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1. In paragraph one, who is speaking to whom?

They are talking Apollo and Cupid.

2. Using evidence from the text, describe Python.
Python is a snake that lives in darkness, and this was killed by Apollo.
3. Who is the son of venus?
4. Who shot arrows at Apollo and Daphne? What was the effect on each of them?
Cupido shot the arrows. The first one makes Daphne the nymph, start hating
Apollo and it's made of lead.
The other is made of gold and this makes Apollo of Daphne fall in love, seeing her
as the most beautiful creature that has stepped on the earth.
5. What is Daphne´s attitude toward marriage, and does her father agree with her
beliefs? Why or why not?
She has no plans to get married, she considers herself a free nymph. His father, a
river god, does not agree with his daughter's decision; He wants her to give him
grandchildren and get married.
6. How does Apollo feel about Daphne? How does Daphne feel about Apollo?
He is madly in love with her, and is looking for her to fall in love. she is trying to get
away from him, since he is obsessed and he is annoyed.
7. What happened to Daphne at the end of the myth, how did it happen, an why?
She asked his dad to help her cause she doesn't´understand this boy obsession
and also she is tired of it. so, with his help, when she's running through the forests
and see that Apollo is about to catch her she transform herself into a tree.
8. How does Apollo honor his love?
He decided to make the tree his property since she couldn't be her wife, and he
promised to take care of her leafs and branches forever as a symbol of his love.

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