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Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

For March 18, 2020
For BSA 2 and BSMA 2

Prepared by: Atty. Angelo Andro M. Suan, CPA

LESSON/TOPIC : Anti Money Laundering Act of 2001

Learning Target(s) : To point out the coverage of the law protecting money laundering
Reference :


Money laundering is the process of making large amounts of money generated by a criminal

activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate
source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process "launders" it
to make it look clean.

Money laundering is essential for criminal organizations that wish to use illegally obtained
money effectively. Dealing in large amounts of illegal cash is inefficient and dangerous.
Criminals need a way to deposit the money in legitimate financial institutions, yet they can only
do so if it appears to come from legitimate sources.


Answer the following, in a yellow sheet of paper. It must be handwritten. Further, do not
write anything at the back of the sheet.

1. What is a money laundering offense?

2. Who has jurisdiction to hear and try the case?

3. What is jurisdiction?

4. What are the functions of AMLC?

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