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Tamaray, Justin Dior G Task 2-B


I had just gone through a break up recently. We were together, on and off, for about 4 years
now. We started in senior high, had a rough 2 years before we decided that we should end it. Just
before graduation we came to a mutual decision that we should break up because the relationship was
just not working. We were going through a lot of fights and arguments. I hurt her, both physically and
emotionally. And then college came. I had gotten over the break up and was experiencing new things
until one faithful night, on September 18, 2018, she called me. She was troubled with her cousins and,
being me that I still do love her, came to her and gave her comfort. We walked along a quiet street just
talking about how life has been. I remember grieving for our relationship in the summer and kept
praying to God to give me one more shot with her, he gave me a chance. The 1 st few months were good.
I took care of her, she took care of me. We got back together again, and we were happy. Until I got
complacent, you see we made a promise to each other that we wouldn’t break up ever again. If needed,
we would only ask for space. I got too complacent over the fact that I won’t lose her, over the fact that
she wouldn’t leave me ever. So I abused that fact. I went back to hurting her, not physically anymore,
but emotionally. I said some nasty things, things that a boyfriend would never say to his girlfriend unless
he intentionally wants to hurt her. I was narcissistic and was only thinking about myself. She kept crying,
begging me to stay, begging to work things out while I, being consumed by anger, would just shrug her
off. I would do that because I didn’t want to be in that situation. I didn’t want that fight, so instead of
talking with her, I would opt for the easiest, most convenient way out, a break up but I never went
through with it. We’d always kiss and make up. I’d always say I’m sorry yet I kept on repeating it. This
year she was feeling distant, she was unenthusiastic when we first met and she told me this because she
wants me to know what she’s going through. I kept pushing and pushing her until she had enough. Last
month she told me that she didn’t want our relationship anymore, she didn’t want to get back together
again and this broke me because I got closer to her this college. I really believed that she would be the
one I would have a family with but I don’t know yet what the future holds for the both of us. I hope she
gives us another shot. I realized my mistakes too too late. Too many fights too late and I’m truly sorry for

What I would like to say to her is this, “If you’re really adamant on leaving us behind and never
going back, then I wish the best for you. I pray that you’ll have a good life and be happier. I pray that
God will guide you through the trials and tribulations that you will face. I pray that you find your peace
and live a meaningful, happier life. I pray that you find someone worthy of your love, affection, and
caring attitude and when you DO find this someone, I pray that they will take better care for you. I pray
that they will comfort you in times that you are sad, understand you in times that you are feeling
distant, and care for you in times when you are angry or mad. I pray that you’d be successful in life and
become the woman you had always dreamt of. If you do, however, give us another shot, I promise that I
will take better care of you. In senior high, I used to hurt you physically, now in college, I dare not lay a
finger to hurt you. I’m sorry that it takes me something a big of event like this to realize my mistakes. I’m
sorry that I didn’t understand you in the way that I should have. I’m sorry that I wasn’t caring enough to
see what you were going through. I’m sorry that I was only ever thinking about myself and not about us.
I’m sorry that I’m like this. If you give me another shot, I promise you that I will never commit the same
mistakes ever again. I am just like that. It takes me a while to realize my mistakes but when I do realize
them, I never commit them again. I promise I’ll be a better boyfriend to you, and maybe a good husband
I hope. If you give me a chance again, I promise you that you will never have to feel alone, sad, unloved,
hurt, or anything like that when I’m with you. I’m sorry… I still Love You!”

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