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Iranian J Parasitol: Vol. 9, No. 3, Jul -Sep 2014, pp.


Iranian J Parasitol
Tehran University of Medical Open access Journal at Iranian Society of Parasitology
Sciences Publication http:// http://

Case Report

Cranial Mesenteric Arterial Obstruction Due To Strongylus

vulgaris Larvae in a Donkey (Equus asinus)
*Hassan BORJI 1, Zahra MOOSAVI 1, Fatemeh AHMADI 2

1. Dept. of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2. Dept. of Clinical Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

Received 20 Feb 2014 Abstract

Accepted 12 May 2014 Arteritis due to Strongylus vulgaris is a well-known cause of colic in horses and don-
keys. The current report describes a fatal incidence of arterial obstruction in cranial
mesenteric artery caused by S. vulgaris infection in an adult donkey in which an-
Keywords: thelmintic treatment was not regularly administered. Necropsy findings of the ab-
Colic, dominal cavity revealed a complete cranial mesenteric arterial obstruction due to
Strongylus vulgaris, larvae of S. vulgaris, causing severe colic. To the authors’ knowledge, a complete cra-
Arterial obstruction nial mesenteric arterial obstruction due to verminous arteritis has rarely been de-
scribed in horses and donkeys. Based on recent reports of fatal arterial obstruction
*Correspondence due to S. vulgaris infection in donkeys, it may be evident to consider acute colic
caused by this pathogenic parasite a re-emerging disease in donkeys and horses.


S trongylus vulgaris has long been consid-

ered as one of the most prevalent and
pathogenic parasites of the horse.
Adult worms live in the cecum and right ven-
lence, morbidity, and mortality from this para-
site (2). There are 547134 Donkeys in Iran
which most of them were used for agricultural
work ( They were not given
tral colon. Fourth (L4) and fifth (L5) stage supplementary feed, but grazed around the
larvae are responsible for arteritis, necrosis, village or in communal camps. However, little
and fibrosis of the cranial mesenteric artery is known about the socioeconomics, health,
and its branches (1). Anthelmintic treatment nutrition, breeding or management of these
strategies designed to control S vulgaris have animals. A surprisingly high prevalence of S
been extremely successful in reducing preva-

441 Available at:

Borji et al.: Cranial Mesenteric Arterial …

vulgaris (33.3%) was found in a post-mortem revealed a decreasing heart rate (50 beats/min)
survey in a recent study in Iranian donkeys (3). and rectal temperature (fluctuating between
This report describes a fatal incidence of ar- 38.2 ºC and 38.4 ºC), and the donkey seemed
terial obstruction in cranial mesenteric artery brighter. However, 3 days after admission, the
caused by S. vulgaris infection in an adult don- donkey was died due to severe colic. Necropsy
key in which anthelmintic treatment was not findings of the abdominal cavity revealed a
regularly administered. complete cranial mesenteric arterial obstruc-
tion (Fig. 1). In transverse section, the lumen
Case presentation of the cranial mesenteric artery was seen to
contain reddish brown, loose, granular to fi-
An 8-year-old donkey was referred to the brillar masses of thrombotic material. This
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad veterinary was admixed with numerous grayish white,
teaching hospital, with a 24-hour history of partly transparent nematode larvae, approxi-
colic and grazing on pastures. The donkey had mately 1-2 cm in length and 1 mm in thick-
shown signs of abdominal pain (rolling, paw- ness. Based on their size and intravascular lo-
ing, flank watching, lying down); and already cation, they were interpreted to be fifth stage
was treated with intravenous flunixin meglu- larvae of S. vulgaris. A segment of the arterial
mine, mineral oil and water given by a naso- mesentery containing larva and its branches
gastric tube. At admission, the donkey was was excised and submitted for pathology. In
dull and did not exhibit overt signs of pain. histolopathological examination (Fig. 2), many
Clinical examination revealed an elevated heart small to medium sized arteries were seen to be
rate (60 beats/min) and pyrexia (rectal tem- filled with thrombi and infiltration of inflam-
perature 39.4 ºC), dark pink mucous mem- mation cells. Moderate to large numbers of
branes with a capillary refill time of 3 seconds, inflammatory cells dominated by neutrophils
increased skin turgor, and reduced intestinal were present in the thrombus. Furthermore,
sounds. Hematocrit was 40.6% and total pro- the main lesions in other tissues such as liver,
tein was 64 g/L. Distended but flaccid loops kidney and intestine were severe hemorrhage
of small intestine were detected on rectal pal- and inflammation.
pation. Monitoring during the next few hours

Fig.1: Cross section of cranial mesenteric artery showing strongylus vulgaris larva

Available at: 442

Iranian J Parasitol: Vol. 9, No. 3, Jul -Sep 2014, pp.441-444

Fig. 2: Histopathological findings in mesentric arteries. (A) Cranial mesentric artery with thrombus
(H&E×40) (B) Close-up of neutrophil infiltrates in the vessel wall and thrombus (H&E×200)

Discussion infected 2-4 months before appearance of

clinical signs.
To the authors’ knowledge, a complete cra- The frequent use of modern anthelmintic
nial mesenteric arterial obstruction due to drugs has resulted in the selection of drug-re-
verminous arteritis has rarely been described sistant small strongyles and roundworms, lead-
in horses and donkeys. In the current case, a ing to recognition of anthelmintic resistance
complete section of the artery was obstructed among horse intestinal nematodes worldwide
due to arterial thrombi and strongylus vulgaris (2). Still, S vulgaris is considered fully suscepti-
larva. ble to the anthelmintic drug classes available
S. vulgaris has a long prepatent period (about (5). To reduce the emergence of anthelmintic
6–7 months) and anthelmintic drugs are able resistance, a selective approach of parasite
to remove both adult worms from the intesti- management is encouraged. Strategic intestinal
nal lumen and larvae from arteries. If reinfec- parasite management relies on treating only
tion occurs, larvae reach the cranial mesenteric the horses, whereas donkeys are left untreated
arterial system branches 8 days post-infection, (6). The donkey owners were generally of the
and remain there for about 3 months (4). Cur- opinion that the animals do not get sick and
rently, Iranian donkeys are “randomly” treated, consequently did not often treat them. Only
independently of epidemiological risk and fae- few owners were aware that donkeys get
cal examination. If animals are grazing in an worms, and no owners mentioned any occur-
infected pasture, they can ingest larvae be- rence of infectious diseases. This approach
tween treatments and migrating larvae can may render donkeys more prone to S. vulgaris
damage arterial walls. The findings of larvae in infection, and leads to an increased strongyle
the current case indicate that the donkey was eggs in pasture and need for monitoring of
this highly pathogenic parasite (5).

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Acute colic due to S. vulgaris usually af- sistance in parasite identification. The authors
fects young animals, as most horses and don- declare that there is no conflict of interests.
keys acquire relative immunity against the
large strongyles as a consequence of natural References
infection (7). However, individual adult horses
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This work was carried out at the Hospital 6. Coles GC. Anthelmintic resistance looking at
Reference Centre and Parasitology and Histo- the future: a UK perspective. Res Vet Sci.
pathology Section, Faculty of Veterinary Med- 7. Duncan JL, Pirie HM. The pathogenesis of
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Available at: 444

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