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Running head: Discovering the Relationship between the Law and Your School 1

Discovering the Relationship between the Law and Your School

Sandy Nunez

Grand Canyon University: EAD 505

January 22,2020
Discovering the Relationship between the Law and Your School 2

Mission and Vision Statements

A principal’s role covers many different areas such as leadership, teacher observations

and student achievement. As a principal it is important that not only are you enforcing site-based

and district-level policies but your faculty is as well. “The mission of the District, as the

embodiment of the community’s commitment to the success of all its students, is to guarantee

that all students experience unique personal and academic triumph of leaders through utilization

of community resources, current technology, international interaction, partnerships with parents,

and continuous performance-based education” (Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations,

2009). Mission statements define a school district and in many ways set a bar that all principals

want their school to achieve. By creating a mission and vision statement you are setting clear

expectations to where you want your school to go and where you want to be in the future. “At

BBE we provide innovative instruction in a safe, kind, diverse, and supporting environment.

Everyday we educate to create innovative leaders with a problem-solving mindset to face the

challenges of tomorrow” (Bernard Black Mission and Vision, 2019). Both district and school

mission and vision statement strive for student success.


The success of schools educational program is based on fully invested administration.

The purpose of a schools administrative duties and functions is to help create and foster a

learning environment to raise student motivation and achievement. “The board will establish

minimum standards and polices to guide the educational program and operation of the District;

the Superintendent shall implement these standards and policies through basic regulations. The

central administration shall provide basic services and management that pertain to all schools”
Discovering the Relationship between the Law and Your School 3

(Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations, 2009). Although the Superintendent is

responsible for the implementation of school board policies, it is the administrations duty to

comply with District policies, rules and regulations. The principal and school staff are the ones in

direct contact with their students daily and are held accountable for educational growth within

their school.


If a principal fails to enforce district policies than the district is required to investigate

each violation and take appropriate action. The superintendent is responsible to further

investigate and document complaints within a reasonable timeline. Once the Superintendent has

reason to believe that a policy violation has occurred, a hearing will be held with the school

board. “If the person alleged to have violated policy is a teacher or an administrator, the due

process provision of the District’s Policy GCQF shall apply, except that the supervising

administrator may be assigned to conduct the hearing” (Policy Manual and Administrative

Regulations, 2009). The Superintendent may recommend supervision without pay, recommended

dismissal, or other appropriate discipline. However, in a case of a serious misconduct,

suspension proceedings with A.R.S. 15-539 et seq., may take action.

Discovering the Relationship between the Law and Your School 4


Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations. (2009, June 30). Retrieved January 22, 2020,


moduleinstanceid=212&dataid=5 294&FileName=ASBA Policy Manual and Administrative


RSD No 66 / Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2020, from

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