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King Arthur

King Arthur is a medieval, mythological figure who was the head of the kingdom Camelot and the Knights
of the Round Table. It is not known if there was a real Arthur, though it is believed he may have been a
Roman-affiliated military leader who successfully staved off a Saxon invasion during the 5th to 6th
centuries. His legend has been popularized by many writers, including Geoffrey of Monmouth.

King Arthur is an important figure in the mythology of Great Britain. He is the central character in Arthurian
legends (known as the Matter of Britain), although there is disagreement about whether Arthur, ever actually
existed and in the earliest mentions and Welsh texts he is never given the title "king". Early texts refer to him
as war leader and High Medieval Welsh texts often call him “emperor”. However, a recent translation of
newly discovered documents may have referred to him as a king.

Uther Pendragon, also known as King Uther, is a legendary king of sub-Roman Britain and the father of
King Arthur.

He fell in love with Igraine and went to war with her husband, Gorlois. During the war, Merlin magically
resembled Uther a Gorlois and in this way he visited Igraine and became Arthur's father.

When Gorlois died, Uther married Igraine. He died in battle and was presumably buried at Stonehenge.

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