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The Growth (pertumbuhan) of Sustainable (berkelanjutan) Fashion in

The sustainability (keberlanjutan) movement (gerakan) has taken off worldwide,
and the African continent is struggling (sedang berusaha) to keep pace (kecepatan).

There are over a billion people (lebih dari jutaan orang) living on the continent of
Africa, and not nearly enough accessible (dapat diakses), sustainable fashion options
to meet demand (permintaan). This post will explore (mengungkap) the reasons for
the stunted growth (pertumbuhan yang terhambat) of the sustainability movement in
Africa, and why eco-friendly brands (brand/merk ramah lingkungan) should shift
(menggeser, dalam hal ini berarti ‘merubah’) their focus to the growing African

The Current State of Sustainable Fashion

At the moment, Africa’s most abundant (berlimpah) source for clothing is China, and
those garments tend to be (cenderung) cheaply produced (murah diproduksi) and
lower in quality. Though (meskipun) there are many large, thriving cities (kota-kota
berkembang) on the continent, there are also a lot of impoverished areas (daerah-
daerah miskin). The population with fewer (lebih sedikit) resources has created a
demand for low-cost clothing, and China has delivered with less-expensive… less
durable items (barang-barang yang tahan lama).

That isn’t to say that sustainable fashion brands are nonexistent in Africa. There are
definitely some brands that have infiltrated (telah disusupi) Africa’s fashion market
in various urban areas of the continent. But the problem with these items begins with
their scarcity (kelangkaan) and ends with the higher cost. The perceived lower-
demand (permintaan yang lebih rendah) for sustainable items has lead to (menuju
pada) both lower market penetration, and unfortunately (sayangnya) high prices.

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