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The An Assessment of College Students’ Attitudes towards Using an Online E-

textbook by Emilie O. Falc is the main journal for our assessment grouping. In this article, it
has stated that survey a group of public speaking student on their attitudes towards an e-
textbook. It has proven that many college students prefer to use e-textbook compared to
printed book. In the other hand, the publishers of textbooks also clearly see some interest in
e-textbooks. Publisher providing more e-textbooks as digital replicas of the print versions,
mainly through Course Smart Company. For the review of the literature, it is divide into
three parts which is students’ use of E-textbooks, student attitude of E-textbooks and E-
textbooks and comparing the outcomes of using print against using electronic files. It also
shows us about research and goals question. They responded that they use was qualitative and
quantitative it for get the feedback in the students’ own words that more richly describes their
experiences than with quantitative feedback alone. The result from the survey were analysed
for descriptive data from the open-ended questions. In the nutshell, majority of e-book uses
agree that the present of e-book in the industry bring many benefits and positive impact to the

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