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STATEMENT from Maryland VA Health System

Rosalia Scalia, Public Affairs:

(‘Q’ are questions posed by WUSA9 in an email Tuesday. Maryland VA Health System responded to
questions via email)

CDC guidance states that “All U.S. healthcare facilities should begin using PPE contingency strategies
now,” and VA is currently adhering to CDC’s contingency capacity posture for PPE use.
The Baltimore VA Medical Center’s PPE practices are keeping our employees safe during challenging
times and numbers prove it. For instance, none of our employees have tested positive for COVID-19. By
contrast, at the Henry Ford Health System, over 700 employees have tested positive, which represents
2.1 percent of that system’s workforce.
Baltimore VAMC employees are performing amazingly well during this challenging time. We salute those
who have made the ultimate sacrifice and extend our condolences to their loved ones.
Q: Are medical professionals at Baltimore VAMC using the same PPE for multiple encounters with
A: Baltimore VAMC is following all CDC guidelines for the use of surgical masks, N-95 respirators and
protective equipment, and all Baltimore VAMC employees have the appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), as per CDC guidelines.
Q: If an employee has been exposed to someone with the virus (either inside or outside the Baltimore
VA facility) and that person needs to self-quarantine, is that employee being granted administrative
leave? Or do they have to use sick leave?
A: All federal employees, including VA employees, accrue paid annual and sick leave. Per VA and OPM
regulations, as well as CDC guidance, VA encourages employees to use paid sick leave if they are ill,
experiencing symptoms of any illness, or diagnosed with COVID-19. Staff may also apply for advanced
sick leave, annual leave or telework, if they are asymptomatic, have not tested positive and feel the
need to self-quarantine. Additionally, weather and safety leave may be granted if an employee is
asymptomatic, has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and cannot telework.
Q: There are allegations that the Baltimore VAMC currently DOES NOT have enough PPE for its staff
(medical AND administrative) and PPE is being rationed and reused against FDA guidelines
A: That’s not true. Baltimore VAMC is equipped with essential items and supplies to handle an influx of
coronavirus cases, and we are continually monitoring the status of those items to ensure a robust supply
chain. The Baltimore VA Medical Center has adequate PPE for the employees who are treating our
COVID-19 positive patient population. All medical professionals at the Baltimore VA Medical Center are
using PPE in compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and our hospital epidemiologist
Q: A medical employee is claiming the Baltimore VAMC refused to test him despite being exposed to
patients who had tested positive. That same employee alleges 2 weeks ago there was no PPE available
at Baltimore VAMC.
A: Testing of symptomatic employees who have been exposed to patients with COVID-19 in the VA
health care setting may be accomplished via the VA Medical Center facility, local health departments, or
community resources, depending on what resources for testing are available to the surrounding
Q: How many veterans treated at Baltimore VAMC have been tested for Coronavirus? How many
veterans at Baltimore VAMC have tested positive for coronavirus? How many employees of Baltimore
VAMC have been tested? How many of those tests were positive?  
A: See VA testing and case updates here: To date, zero employees at the
Baltimore VAMC have tested positive for COVID-19.
Q: What is the Baltimore VAMC response to employees who feel like their being put at risk by not being
provided adequate PPE?
A: Our PPE posture is working, as underscored by our employee COVID-19 test rates. The leadership of
the VA Maryland Health Care System puts employee and patient safety as our top priority. We will
continue to support our staff in every way possible to safely get us through this national pandemic. As a
part of our commitment to employee and patient safety, we assess our PPE supplies on a daily basis. We
have established a 24/7 Incident Command Center that is available to assist our employees with their
PPE needs, as well as to address infection control questions and provide support and guidance as need
to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all patients and employees.

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