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Prof. Ibnu Hajar. M. Pd
Rizki Rahmadani, S.Pd., M. Pd



Physics Education Study Program 2019





Praise our thanks to Almighty God for His blessings and gifts, the writing of this paper
can be completed. The Critical Journal of this review is about the "Psychology of Education".
I composed this Critical Journal Review (CJR) with the intention of assigning a
Psychology of Education course and making the addition of insight as well as understanding of
the material. My hope is that after finishing writing this Critical Review Journal I will understand
more about how to write a good and correct Critical Review Journal.
On the other hand, I gained valuable experience and knowledge in the preparation of
writing this Critical Journal Review. I am very grateful to all those who have helped in the
completion of this CJR, especially to the lecturer supporting this course Mrs. Rizki Rahmadani,
S.Pd., M. Pd . and my classmates students of the Physics Education Study Program 2019
I realize that in the preparation of this CJR it is still very far from perfection, therefore
we really expect criticism and advice and guidance from lecturers for improvement in the future,
hopefully this CJR paper is useful for everyone.

Medan, February 25 2020


Lihardo Rotua Sinaga


I. PREFACE ................................................................................................................. i

II. TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................ii

BOOK IDENTITY ......................................................................................................iii

I. PRELIMINARY ...................................................................................................1
A. FUNCTION OF CJR...................................................................................1
B. GOAL OF CJR ...........................................................................................1
C. BENEFIT OF CJR ......................................................................................1
D. IDENTITY OF JOURNAL..........................................................................2
II. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................3
A. MAIN JORNAL…………………………………………………………..3
B. SECOND JOURNAL…………………………………………………….4
C. THIRD JOURNAL……………………………………………………….4
III. CRITICAL ANALYTIC .....................................................................................6
A. MAIN JORNAL…………………………………………………………..6
B. SECOND JOURNAL…………………………………………………….7
C. THIRD JOURNAL……………………………………………………….8
D. VIEW OF JORNAL………………………………………………………9
IV. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................11
A. CONCLUSION .........................................................................................11
B. SUGGESTION .........................................................................................11

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................12

A. Function of Critical Journal Review (CJR)

Critical Journal Review (CJR) is very important for education circles especially for
students and college students because by criticizing a journal, students or critics can
compare two journals with the same theme, see which journals need to be improved and
which journals are good to be used based on research conducted by the journal's author,
after being able to criticize the journal, it is expected that students can make a journal
because they already know how good and correct journal criteria are to be used and
already understand how to write or what steps are taken. which is needed in writing the

B. Goals of Critical Journal Review (CJR)

This Critical Journal Review is intended to learn through the fulfillment of the task
of General Biology, Department of Physics, State University of Medan to make a Critical
Journal Review (CJR) so that it can add knowledge to see or compare two or Several
good and correct journals. After being Able to compare it will be Able to make a journal
Because It can already compare the which the journal is already good and roomates
journal still needs to be improved and Also Because It already understands the steps of
making a journal.

C. Benefits of Critical Journal Review (CJR)

Benefits of writing a journal Critical Review (CJR) items, namely:

1. Can improve our analysis of a journal.
2. So we can find out the correct CJR writing techniques.
3. And can write such a good and correct journal.
4. Adding to our knowledge of the contents of research journals.

D. Identity of the Journal

In this CJR, as aur command from the lecture, I bring three journal them are
compatible to my material in Presentation about “Psychology Social” subject, that is:

1. Main Journal

Title : “I Cheated, but Only a Little”:

Partial Confessions to Unetichal Behavior

Name of Journal : Journal of Personality and Social

Issue Year : 2014
Autor : Eyal Peer, Alessandro Aquisty,
Shaul Shalvi
Issue City : Rammat-Gan, Israel
ISSN : 0022-3514
Vol : 106
Page : 202-217

[ CITATION Pee14 \l 1033 \m Kho11]

2. Comparison Second Journal

Title : Cheating in Examination: A Study of Academic Dishonesty in a Malaysia

Name of Journal : Asian Journal of University Education

Issue Year : 2014
Autor : Sarah Asmawati, Syariffudin Trengganu
Issue City : Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
ISSN : 1823-7797
Vol :5
Page : 99-124
[ CITATION Asm14 \l 1033 ]

3. Comparison Journal 3

Title : Factor Affecting the Probably of

Academic Cheating School Students in

Name of Journal : Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science

issue Year : 2011
Autor : Ebrahim Khoidae, Ali Moghadamzadeh,
Keyvan Salehi
issue City : Tehran, Iran
ISSN : 1587-1595
Vol : 29
Page : 163-171

A. Main Journal

Confessions are people's way of coming clean, unethical acts sharing with others.
Although confessions are traditionally Viewed as categorical- one either comes clean or
not-people Often confess to only part of Reviews their transgression. Such partial
confessions may seem attractive, Because they offer an opportunity to relieve one's guilt
without having to own up to the full consequences of the transgression. In this article, we
explored the occurrence, antecedents, consequences, and everyday prevalence of partial
confessions. Using a novel experimental design, we found a high frequency of partial
confessions, especially among people cheating to the full extent possible. People found
attractive partial confessions Because they (Correctly) the expected partial confessions to
be more believable than not confessing. People failed, however, to Anticipate the
emotional costs associated with partially confessing. In fact, partial confessions made
people feel worse than not confessing or fully confessing, a finding corroborated in a
laboratory setting as well as in a study assessing people's everyday confessions. It seems
that Although partial confessions seem attractive, they come at an emotional cost.

B. Comparison Second Journal

Cheatingby students in higher education institutions is a growing concern for

educators and employers because of its impact on the quality of education and the
reliability of assessment. Graves (2008) has indicated that students who cheat on tests are
more likely to engage in dishonest activities in the workplace than those who do not.
Furthermore, such activities may harm not only their colleagues, particularly those in
high- risk professions such as engineers, doctors, nurses and so on, but also the
organization in which they work. In addition, employers nowadays demand competent
graduates who are ethical in order “to cope with the pressures and complexities of
working in a rapidly changing, competitive environment” (Zahran, 1997, p. 124).
Research shows that academic Dishonesty or cheating is not restricted to A
Certain country or geographical area but is a universal phenomenon in educational
institutions. Recent empirical studies indicate that cheating by post-secondary students is
prevalent in many countries, Including Poland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Middle
East, Nigeria and Taiwan (Hughes, Butler, Kritsonis & Herrington, 2007; Teixeira &
Rocha, 2008; McCabe, Feghali & Abdallah, 2008; Olasehinde-Williams, Abdullahi &
Owolabi, 2003; Lin & Wen, 2007). Nevertheless, cheating behaviors, even though
varying in their seriousness, purpose and social dimension (Athanasou & Olasehinde,
2001) still need to receive attention from educators and administrators in understanding
Because cheating undermines not only learning (Boulville,
Recently, much has been said about cheating in examinations, Includingtests and
quizzes, by the Malaysian students in post-secondary institutions. For example,
According to a report on the issue Whether to ban hand phones in tertiary education
institutions ( "Tech Gadgets Ban", 2007), between 2000 and 2003, 23 students were
caught cheating in examinations at a Malaysian public higher education institution ( "
UPM Drive ", 2003) and an allegation was made to The Malay Mail reporter concerning
impropriety surrounding the Certificate in Legal Practice (" Desperate Call ", 2001).
Thus, cheating in examinations in higher education institutions should be investigated in
order to help educators and administrators understand academic Dishonesty.

C. Comparison Tirth Journal

Academic cheating is an almost new subject in the field of education in Iran and
its consequences are not visible. Cheating is known as an immoral activity in the academic
environment to learn (Mccabe & Derinan, 1999). In other countries, in the field of academic
cheating have been many researches, indicating that important factors in the fraudulent
behaviour of students are involved. Meanwhile, between cheating in schools and
professional behaviour in the workplace is a close relationship despite of these evidences,
there aren’t sufficient field researches which identify the main factors of Cheating in
schools. The purpose of this study is to identify Factors affecting the probability of
academic cheating school students in Tehran. Twenty-fold from all regions sampled in
Tehran that the method is a class type and groups relatively time is selected. The sample
size is approximately 336 students. Results show that social and economic status, a
commitment to discipline and rules and also history of cheating a significant relationship are
related with the Possibility of cheating. According to the Regression logistic analysis,
Factors like education level, age, quantitative study and education of father have a very
important role in motivation of cheating. According to the results reported in 95% of
students cheated on a test during the school year confessed, the amounts of people who have
managed to cheat 70% have been reported. Understanding the reasons for cheating can be
direct responses to people, hard materials, and teacher indifferences and at the end of a
serious failure to lack of students study noted. More students who have a history of possible
cheating committed fraud in the future for them are more than others.


A. Critical analytic main Journal :

In this journal, as the title : “I Cheated, but Only a Little”: Partial Confessions to
Unetichal Behavior.The author research about how pople to how does someone cover up his
lies so as not to feel ashamed of the other person, even the environment. researchers also say that
in general people will find it difficult to be honest because they feel there is an inner conflict
between openness and shame. they tend to only tell a few lies to satisfy the wishes of the
questioner, but behind that there are still bigger lies.
In this journal the author or researcher make some methode to research the opinion.
They use many study to many people to check how many people can say as the reality, and how
many percent the lies can infuence or make an impact to their social life.

From the study the authors can the make some conclusion about the lies and its impact to
Reviews their behavior, taht is: Whereas the vast majority of previous work treated confes-
sions as a binary decision between confessing or not (e.g., Gudjonsson & Sigurdsson, 2000),
the current work assessed confessions on a spectrum allowing people to display an array of
potential confessions— both partial and full confessions. We studied the prevalence (i.e.,
existence and frequency), anteced- ents (i.e., extent of lies), and consequences (i.e., negative
feel- ings and credibility) of partial confessions uncovering that people sometimes prefer to
partially confess to their sins. While people on the whole did not feel very badly after cheating
on the tasks used here, those who partially confessed felt worse than those who did not confess
or who confessed to the full extent. Paradoxically, people seeking redemption by partially
admit- ting their big lies feel guilty because they do not take complete responsibility for their
bad behaviors. True guilt relief requires people to fully come clean.
B. Second Analytic Critical Journal:

The main discussion of this journal is same as the main journal, that it is about cheating
to Achieve something. But the main different of this Journal is, about cheat in school. For the
basic, this journal about social matter Discussed Also, we know in school, cheated is a bad
behavior, and can brake the mainset of student.

Author make a demonstration of examination to know how the way of student to answer
it. And sure, finally from the six studentThem honest that all of them make a little note or a sheet
of paper as a place for them to seek TheAnswer of the examination question. Someone excuse to
the toilet and open it when they go out the class, but of open it at the class.

For the conclution, first of all, the findings revealed that there were only five categories
of cheating techniques employed by student respondents and four by other students as well as
those detected by lecturers. This is probably due to the limited sample in the study. Hence, it is
recommended that future studies include more subjects in order to obtain more information
pertaining to the cheating techniques used among students in Malaysian higher education
institutions. Secondly, the study perhaps should employ more types of instrumentation such as
surveys in order to gauge the various techniques used by students. Thirdly, the study was only
based on the perceptions of students and lecturers. They may not have provided their actual and
honest opinions in the narrative responses and during interviews. To obtain a better and clearer
picture, probably more in-depth national studies should be conducted at various tertiary
institutions in Malaysia. Finally, the present study may not be generalizable as the participants
were former students of TATiUC who may not represent all groups of students. In the case of the
similar feature of participants, it would be interesting to have variations in student cheaters’
CGPA to discover if there are differences in cheating behavior and techniques based on
achievement factor.

C.Critical Analytic Second Journal :

Teheran sebagai salah satu kota berpengaruh di Iran memiliki potensi Pendidikan yang
cukup tinggi bagi negara itu sendiri. Banyak pendatang dari luar kota bahkan luar negeri untuk
mengenyam Pendidikan disana.
High competition and academic resolution, forcing students in Tehran to have high
grades. And the best way to get high scores is cheating. Deception as if it were something that
was familiar in Tehran, even because of the many problems that were heard, cheating as if it
were no longer a social and academic problem. But already as a habit.
This can be justified given the data of 97% of students who took part in the exam, then obtained
70% cheating. The uneasiness is when assessing or agreeing that those who commit fraud will
certainly be better than those who take the exam honestly. In other words, those who cheat are
approved to be more successful than those who are honest. This is very sad considering that
everything happens in the Education Environment.
Then the authors write this research to find out the truth, from there obtained the results:
Based on the above discussion, one could say that 95.6 per cent of the students have
confessed to commit cheating in their exams or homeworks during one academic year (2002-
2003). In this regard, 95.8 per cent of the students have Mentioned cheating committed by
Reviews their friends but, when they were asked about the quantity of cheating among students,
they thought that 70 per cent of the students Generally cheat during the exams. Motivations and
reasons that the students have Mentioned for cheating are being offered in two parts; first part
includes samples' direct answers as difficult, school subjects, not taking the teacher seriously,
and lack of self-study. The significant statistical correlations and the research study confirm
Reviews These reasons. Also it has been proved that students with records of cheating cheaters
are the most probable in the future.
D. View of Journals

Aspects of Assessment Main Journal Second Journal Third Journal

Cover B. 
Author Name   
issue   
City Issue   
Volume   
Number   
Journal Name   
ISSN   
Introduction   
Theory Review -  
Research methods   
Result   
Discussion   
References   
Language English English English
fonts Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman
effective Length This play uses journaling This second journal uses This third journali
good and effective good and effective uses good and effecti
English. Easy to English. Easy to English. Easy
understand and suitable understand and suitable understand and suitab
for various readers. for various readers. for various readers.
Picture This journal includes images
so that it is very Not show a picture Not show a picture
supportive for readers to
understand the purpose of
each journal content.
Table Not show a table Not show a table Have Tables.
Color Have not color (just Have not color (just Have not color (ju
Black-white) Black-white) Black-white)


From the discussion of critical analytic of the journal, that have been Described or
explained above, each journal has its own weaknesses and strengths both in terms of writing,
grammar and Also the depth of the material. Then it can be concluded that the three journals
are good and can be made as a reference for readers, but still need improvement. Then it can
be Gathered that the journal is Appropriate or good for readers to use as a reference for other


For the future or further weaknesses or shortcomings of each of Reviews These

journals need to be improved so that it is better used or used by readers as references in
research or for other uses.

Asmawati, S., & Trengganu, S. (2014). Cheating in Examination: A Study of Academic

Dishonesty in a Malaysian College. Asian Journal of University Education, 50-62.

Khoidae, E., Ali, M., & Salehi, K. (2011). Factor affecting the Probably of Academic Sheating
School Students in Teheran. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, 163-171.

Peer, E., Aquisty, A., & Shalvi, S. (2014). "I Cheated, but Only a Little":Partian Confessions to
Unetical Behavior. Journal of Personality and Socia Psychology, 202-217.

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