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Amairanys Rodriguez 4-21-2020

Classroom behavior management plan

1. Class rules:
a. Do not touch others or say rude comments
b. Do not interrupt or talk over someone
c. Raise your hand if you need assistance or to use the bathroom
d. Be on time to class unless you have a note
e. Cell phones can be used only when teacher allows unless you have
already informed her for specific reason
2. Rationale:
a. It’s important to be mindful of others and their opinions, so they can
respect your input as well.
b. We allow others to talk and feel what they have to say. We do not
yell or react out, instead we compose ourselves before we talk and
say something we don’t mean.
c. We are here to learn and use knowledge for outside of school,
therefore we raise our hands to not cause much distraction and
follow directions.
d. It’s important to arrive on time when ever you have a compromise to
attend. Jobs, appointments and other facilities require you to be on
time so it’s important to start recognizing this for the future.
e. Cell phones are a great resource, but they can also be a great
distraction when used incorrectly. We will use them in class when
allowed to, me included.
3. Consequences:
a. Verbal warning
b. 2nd verbal warning
c. Will move to the desk next to the teacher and work on alternate
d. Contact parent/guardian
e. Referral to office
4. Rewards:
a. Student can pick a creative activity for the lesson with teacher approval
b. Students can listen to music while working
c. Students will receive extra 10 participation points
d. Students will get a good message to parent/guardian
e. Cell phone use

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