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Herrmann 1

Cheyenne Herrmann

Professor Davis

Composition II

17 April 2020

Family First

When some people hear the word “family”, they think about two parents and kids. But to

me, family means more than that. Family is someone who is there for you when someone thinks

no one else is. Big or small, family is everywhere and is always listening to me. Family can be

real people, or it could be as little as one of your pets. I believe pets are the most important part

of a family because they bring everyone together and can tell when I am upset when no one else

can. This I believe.

First, let me tell you a little bit about my family. I have 5 step sisters who all have kids,

and no brothers. I have about 15 nieces and nephews, and more on the way. My parents were

married before they met each other, that is why I have so many! But to me, the more the better

because I love them all just the same! With having sisters, it means to me that I have even more

people that care about me than just my parents. My family is very important to me because it

means someone cares about me more than I think.

Second, I mentioned family does not have to be people. I believe that pets are also family

because they love me just as much as my family does. I love my pets just as much as my nieces

and nephews! My pets can sense when I am not feeling good and I believe that pets can sense it

more than humans. My pets always comfort me when I am upset, which makes them part of my
Herrmann 2

family. I believe that if you can have a pet, get one! They mean so much to me and I could not

live without them!

Next, family is important to me because without family, where would I be? My family

has made me into the person I am today. They have always been there for me when I need

support, or anything in life. I believe that is what makes something so important to me, is when

someone or something is there for me when I think no one else is. In return, I am always there

for my family when they need something too, because that is what I believe in. Having a support

system was the best thing that could have happened to me, without it, I would be lost in life.

Finally, my nieces and nephews are young, but growing very fast. With me being their

aunt, it is important to me to show them how important they are to me. I enjoy taking them

places, or even just going to visit them. I also believe it is my job to help them realize how

important family is and what all they do for them. I do not get to see each of them everyday, but

it makes me realize more how much I need to do to show them how much I love them. Whether

that is video chatting with them, or physically being with them, showing them that they are my

family is very important to me as their aunt.

This is why I believe that family is so important to me. Like I mentioned, big or small,

real people or pets, family means the world to me. This is what I live by on a daily basis,

knowing I have the most amazing support system I could have asked for and could not live

without them. I show my family how important to me they are by returning the favors that they

have done for me in the past. Whether that be watching their kids, cleaning or cooking for them,

or just being there for them. Family is the most important part of my life, and I cannot wait to

have a family of my own and raise my kids to show them how important family was to me. This

I believe.

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