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Kidney failure is one of the killer diseases at this present age. It is also known as renal failure or
renal insufficiency. It is basically a medical condition where the kidneys cannot sufficiently filter
waste products produced from the blood. The condition can either be an acute kidney
malfunction or injury that is possible to reverse with enough treatment or a chronic kidney
disease that is in most cases not reversible.

Just like is the case with other health complications, it is important to identify the cause
before the treatment can be advised. Kidney failure is usually established through a notable
decrease in the glomerular rate of filtration – the rate by which blood is normally strained in the
kidney glomeruli. This is usually detected through a decrease or the lack of urine production or
the establishment of waste products such as urea or creatinine in the blood. Based on the cause,
loss of blood in the urine, hematuria and the loss of protein in the urine, proteinuria may be seen.

Therefore, kidney failure is simply when the kidneys can no longer perform their functions well
enough requiring a transplant or a dialysis. Failure in kidneys can happen abruptly in what is
known as an acute kidney failure or may take place in a gradual process. The condition can be
caused by high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also be as a result of genetic complication
such as polycystic kidney condition, injuries, autoimmune diseases such as IgA nephropathy, HI
and lupus and some medications.

A kidney will fail completely when chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not well handled.
Preventing CKD through the help of a doctor can help a lot in fixing kidney damage. For those
with high blood pressure and diabetes, a doctor’s advice is also important to help in managing
them. Kidneys can also be protected through the consumption of a low-fat diet and salt, doing a
lot of exercises, doing regular hospital check-ups and avoiding both alcohol and tobacco. Kidney
failure is one of the most serious health complications that have over the years been responsible
for multiple deaths. However, it has in some occasions been successful treated through
professional doctors’ advice and eating healthy foods. Basically, the kidney will not successfully
filter waste products from the blood when it is infected and these are the major signs of a kidney
that would fail.
The treatment choices for kidney failure include: dialysis, kidney transplantation, non-
dialysis supportive care. Dialysis or kidney transplantation is needed when there is less than 10
per cent of kidney function left. These options are also known as renal replacement therapy
(RRT). Some people choose non-dialysis supportive care rather than dialysis or kidney
transplantation. Dialysis for kidney failure that dialysis artificially removes waste from your
blood. There are two forms of dialysis – haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal
dialysis is further broken down into two main types, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
(CAPD) and automated peritoneal dialysis (APD). The choice of dialysis method depends of
factors such as your age, health and lifestyle. Over 2,000 Australian adults start renal
replacement therapy each year. A kidney transplant is a treatment for kidney failure, but it is not
a cure. A transplant offers a more active life, and freedom from dialysis and restrictions on fluid
and dietary intake. It is important to remember that a new kidney requires a lifetime of
management and care. Also we have non-dialysis supportive care is the treatment choice for
kidney failure when a person has decided, in consultation with their healthcare team, that the
options of dialysis and transplant are not appropriate for them. Non-dialysis supportive care
means that your care continues to be supervised and supported by health professionals. You may
have medications and a restricted diet to improve your quality of life. Non-dialysis supportive
care will not artificially prolong your life when your kidneys fail completely.

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