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Sanela Sakic


Option B

U4 Essay

I work in a clinic with doctors. One day I was working with a doctor that I was covering

for that day. It was the funniest thing ever to me because he was a doctor and he did something

unintelligence. I was not expecting that he would do such a simple unintelligence thing. I know

that doctors are human, and they have feelings. Although, it is rare to see doctor to do something

physically unintelligent. They usually take their time and precision when they are do something.

That day, I roomed a patient of his. Later, when he went to go see the patient, he came out saying

the computer does not work and have the technician come to fix it. Technical problems usually

were not that complicated, and I usually know how to fix them.

So, I went to go check to see what was wrong with the computer in that room. At first, I

moved the mouse around and the computer did nothing. At the same time, I was checking the

cables I was thinking/laughing to myself what if the computer cable was not plugged in? The

computer cable was not plugged in. I was laughing 10 minutes straight in that room. I got out of

the room and went to his office. I explained to him didn’t you think to check the cable if it was

plugged in? He laughed and said I didn’t think about it, I was so busy thinking about the patient

that I didn’t think about the cable. Now that I think about what had happen, he had “Selective

attention” (Berger, 2019, Pg. 236). My coworkers nearby heard and laughed as long as I did. We

all thought wow! To think doctors are so smart that they forget how to do the basic things. It was

the best/ funniest moment I had with a doctor. I was emphasizing some factors like explaining
the thoughts on how doctors are perceived at the expense of others by what they are really like.

Due to labels in society we forget the realities of the labels. For example, doctors are “perfect” or

“serious people” in reality you learn that is part of the truth, but not all of it. Doctors can be fun,

and imperfect.

I definitely do consider that the homeless shelter might be filled with tremendous people.

Everyone has a skill. Some more than others. People have great skills and never had the

opportunity to use them. Just like how you mentioned how people might do something else

instead of what their dream or their true potential is. I believe that that may be the case, but as a

hobby or a side job you can do your dream/potential job. That way you can “make it.” The

problem with people today is that there is A LOT of people who do have enough self confidence

to put them self out there. For Example, Justin Bieber. Everyone used to make fun of his song

“Baby,” but later he took a break, studied and now a lot more people like his songs.

Although I can see how skills can make you stand out way too much. After all Justin

Bieber was made fun of lots of times, but it’s not as much as before now that he has improved.

You just have to keep going and you have to be strong. People should start learning very young

to be confident. For example, in our class textbook it says “Piaget, who thought children would

discover most concepts themselves, Vygotsky stressed direct instruction from teachers and other

mentors. They provide the scaffold between potential and knowledge by engaging each child in

his or her zone of proximal development” (Berger, 2019, Pg. 243). I agree that school should

implement on how to hone one’s skill and be confident about them. So, in the future there will be

less homeless people.

Reference page

Berger, K. S. (2019). Invitation to the life span (4th ed.) New York, NY: Worth


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