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Sanela Sakic



Unit 3 Option B

My major concerns in leaving my three-year-old child in the future and my infant. In a

child care facility would be the people who take care of my child and what type of person are

they. Are they all CPR certified or Heimlich maneuver trained? And is there lots of mental

stimulation for my child? These are all important factors for me in order for my child to get into

the child care facility.

I am mainly worried about what type of person they are. Are they a good person? Or a

bad person? Do they actually like to take care of children? Or do they just need a job? Working

in a child care facility you can’t be a robot. You need to have feelings, humility and understand

how children’s mind works at a certain age. What is scary is I would see on the news, that baby

sitters would murder the child they were taking care of and sometimes even family members too.

That’s why I would try to get to know the history of the place. How long the child care facility

workers, have worked there for? I would do my research on the place so I have a better

understanding of what’s going on. If I absolutely had to have someone else take care of my child

I would have my immediate family members take care of my kid or I would pay quality over

quantity or worth for the child care facility.

You never know what might happen. That’s why I would want the child care workers to

at least know the basics of CPR and know how to do Heimlich maneuver. I had two different

family members that a situation could have gotten worse if their family members didn’t know the
Heimlich maneuver. If you’re working as to help raise a life even if it’s for just a couple of hours

it would only make sense to know how to save a life.

What I meant by mental stimulation is, will there be toys for my kid to learn off of and

will the child care facility be doing anything to teach my child at all? Rather than just watching

over them and making sure they don’t do anything wrong. It would be nice they did both. In

class, we learned that communication or social learning is the key to children in the future.

Lower-income children can go to higher income in the future just because they learned how to

communicate well as a kid. That’s why I would pick a child care facility that teaches kids at least

one word a day or a couple of words a day. As well as influencing those words in an activity. For

example, you would ask a child what color is this ball? Or what is the name of the object? And


I would be a little bit worried more differently for my infant child. Mainly more about

physical needs. Only because my mom used to work in one. One story she told me, is that some

ladies who work there don’t change the kids or infants diapers until it’s almost time to leave. I

would not want my infant in that care facility because my infant could get a diaper rash or who

knows what with leaving the dipper on that long. Not only that, due to the facility always having

all types of ages of kids. I feel like the care workers would just leave the infant alone socially and

more towards the older kids. Even as young as infancy it is important to talk to infants at that

young. For example, in our class textbook, it says “One crucial aspect of brain development is

how well and rapidly the parts of the brain connect to each other. Essential for that is myelin,

sometimes called the white matter of the brain. Myelin is a coating on the axons that protects and

speeds signals between neurons” (Berger, 2019, p. 161). Leaving my infant will cause my infant

to not learning more about the world he/she is living in. I would also be worried about will they
get annoyed by my infant? Most baby’s cry every two hours to eat. Would they just get annoyed

and not feed my infant child? I would rather be a mom at home and not worry, then having to

give my child to strangers. Even if child care is there job.

Reference List

 Berger, K. S. (2019). Invitation to the life span (4th ed.). New York, NY: Worth


 Experience and family member experiences.

 In class lessons

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