respond
to plant-stand characteristics, i.e. resource concentration, or plant life-history
charact eristics , i. e. plant apparency.


Associational resistance can be tested by comparing the effect of arthropod

herbivores on plants that are associated with taxonomically (or genetically)
different plants with plants that are associated with either other similar
or no other plants. In experimental work, the first comparison is called a
replacement series or substitutive design, in which individual plants are
substituted for each other in experimental plots, and the second comparison is
called an additive design, in which the taxonomically different plants are
added to the original plant population. Combining both designs, an exhaustive
review of the literature conducted for this article has produced 209 studies on
287 herbivorous arthropod species (for a complete list of spe ci es see 1 6,

supplemented by 4-7, 9, 24, 25, 3 1, 33, 34, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50, 6 1, 62,
67-70, 82, 85, 88, 89, 92-94, 97, 100, 107, 109, 1 14, 1 18, 1 19, 135, 139,
1 5 1, 156, 159). Approximately 5 1 .9% of these herbivores ( 149 species) had
lower population densities on plants in polycultures, while only 15.3% (44
species) had higher densities on plants in polycultures (Table 1) . Thus, plants
in polycultures are likely to have fewer individuals of a given species feeding
on them than plants in monocultures.

Table 1 Numbers of arthropod species with particular responses

to additive and substitutive polycultures'

Population density of arthropod species in

polyculture compared to monoculture
Variableb Higher No change Lower

Herbivores 58 44 36 149
(20.2) ( 1 5 .3) ( 1 2.5) (5 1 .9)
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Monophagous 42 17 31 130
(19.1) ( 7.7) (14 . 1 ) (59 . 1 )
Polyphagous 16 27 5 19
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

(23.9) (40.3) ( 7.5) (28.4)

Natural enemies 33 68 17 12
(25 6) (52.7) ( 1 3.2) ( 9.3)
Predators 27 38 14 11
(30.3) (42.7) ( 1 5 .7) ( 1 2.4)
Parasitoids 6 30 3 1
(15.0) (75.0) ( 7.5) ( 2.5)

a Percentage of total number of species is in parentheses. Additional details

of the methods used are presented elsewhere (16).
b A variable response means that an arthropod species did not consistently
have a higher or lower popu lation density in polycultures compared to
monocultures when the species response was studied several times.

Although individual arthropod species are likely to be less abundant, more

herbivore species may feed on plants in polycultures than monocultures.
Herbivore load is the total biomass (dry weight) of herbivores per unit dry
weight of consumable plant material (129) and is meant to estimate the impact
of the entire herbivore fauna on a plant in both polycultures and monocul­
tures. Herbivore load should, however, be considered only a partial measure
because the same biomass of different herbivore species acting at different
times during plant growth is likely to have different effects on the plant. Root
(129) showed that collards grown next to meadow vegetation had lower
herbivore loads than collards grown next to collards, but herbivore loads have
rarely been measured in polycultures and monocultures.
Another way to assess the effect of the entire herbivore fauna on plants in
polycultures and monocultures is to eliminate the herbivores from both sys­
tems with insecticides (20). Factorial experimental designs, which compare
monocultures and polycultures with and without arthropod pests, allow com­
parison of absolute and proportional yield loss in monocultures and polycul­
tures. Six published studies yield data amenable to this analysis (15, 33, 89,
1 09, 1 10, 159). Absolute (or proportional) yield loss was lower in polycul­
tures than in monocultures in 14 (or 10) cases out of 20 in which arthropod
herbivore density was lower in polyculture than monoculture. In a few cases,
yield loss was higher in the polycultures than the monocultures. The studies

suggest that yield loss in polycultures should be less than or equal to yield loss
in monocultures when the crop is not tolerant of herbivore injury, and when
interspecific plant competition is not very severe in the polyculture.
The empirical data confirm the associational resistance hypothesis, that is,
herbivorous arthropod species are less abundant on plants in polycultures on
average, and plants in polycultures frequently experience lower yield loss
from herbivores than plants in monocultures. Results vary in specific cases,
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however. Some ( 1 5 . 3%) herbivores are more abundant in polycultures than

monocultures and many (20.2%) respond variably to polyculture. In addition,
yield losses can be unaffected, or even higher in polycultures. While the
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

associational resistance hypothesis is generally confirmed, it is not yet parti­

cularly useful for pest management and needs to be refined to account for the
numerous exceptions that occur.


The enemies and resource concentration hypotheses are not mutually exclu­
sive hypotheses, but how they might be related is unclear. Are they com­
plementary, in the sense that their actions are mutually reinforcing in polycul­
tures (131), or are they antagonistic, so that the effect of resource concentra­
tion acts in opposition to the effect of natural enemies, as implied by recent
work on natural enemies in maize polycultures (23, 24)? Approximately
52 . 7% (68 species) of the natural enemy species had higher densities on plants
in polycultures, but only 9.3% (12 species) had lower densities (Table 1). In
the experimental studies reviewed by Russell (131), nine studies reported
higher mortality rates from predators or parasitoids in polycultures, four
reported no difference, and only two reported lower rates in polycultures.
Thus, the empirical literature supports the conclusion that natural enemies and
resource concentration are complementary mechanisms (131). The two stud­
ies in which lower rates of predation and parasitism were observed in poly­
cultures, however, were conducted in maize-bean-squash and maize-clover
polycultures (23, 24). Therefore, in some polycultures natural enemies
and resource concentration may be antagonistic mechanisms. In addition,
the influence of prey or host density and the spatial proximity of the experi­
mental plots may be confounded in these results. A more robust theory
that predicts when natural enemies and resource concentration are comple­
mentary, independent, and antagonistic mechanisms needs to be developed.
A different question that has generated considerable investigation asks
which hypothesis better accounts for the observed responses of arthropod
herbivores to polycuItures. Given that both mechanisms occur together, does
one explain the variation in herbivore response better than the other?
Before testing theoretical predictions with empirical data, several caveats

about the empirical literature should be made. First, experimental com­

parisons between monocultures and substitutive polycultures confound vege­
tational diversity and plant density because the density of each component
plant species is lower in the polyculture than the monoculture. This influences
herbivore response. Examples are: the aphid Aphis craccivora was more
abundant on peanuts in substitutive polycultures but less abundant in additive
polycultures (54); the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae was less abundant on
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brussels sprouts in additive polycultures, but had similar abundance in sub­

stitutive polycultures (7); and the cicadellid Dalbulus maidis was less abun­
dant on maize in additive polycultures, but had similar abundance in sub­
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

stitutive polycultures (1 1 8). Power's ( 1 1 8) observations are particularly in­

structive about the complications involved. A maize-bean polyculture and a
low- and high-density maize monoculture were planted so that the lOW-density
monoculture-polyculture comparison was an additive comparison and the
high-density monoculture-polyculture comparison was a substitutive com­
parison. Individual D. maidis left both additive and substitutive monocultures
slower than the polyculture, but remaining populations were diluted to a lower
per-plant density in the substitutive (high-density) monoculture than the
additive (low-density) monoculture. Because host density and vegetational
diversity can be subtly confounded in substitutive designs, I report only
herbivore response in additive polycultures.
Second, several arthropod species have been studied numerous times and
have exhibited variable responses to polycultures. I used a 70%-consistency
criterion for classifying species responses. If more than 70% of the studies
showed a consistent response by that herbivore species, then it was classified
as having either a higher, no change, or lower population density in polycul­
ture. Otherwise it was classified as having a variable response. Further
methodological details are available (16). Finally, the literature is of highly
variable quality, ranging from casual observations to rigorous experimental
evaluations. While casual observations by excellent observers probably have
considerable validity, I evaluated herbivore response both in additive ex­
periments in which investigators conducted statistical hypothesis testing (4, 7,
8, 1 3, 1 8 , 2 1 , 23, 34, 43, 48-50, 53, 54, 58, 6 1 , 66, 70, 72-80, 82, 85, 88,
89, 91 , 92, 94, 1 0 1 , 1 04, 1 1 0, 1 1 3, 1 1 7, 1 1 8, 1 24--1 26, 1 32, 1 33, 1 35, 1 36,
1 38, 1 40, 1 48-1 5 1 , 1 55, 1 59- 1 6 1 ) and in all reported additive polycultures.
When I restricted the data to statistically analyzed, additive experimental
designs, a greater proportion of species are evaluated as having a variable
response and no change in density compared with all additive polycultures
(Table 2). This probably occurred because many of the casual observations
are single observations, which makes variable responses impossible, and
because researchers are more likely to report casual observations in which
arthropod densities are different in monocultures and polycultures. Given

Table 2 Numbers of herbivore species with particular responses to addi-

tive polycultures for monophagous and polyphagous species'

Population density of arthropod species in

polyculture compared to monoculture
Variable Higher No change Lower

All additive polycultures

Herbivores 28 24 14 70
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(20.6) (17.6) (10.3) (51.5)

Monophagous 21 8 1\ 62
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

(20.6) ( 7.8) (10.8) (60.8)

Polyphagous 7 16 3 8
(20.6) (47.1) ( 8.8) (23.5)
Additive polycultures
with statistical tests
Herbivores 24 10 14 32
(30.0) (12.5) (17.5) (40.0)
Monophagous 18 3 11 27
(30.5) ( 5.1) (18.6) (45.8)
Polyphagous 6 7 3 5
(28.6) (33.3) (14.3) (23.8)

a Percentage of total number of species is in parentheses.

these caveats, the natural enemies and resource concentration hypotheses can
be compared.

Monophagous vs Polyphagous Herbivores

Aiyer (2) distinguished monophagous arthropod herbivores, which feed on
only one of the plant species in a polyculture, and polyphagous herbivores,
which feed on more than one plant species in the polyculture. The enemies
and resource concentration hypotheses generate different predictions about
the relative abundance of monophagous and polyphagous herbivores in mono­
cultures and polycultures (15, 16, 128). A monophagous herbivore is pre­
dicted to have a lower abundance in polycultures regardless of the relative
influence of the two hypotheses. But for a polyphagous species, if the
enemies hypothesis better accounted for its response, its population density
should be lower in polycultures than monocultures because predators and
parasitoids are not known to prey and parasitize differentially on monopha­
gous and polyphagous herbivores. On the other hand, if the resource concen­
tration hypothesis better accounted for the polyphagous herbivore'S response,
it should frequently be more abundant in additive polycultures than monocul­
The effect of arthropod-host range on arthropod response to polycultures is
substantial (Table 2). More polyphagous species had higher density in poly-

cultures (33.3%) than monophagous species (5.1%) and more monophagous

species had lower density in polycultures (45.8%) than polyphagous species
(23. 8%) (X2 = 12. 43, 3 d.f. , P < 0. 05). In addition, particular arthropod
herbivores respond to polycultures differently depending on the number of
host plants in the polyculture. For example, the cicadellid Scaphytopius
acutus had higher population density on peach trees associated with a ground
cover of red clover or mixed rosaceous weeds, which are favored host plants,
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but lower population density on peach trees associated with a ground cover of
a nonhost grass compared to monocultures (104). Similar results were
obtained for the chrysomelids Paranapiacaba waterhousei and Cerotoma
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

ruficornis rogersi (125, 126, 157). These data suggest that resource concen­
tration has a greater influence on herbivore response to polyculture than
natural enemies, but do not exclude the possibility that natural enemies act
concurrently (15, 16, 128, 134).
The predicted effect of resource concentration on polyphagous herbivores
is considerably more obscure than its effect on monophagous herbivores. Two
types of polyphagous herbivores can be distinguished (17 , 19): sequential
polyphages that alternate hosts between generations in a temporal sequence
and simultaneous polyphages that alternate hosts within a generation with
individuals moving from host to host. If immigration into polycultures limits
herbivore populations in polycultures because either host finding is more
difficult or the number of potential immigrants is low, then sequential
polyphages are expected to have higher populations on their second host in
polycultures than in monocultures because they have already colonized the
polycultures during their first generation. If populations are limited because
herbivores leave polycultures much faster than monocultures, then sequential
polyphages are expected to have lower populations on their second host in
polycultures than in monocultures because they will leave the polycultures
and accumulate in the monocultures.
The empirical data are inconclusive on this issue. Of the nine populations
of sequential polyphages I reviewed (17), seven were more abundant and only
one was less abundant in polycultures than in monocultures on the second host
(one showed no response). In eastern Washington, the aphid Myzus persicae
builds up populations on weeds in the spring and transfers to sugar beet in
later generations. Wallis & Turner (162) burned out the weeds from drainage
ditches in a 22-square-mile area, and, compared to an unburned area, pop­
ulations were 51-91% lower, and incidence of beet western yellow disease,
which is transmitted by M. persicae. was 77-84% lower. Similarly, Barnes
(30) suggested that the lygalid Nysius raphanus became a pest on grape after
building up populations on nearby weed patches, and Laster & Meridith (90)
suggested that the mirid Lygus lineolaris was a greater pest on cotton after
building up populations on an early host weed. These examples suggest that

immigration to polycultures limits herbivore use of polycultures. Several

factors complicate the analysis of sequential polyphages (17, 19): the initial
host may be such a poor host that it has little effect on subsequent populations
(2 9, 56, 59); arthropods might leave polycultures rather than transfer to the
second host because the second host does not become suitable until later; and
other factors such as weather might control populations on the second host.
The predictions of the resource concentration hypothesis do not extrapolate
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for simultaneous polyphages. Monophagous herbivores can be considered a

special case of simultaneous polyphages, in which one plant is preferred and
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

suitable as food while the other plant is not preferred and is unsuitable as
food. Generalizing to simultaneous polyphages, the resource concentration
hypothesis would predict that herbivore abundance will be lower on the more
preferred, more suitable host in polycuJtures than the comparable monocul­
ture. Contrary to this prediction, all possible responses have been observed
(19). Simultaneous polyphages are both less abundant (36, 37, 82, 126) and
more abundant (89, 126, 1 52) on the more-preferred and more suitable host in
polycultures; conversely, they are both more abundant (81, 103, 104, 126)
and less abundant (9, 61, 146) on the less-preferred and less suitable host in
polycultures. Of 29 examples summarized ( 1 7), 13 populations were less
abundant and 15 populations were more abundant in polycultures than mono­
cultures. The details of herbivore movement and host preference will prob­
ably be essential for understanding these responses (17, 19). For example,
movement by D. maidis across maize rows was inhibited by beans, which
influenced the herbivore's population dynamics and its vectoring of com stunt
disease (118). Furthermore, host preference can change rapidly as host quality
changes. The geometrid Alsophila pometaria prefers to feed on young leaf
tissue of both Quercus coccinea and Q. alba . As host tissue ages, food quality
rapidly changes. Unexpectedly, when either plant is rare in association with
the other, it suffers greater herbivory from A. pometeria than when it is
common (60). Q. coccinea leafs out about 10 days earlier than Q. alba, and
when Q. coccinea is rare, larvae accumulate on it because it is the only food
available. When Q. alba is rare, larvae accumulate on it because it is the best
food available; all of the Q. coccinea leaves are older and less preferred at the
time Q. alba leafs out.

Annual vs Perennial Polycultures

Several authors have suggested that herbivores have greater difficulty finding
annual plants than perennial plants (55, 1 23) and that natural enemies have a
greater effect on arthropod herbivores in perennial cropping systems than in
annual cropping systems (64, 65, 120, 141). These ideas imply that differ­
ences between monocultures and polycultures are more likely related to the
effects of resource concentration in annual systems, while in perennial sys­
tems the differences are more likely related to the action of natural enemies

Table 3 Numbers of herbivore species with particular responses

to additive and substitutive annual and perennial polycultures for
monophagous and polyphagous species'

Population density of arthropod species in

polyculture compared to monoculture
Variable Higher No change Lower

Annual 51 24 31 100
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(24.8) ( 11.7) ( 1 5 .0) (48.5)

Monophagous 39 6 27 83
(25.2) ( 3.9) ( 1 7 .4) (53.5)
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

Polyphagous 12 18 4 17
(23.5) (35.3) ( 7.8) (33.3)
Perennial 7 20 5 49
( 8.6) (24.7) ( 6.2) (60.5)
Monophagous 3 11 4 47
( 4.6) (16.9) ( 6.2) (72.3)
Polyphagous 4 9 1 2
(25.0) (56.3) ( 6.2) (12.5)

• Percentage of total number of species is in parentheses.

(15, 128). This hypothesis generates two predictions: if resource concentra­

tion better accounts for herbivore response to polycultures, then (a) more
herbivore populations should be more abundant in perennial polycultures than
in annual polycultures and (b) the difference between monophagous and
polyphagous herbivores discussed above should be greater in annual systems
than in perennial systems.
In using all reported responses of arthropods to substitutive and additive
polycultures because the number of arthropod species examined in statistical­
ly analyzed, additive polycultures is too few, the empirical data suggest that
(a) more herbivore species were more abundant in perennial polycultures
(24.7%) than in annual polycultures (11. 7%) and (b) the difference between
monophagous and polyphagous herbivores was greater in annual systems than
in perennial systems (Table 3). These data provide additional evidence that
the response of arthropods to polycultures is more likely to be related to the
effects of resource concentration than to the action of natural enemies.
Clear support for the effect of perenniality on herbivore response to poly­
culture is still lacking. No study analyzing arthropod response in comparable
annual and perennial cropping systems has been published, and the current
literature has not implicated perenniality as a significant factor in the response
of an herbivore to polyculture. Specifically, the comparison between annual
and perennial systems entails many factors that are confounded with per­
enniality, including the degree of soil disturbance and the year-to-year con­
tinuity of the crop. For example, eggs of the noctuid Euxoa ochrogaster,
which feeds on asparagus, usually hatch in the spring before asparagus shoots

start to grow. If they hatch near patches of spring weeds, the young larvae
survive to feed on the asparagus when it sprouts-otherwise they die. Thus,
the lack of soil disturbance and the availability of spring weeds, not the
perenniality of asparagus, lead to increased damage by E. ochrogaster (148).

Case Studies
The structure of most experimental tests of the relative strength of resource
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concentration and natural enemies has been one of sufficiency; that is, the
response of the population under study has been consistent with predictions
from one of the hypotheses and a plausible mechanism has been proposed.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

For example, in support of the resource concentration hypothesis, Tahva­

nainen & Root (147) demonstrated that the chrysomelid Phyllotreta cru­
ciferae colonized host plants in monocultures faster than polycultures (see
also 50, 85). Similarly, Risch (127) showed that the chrysomelid Acalymma
theme; adults colonized monocultures faster than polycultures, and -suggested
that beetles stayed longer on host plants than nonhosts and therefore would
stay longer in monocultures. Bach (27) clearly demonstrated that this mech­
anism occurred for Acalymma vittatum, and for Acalymma innubrum Bach
(28) showed that both host finding and host leaving were involved. In support
of the enemies hypothesis, Letourneau (93) showed that parasitoid abundance
and parasitism rates on a squash herbivore were higher in polycultures and
that predation by the anthocorid Orius tristicolor on thrips was higher in
polycultures (94). Also, Speight & Lawton (142) showed that the carabid
Pterostichus melanar;us was more abundant and predation rates were higher
in polycultures.
Several studies provided convincing evidence that natural enemies had no
effect on the herbivores, but this evidence has been based on a dearth of
natural enemies in the experimental systems. For example, parasitism of P.
cruciferae was rare during peak beetle densities and the researchers argued
that predation was uncommon and consequently natural enemies could not
have contributed to beetle response to poly culture (147). Similarly, natural
enemies probably had little effect on A. theme; and A. vittatum because
parasitoids were not found (27) or were extremely rare (127). Predators were
also rare and no more abundant in polycultures than monocultures (27, 127),
and prey disappearance was low and similar in each habitat (127). Although
the absence of natural enemies might be characteristic of these agricultural
systems, experimental tests in which natural enemies exerted significant
mortality would be more convincing tests of the two hypotheses.
Tests of the relative influence of resource concentration and natural ene­
mies have been structured as if they were independent. The enemies hypoth­
esis has been assessed by examining the expected mechanism (predation and
parasitism by natural enemies), while the resource concentration hypothesis
has been assessed by inferring the mechanism from patterns of herbivore

movement. Unfortunately, these two different approaches do not share the

same units of measure and therefore the relative significance of the two
hypotheses generally cannot be critically evaluated.
One way of solving this problem is to use demographic analysis. Arthropod
response can be partitioned into its demographic components, i.e. coloniza­
tion, per capita oviposition, and mortality of the immatures and adults. The
enemies hypothesis represents one mortality factor and the resource concen­
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tration hypothesis is one mechanism influencing colonization. Demographic

analysis (98) measures the relative influence of the demographic components
on the population response of the herbivore.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

This analysis was used to examine the response of the coccinellid Epilach­
na varivestis, an herbivore of beans, Phaseolus vulgaris, to three different
polycultures ( 1 8). Adult colonization was lower and egg mortality from
predators was higher in polycultures, so both the resource concentration
and enemies hypotheses were confirmed. Demographic analysis, however,
showed that adult colonization, which accounted for 58% of the variation
in beetle population density, was the most important demographic component
to respond to polyculture. Larval and pupal mortality was of secondary
importance, accounting for 30% of the variation, and egg mortality was
insignificant, accounting for less than 2% of the variation. Moreover, larval
and pupal mortality was highest in the monoculture, which directly con­
tradicts the enemies hypothesis. In this case, resource concentration, not
natural enemies, caused beetle populations to be lower in polycultures.

Resource Concentration
Although still incomplete, current evidence suggests that the resource concen­
tration hypothesis better accounts for the observed patterns of herbivore
response to polycultures. This generalization, however, is of rather limited
use for making predictions about specific herbivores in specific polycultures.
About 30% of all herbivores have a variable response to polyculture (Table
2), and many exceptions to the generalization occur. Some monophagous
herbivores are more abundant in polycultures and the response of
polyphagous herbivores cannot be predicted in advance. Furthermore, natural
enemies can strongly influence herbivores in polycultures. Indeed, a theory
that predicts when natural enemies will exert significant influence on herbi­
vores in polycultures awaits development.



Resource concentration is predicted to influence the number of herbivores per

plant by modifying the balance between immigration to and emigration from
the plant ( 1 29). Plants in polycultures may sustain lower herbivore pop-

ulations because herbivores have difficulty finding them, leave them more
quickly, or have difficulty relocating them after leaving. Behavioral observa­
tion can demonstrate that an herbivore has difficulty finding its host, although
this demonstration can be complicated. Fo r e xample the anth om yiid Delia

brassicae laid fewer eggs near host plants in polycultures than monocultures
(132). Laboratory flight experiments, however, showed that flies landed on
trays containing hosts in polycultures at the same rate as on trays containing
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hosts in monocultures (44). Host plants were not hidden by nonhosts; instead
the nonhosts caused flies to move more, spend less time laying eggs, and
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

leave host plants faster (44).

In addition, properly designed population studies can evaluate the effects of
host finding and host leaving. Both Kareiva (85) and Elmstrom et al (50)
showed that data from frequent observations during the colonization period
into polycultures and monocultures can be used to estimate immigration and
emigration parameters using simple population dynamic models. Using pop­
ulation accumulation curves and observations on the disappearance rate of
extremely high densities of P. cruciferae, Elmstrom et al (50) showed that
polycultures reduced ho st fi nding and increased host-leaving rates compared

to monocultures. The causes of these responses remain obscure, and the

relative effects of the following mechanisms have not been critically ex­
amined, compared, or distinguished in any published study.

Chemical and Visual Interference

The diversity of olfactory stimuli emanating from polycultures might mask
the olfactory cues used by monophagous herbivores to find their host plants or
otherwise confuse or repel these herbivores. In a choice test between host
plants with tomato or ragweed odors versus host pla nts alone, Tahvanainen &
Root (147) showed that P. cruciferae was more likely to move to host plants
alone than host plants associated with nonhost odors. Alt hough their ex­
perimental design may not have controlled for equal concentrations of host
odors, their results suggested that nonhost plant chemicals reduced the proba­
bility of host use by the beetle. The precise mechanism, however, is not
known. While some nonhost plant odors are repellent to some herbivores 0),
the sensory basis of chemical masking is obscure. For a nonhost plant
chemical to mask a host odor, the nonhost odor must interfere with the neural
output from the host-odor receptor or affect central-nervous-system process­
ing of the host-odor stimulus.
Stanton (144) proposed a simple model of host-plant finding by herbivores
using long distance olfactory stimuli. Herbivores respond to their olfactory
stimuli upon random encounter with a part of the odor plume in which odor
concentration is greater than their receptor sensitiv ity. Concentration gra­
dients in the odor plumes are determined by the size (larger size equals wider

plume) and density (greater density equals greater odor concentration and
plume length) of the host stand. Stanton ( 1 44) predicted that an herbivore with
relatively insensitive olfactory receptors will be unable to detect subtle quan­
titative differences in these concentration gradients because diffusive and
convective processes rapidly dissipate host olfactory stimuli to low, undetec­
table concentrations short distances away from the host stand. An herbivore
with highly sensitive receptors will be able to respond to subtle quantitative
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differences in concentration gradients of host odors because it can detect the

very low concentrations far from the host stand. One can generalize this
model to polycultural systems: if nonhost plant odors interfere in some way
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

with herbivore olfaction, then host finding by herbivores with low olfactory
sensitivity is unlikely to be affected by polycultures, whereas herbivores with
high olfactory sensitivity should be much less common in polycultures. These
ideas have not yet been critically tested.
Polycultures might also interfere with visual host finding cues. Smith (138)
found that aphid colonization of brussels sprouts was less in polycultures than
monocultures and was less when green burlap was placed between host plants
than when brown burlap was so placed. The nonhost plants and the green
burlap may have reduced the contrast between green plants and brown soil
and made the host plants less attractive to colonizing aphids. Rauscher (121)
showed that the papilionid Battus philenor recognized host plants by leaf
shape and oviposited less on host plants surrounded by nonhost vegetation
compared to host plants around which all nonhost vegetation had been clipped

Plant Quality
Modification of host-plant quality is concomitant with polycultural systems. It
is highly improbable that a different plant species can be added or substituted
into a stand of another species without altering intra- and interspecific plant
competition and some aspect of host-plant quality. Plant quality can influence
herbivore host finding because different quality plants can release different
concentrations of chemicals used as host-finding stimuli by herbivores (57),
but this effect has not been documented in polycultures. More commonly, the
herbivore encounters plants of variable quality and departs from poorer­
quality plants more rapidly (83). Few investigators have attempted to evaluate
the effects of host quality on the response of herbivores in polycultures, but
none have completely succeeded.
One approach is to measure some aspect of host-plant quality in monocul­
tures and polycultures. If no differences are observed, then the inference is
that host-plant quality exerts little effect (18, 105); if differences are
observed, then the effects are removed by covariance analysis (21). Although
this approach can be a reasonable approximation, it is inadequate because

unobserved or unmeasured qualitative factors could be important to the

herbivores. Another approach is to grow host plants in pots and expose the
potted plants in monocultures and polycultures to foraging herbivores (46,
97). Although this approach controls for variation in plant quality , potted
plants are invariably more light, nutrient, or water stressed than naturally
growing plants, and this stress could obscure some of the effects of polycul­
ture. The final approach has been to deliberately alter host-plant quality, such
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as by using fertilizers ( 1 18). This allows quantitative comparison of the

effects of polyculture and one particular aspect of plant quality, but other
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:561-586. Downloaded from

untested, qualitative factors might be important in polycultures. Risch ( 1 27)

was fortunate to find that the preferred, higher-quality host plants of A. theme;
were in poly cultures , so plant quality could not have caused beetle pop­
ulations to be lower in polycultures.
Plant quality can exert subtle effects on herbivores. For example , aphids on
squash plants were less abundant in maize-be an-squash polycultures than in
squash monocultures (23) . The plants in both systems had the same number of
leaves, but the leaves were larger and older in squash monocultures because
the shaded squash leaves in polycultures sene seed more rapidly. Aphids were
invariably found on the older leaves in both systems and reached very high
densities on the oldest leaves in the monocultures . No very old leaves were in
the polycultures, so aphids did not have the opportunity to reach the popula­
tion densities that occurred in the monocultures .
The effect o f plant quality can b e influenced b y other factors . P. cruciferae
responded to small host-plant size by rapidly leaving the plants (83). Its
ability to respond to variation in host size, however, was influenced by the
proximity of nearby hosts. If larger hosts were nearby, the beetle dis­
criminated among hosts and accumulated on the larger hosts . If these hosts
were farther away, beetles could not locate the larger hosts and appeared to
discriminate poorly.

Nonhost Surface Area

Herbivores encounter nonhost plant surfaces as they forage in polycultures

and these encounters can influence movement patterns and population den­
sity. For example, Empoasca fabae (86) and Epilachna varivestis (18) pop­
ulation densities were negatively correlated with nonhost-plant biomass in
polycultures. The most exacting potential mechanism has been called the
"fly-paper" effect ( 1 54); upon encounter with nonhost plants , individuals are
"lost" to the population. For example , Farrell (54) suggested that aphid
densities were lower in certain peanut-bean mixtures because aphids were
caught on the hooked trichomes on bean leaves . Two more moderate hypoth­
eses can be distinguished . If herbivores do not discriminate effectively be-

tween host and nonhost tissue, they can be "diluted" on the nonhost surface
and fewer would be associated with their host plant in polycultures. More
frequently, herbivores can effectively distinguish hosts and nonhosts, and
typically they will leave nonhosts more rapidly than hosts ( 1 8 , 26, 27 , 28 ,
1 27). In this searching process, herbivores waste time searching on nonhost
plants, and, as a consequence, leave polycultures more rapidly than monocul­
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Other Factors
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Polycultures could provide more shade, protection from desiccation by wind,

lower mid-day temperatures, and other modifications of microhabitat. These
modifications can affect herbivore movement and the activity of natural
enemies. For example, shade caused A . themei (127) and A . vittatum (17) to
leave host squash plants rapidly, and population densities of both beetles were
lower in shady maize-bean-squash polycultures than in the sunny monocul­
tures. Additional factors include edge effects (144) and the structural com­
plexity or connectedness of surfaces on which herbivores search (22).


While some of the major twists in the Gordian knot of vegetational diversity
can be perceived, we are a long way from unraveling its complexity. Broad
predictions of the theory of herbivore response to polycultures have been
confirmed by the empirical evidence, yet these generalizations appear to be of
limited use in pest management. The associational resistance hypothesis has
many exceptions, and these cannot yet be accounted for. The resource
concentration hypothesis largely accounts for many of the observed responses
by herbivores to polyculture, but the response of polyphages cannot yet be
predicted. Moreover, a theory that predicts when natural enemies will exert
significant mortality in polycultures is entirely lacking.
Perhaps we have been too bold to suggest that a single ecological theory
would account for the variety of responses in a taxonomic group as species
rich as are the Arthropoda. The evolutionary history of particular arthropodan
lineages could require multiple ecological theories. For example, Pieris rapae
(Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is sometimes more abundant in polycultures than
monocultures in the eastern United States ( 1 30, but see 21). The reasons for
its unusual response may be related to its evolutionary history ( 1 30). A host
plant of P. rapae is a highly unpredictable environment for the developing
larva whether it is in a polyculture or a monoculture. Apparently to minimize
the variance in generation-to-generation replacement rate, ovipositing
butterflies scatter their eggs widely among potential hosts by tending to fly

linear routes and passing over many potential hosts ( 1 30) . Aphids, with weak
flight abilities and parthenogenic reproductive biology, may respond to eco­
logical and evolutionary forces very differently than pierid butterflies. Evolu­
tionary theory might provide a thread by which to further unravel the com­
plexity of vegetational diversity.

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