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What is the Effect of Butter on craft mac and cheese?

By: Zach Hines

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is mac and cheese with butter hurts my belly because whenever I
eat mac and cheese with butter, my belly would hurt.
Research: Tot test this hypothesis, we made two batches of macaroni and cheese one that has
butter and milk and the other only has milk. Then I and my sister Rachel did a taste test and
tried the two batches not knowing which was which. We both tested Which tasted better and I
also tasted if one hurt my belly more.

1. make mac

2. someone puts butter in one we don’t now which cup though

3. taste mac
4. Decide which is better
5. Say which is better.

Zach: preferred the taste of buttery mac and cheese because I was just a hint cheesier
Rachel/ Sister Preferred no butter because there was less milk.


I figured out that my hypothesis was wrong, and butter does not hurt my belly when it is in
macaroni and cheese. One thing I would change if I did the experiment again would be, I would
also make a margarine butter sample to see if that hurt my belly instead of butter.

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