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Sanela Sakic


Midterm review Eportfolio


I forgot to ask permission of the person who I had the group discussion with so I will

name them Sam. The course assignments are helping me move towards my goal by learning how

to communicate with kids better at my job. Before I thought it was weird why kids do what they

do but now I know why and its not just a “kids thing.” My partner Sam agrees. She said I thought

the same thing too until we started to get into depth about the brain of kids. The number one

assignment that helped me the most and what I learned about my learning was Unit 3

observation. I learn about the 4 parenting styles and when to use them. This assignment helped

me in my job by giving kids their immunizations. If they are really stubborn, I learned to bait the

2-3-year old’s with stickers. If they are older, I know that there mentally ready for pain but still

scared of it. So, I just explain to them as a pinch and most older kids ages 6 and up are fine with

it. What I could change about my learning process is seeing even more different ways how to

communicate better with kids. As well as remembering that some are more unique then others.

What I mean by that is I rarely get kids who are full of personality and very outspoken, which to

me is super cute and interesting that they are in that level at such a young age.

For Sam she said all the assignments helped her connect in each way. She mentioned to

me that she learns one topic in each unit that helps her become a better for the future of

becoming an elementary school teacher. We both agreed we knew kids were smart, but we didn’t

know how much exactly. I told her I was surprised f how much kids brains grew at such a young
age. She agreed and mentioned she was shocked how pruning of the brain was good for learning.

As a future school teacher she want to know better at learning ways to communicate too kids as


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