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Alexandru-Vlad Murzac – 492034

The food consumerism has significantly distorted over the last few decades. The risks of a

global health problem have occurred since the agricultural industry became fragile and reliant on

food supply chains that are necessary in order to create an operational environment that ensures

the access to all kind of nourishments [CITATION Smi08 \p 850 \l 1033 ]. Scientists have claimed

that an answer for the international food crisis can be partially solved by development of a range

of genetically modified (GM) crops that are tolerated and potentially beneficial for humans

[CITATION Gle11 \p 513 \l 1033 ] . However, Bassey [CITATION Vis18 \p 196 \n \t \l 1033 ]

considers that GM products are not a perfect fit for regions like Africa since most of the

countries on this continent are cautious about soil contamination, physical anomalies and in

severe cases malnutrition. Nevertheless, for the past years a new paradigm of green consumption

was recognised as a critical solution for sustainable development [CITATION Bra17 \p 169 \l

1033 ]. Even if it is a new standpoint for a global resolution, it already has many supporters and

an even big number of opponents. Meanwhile, Smith [CITATION Smi08 \p 851 \n \l 1033 ]

implies that corporations that depend on food supply chains are heavily endorsing the farmers to

maximize their production by accelerating the fabrication of nourishment stocks. It is a common

issue in the developed countries, since the consumption of food is not seen any more as a basic

need. Additionally, the study conducted by Stone and Glover [CITATION Gle11 \p 511 \n \t \l

1033 ] validates the awareness that in the next decates “nutritional enhancement and virus

resistance” can be achieved as a solution for the crisis, but only in the situation when the science

will have the green light from the international society to conduct massive experiments over the

world using genetically modified products. Until then, countries like Zambia, Burkina Faso or

Sudan will struggle with climate change issues that have a colossal negative impact on soil and

agricultural industry [CITATION Vis18 \p 197 \l 1033 ].

Alexandru-Vlad Murzac – 492034

If this scenario continues as it is today, opportunities for climate change prevension and food

crisis are stagnating. From the perspective of biodiversity, humans should not interfeere with the

ecosystem, nonetheless there are actions taken to preserve the climate but there are not many

institutions that work for the protection of this policies [CITATION Vis18 \p 204 \l 1033 ]. The

research conducted by Bratu [CITATION Bra17 \p 168 \n \l 1033 ] indicates that rational actions

are distinct due to cultural, economical and social settings. A mediator between this matters

should be a common goal approached by a driving force that will encourage the society to

enhance the enviromental issues. Incorporating this idea with “green consumerism” should

surpass the concerns of global crisis [CITATION Bra17 \p 168 \l 1033 ].

There are several opinions that are debated on a similar topic: what should be the priority of

the current and future generations to achieve a global implication to prevent climate crisis

[CITATION Vis18 \p 200 \l 1033 ], food crisis [CITATION Smi08 \p 856 \l 1033 ] and saturated

consumerism crisis[CITATION Bra17 \p 169 \l 1033 ]. Based on all concerns, there should always

be a potential claim of a new product or technology to drastically shape the forthcoming

emergency conditions [CITATION Gle11 \p 513 \l 1033 ]. For a better understanding of the

upcoming issues, the media coverage should always be in contact with the leading supervisors of

climate change prevention institutions [CITATION Bra17 \p 170 \l 1033 ] and local spokespersons

that know exactly the environment they are living in [CITATION Vis18 \p 201 \l 1033 ].

Alexandru-Vlad Murzac – 492034


Bassey, N., 2018. The climate crisis and the struggle for African food sovereignty. In: V. Satgar, ed.

The Climate Crisis: South African and Global Democratic Eco-Socialist Alternatives.

Johannesburg: Wits University Press, pp. 190-208.

Bratu, S., 2017. Is green consumerism really an environmentally conscious behavior?. Geopolitics,

History, and International Relations, 9(2), pp. 167-173.

Smith, B. G., 2008. Developing Sustainable Food Supply Chains. Philosophical Transactions:

Biological Sciences, 363(1492), pp. 849-861.

Stone, G. D. & Glover, D., 2011. Genetically modified crops and the 'food crisis': Discourse and

material impacts. Development in Practice, 21(4/5), pp. 509-516.

Research Questions:

1. How genetically modified products will impact the future of least developed countries’ food


2. Is consumerism the origin of food supply crisis?

3. What new sources of agriculture can be used in order to prevent the food crisis?

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