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Lưu Thị Hiền – SR35 – W7 - 312 words

With the development of digital marketing, advertisements appear everywhere. However, many people
think that advertisements only bring back negative side, as it is believed that this is a tool which
manufacturers use to incentivize the purchase of consumers, even though the goods are unnecessary
for them. While this may work for a certain extent, I would argue that there are a lot of benefits of
advertisements that outweigh its bad effect.

It is reasonable why some people advocate the former viewpoint. The key rationale for this is that
advertisements often involve method of marketing such as using visual aids, effect, music, celebrity, etc.,
which glorify the products and increase the desirability of the product. This strong temporary emotion
then urges costumers on buying the goods no matter what. However, this idea seems to be superficial.
Advertisements can only affect buyers’ decision when it hits their mentality. That means from deep
inside themselves, they do have desire for that product, but they just ignore it. Advertisements only play
a role that make them do their wish.

On the other hand, in today’s market, where there is great competition among sellers, advertisements
help reputable products gain wide exposure, which also help consumers make better decision on
choosing goods. Moreover, with the boom of advertisements, new products can easily reach target
audience; therefore, consumers can have more and more range of products to choose. Last but not
least, advertisements can be regarded as decoration on streets. People often hang advertisements such
as posters, flyers, neon board, etc., on houses, trees, streets, which lights up the whole city and make it
more colorful.

All in all, even though there are a few certain bad effects of advertisements, we should stop blaming our
extravagance on advertisements. Consumers need to be more cautious when making decision on
purchasing goods so that less people regard advertisements as totally bad.

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