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Dear Alison

I hope you are well, that everything’s going great at

home, I am writing this letter for you, for us. The
situation is obvious, and that’s the reason we have
not been able to see each other, enjoying the little
things is a luxury that we can’t take, so resorting to
this is the only way not to go crazy, at least for
something different than you.
I’ve been thinking about a plan for the end of the
crisis, I don't care if it happens in April or May, the
idea is that happens with you. We’re going to be
able to eat those sandwiches that have seemed so
good to you, we’re going to repeat the old routine
that is a pleasure to share with you. Finally we
should go and try the shake you see so strangely and
then we can calm down and rest from the distance
that separated us for a long time.w
I’m celebrating in a few weeks, your false birthday
(Do you remember?), you’re invited hahaha,I see
you on April 30th, I’m visiting you in that date,
coming soon I’m seeing us, we’re happy together
again, we’re being us…

Love, Adrian.

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